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Can I bring a portfolio to my Oxbridge interview?

Yes, you can bring a portfolio to your Oxbridge interview, but it may not be necessary.

Bringing a portfolio to your Oxbridge interview can be a good idea if it showcases your skills and achievements relevant to your chosen course. For example, if you are applying for an art or design-related subject, bringing a portfolio of your artwork can help demonstrate your talent and passion. Similarly, if you are applying for a music course, bringing a portfolio of your compositions or performances can be beneficial.

However, it is important to note that not all courses at Oxbridge require or expect a portfolio. For subjects like mathematics, sciences, or humanities, a portfolio may not be necessary or relevant. In these cases, it is more important to focus on your academic achievements, personal statement, and interview performance.

If you do decide to bring a portfolio, make sure it is well-organized and easy to navigate. Include a variety of your best work that showcases your skills and interests. It is also a good idea to provide some context or explanation for each piece, highlighting what you learned or achieved through the project.

Remember that the interviewers may not have a lot of time to review your portfolio, so it is important to prioritize quality over quantity. Choose a few key pieces that best represent your abilities and interests. Additionally, be prepared to discuss your portfolio during the interview, explaining your thought process, challenges faced, and lessons learned.

In conclusion, while it is possible to bring a portfolio to your Oxbridge interview, it may not be necessary for all courses. Consider the relevance of your portfolio to your chosen subject and ensure it is well-organized and easy to navigate. Prioritize quality over quantity and be prepared to discuss your portfolio during the interview.

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