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What impact did the fall of Edessa have on the Second Crusade?

The fall of Edessa was a significant trigger for the Second Crusade, as it represented a major loss for the Christian states in the East.

The County of Edessa, established during the First Crusade, was the first of the Crusader states to be created and also the first to fall to Muslim forces. Its loss in 1144 to the Seljuk Turks was a significant blow to the Crusaders and sent shockwaves throughout Europe. The fall of Edessa was seen as a direct threat to the Christian presence in the Holy Land, which had been established during the First Crusade. This led to calls for a new Crusade to reclaim the lost territory and defend the remaining Crusader states.

Pope Eugenius III issued a papal bull in December 1145, calling for a second Crusade. This was the first papal bull that officially sanctioned a Crusade, and it was largely in response to the fall of Edessa. The Pope's call was supported by influential figures such as Bernard of Clairvaux, who preached extensively about the need for a new Crusade. The fall of Edessa thus played a crucial role in mobilising European forces for the Second Crusade.

The Second Crusade, however, was not as successful as the first. The Crusaders failed to recapture Edessa and also suffered significant losses in other battles. The fall of Edessa had raised the stakes and expectations for the Second Crusade, but the failure to achieve its main objective led to a sense of disillusionment and a questioning of the whole Crusading movement. This had significant implications for the future of the Crusades and the Christian presence in the Holy Land.

In conclusion, the fall of Edessa was a pivotal event that led directly to the Second Crusade. It represented a major setback for the Crusaders and was a key factor in mobilising European forces for a new Crusade. However, the failure of the Second Crusade to recapture Edessa led to a sense of disillusionment and had significant implications for the future of the Crusades.

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