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How did the Lebanese Civil War impact the rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East?

The Lebanese Civil War significantly weakened the stability of authoritarian states in the Middle East, leading to increased regional tensions and conflicts.

The Lebanese Civil War, which lasted from 1975 to 1990, had a profound impact on the political landscape of the Middle East. It not only destabilised Lebanon but also had far-reaching implications for the rule of authoritarian states in the region. The war was a complex conflict involving a multitude of factions, both domestic and foreign, and it served as a catalyst for increased regional tensions and conflicts.

One of the most significant impacts of the war was the weakening of the state's authority and the rise of non-state actors. The Lebanese state was unable to maintain control over its territory, leading to the emergence of various militias and political groups. This phenomenon was not limited to Lebanon; it also affected other authoritarian states in the region. The rise of non-state actors challenged the authority of these states and often led to internal conflicts and power struggles.

The war also led to increased foreign intervention in the region. Various regional powers, including Israel, Syria, and Iran, became involved in the conflict, either directly or through proxies. This foreign intervention further destabilised the region and exacerbated existing tensions. It also set a precedent for future interventions in the region, undermining the sovereignty of authoritarian states and contributing to their instability.

Moreover, the Lebanese Civil War highlighted the fragility of the authoritarian states in the region. The war exposed the inherent weaknesses of these states, including their inability to manage diversity and their reliance on coercion to maintain power. This revelation led to increased dissatisfaction and resistance among the populations of these states, further undermining their stability.

Finally, the war had significant economic impacts. The destruction caused by the war and the subsequent instability led to economic decline in Lebanon and other affected states. This economic decline, coupled with the political instability, created a vicious cycle that further weakened the authoritarian states.

In conclusion, the Lebanese Civil War had a profound impact on the rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East. It led to increased regional tensions and conflicts, the rise of non-state actors, increased foreign intervention, and economic decline. These factors combined to weaken the stability of these states and challenge their authority.

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