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Are there scholarships or funding for study abroad programs at Oxbridge?

Yes, there are scholarships and funding options available for study abroad programs at Oxbridge.

Oxbridge, which refers to the prestigious universities of Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom, offer a range of scholarships and funding options to support students who wish to study abroad. These scholarships are designed to help students cover the costs associated with studying at these renowned institutions.

One of the main scholarship options available for study abroad programs at Oxbridge is the Rhodes Scholarship. Established in 1902, the Rhodes Scholarship is one of the most prestigious international scholarship programs in the world. It provides full funding for postgraduate study at the University of Oxford, including tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs. This scholarship is highly competitive and is awarded based on academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

In addition to the Rhodes Scholarship, there are also numerous other scholarships and funding options available at both Oxford and Cambridge. These include scholarships specifically for international students, scholarships for students from specific countries or regions, and scholarships for students studying specific subjects. It is important for students to thoroughly research and explore these options to find the scholarships that best suit their individual circumstances and academic interests.

Furthermore, there are external funding sources that students can explore to support their study abroad programs at Oxbridge. These include government scholarships, private foundations, and corporate sponsorships. Students are encouraged to reach out to their home country's government or educational institutions to inquire about any available funding opportunities.

Overall, while studying abroad at Oxbridge can be a significant financial investment, there are scholarships and funding options available to help alleviate the financial burden. It is important for students to thoroughly research and apply for these opportunities to increase their chances of receiving financial support for their study abroad programs at Oxbridge.

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