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Do all Oxford colleges accept undergraduate students?

No, not all Oxford colleges accept undergraduate students. Some colleges only accept graduate students.

Oxford University is made up of 38 different colleges, each with its own unique history, traditions, and academic focus. While most of these colleges do accept undergraduate students, there are a few that only admit graduate students. These colleges include All Souls College, Green Templeton College, and St. Cross College.

All Souls College is one of the most prestigious colleges at Oxford, and it is known for its focus on research and scholarship. It does not accept undergraduate students, but instead offers fellowships to postgraduate students and academics. These fellowships provide funding and support for individuals to pursue their research interests.

Green Templeton College is another graduate-only college at Oxford. It was formed in 2008 through the merger of two existing colleges, and it has a particular focus on interdisciplinary research and professional development. The college offers a range of postgraduate courses and research opportunities, but it does not admit undergraduate students.

St. Cross College is a relatively new college at Oxford, having been founded in 1965. It is also a graduate-only college, and it offers a wide range of postgraduate courses across various disciplines. The college is known for its inclusive and diverse community, and it provides a supportive environment for postgraduate students to thrive.

While these colleges do not accept undergraduate students, there are plenty of other colleges at Oxford that do. These colleges offer a range of undergraduate courses in subjects such as humanities, sciences, social sciences, and engineering. Each college has its own unique character and atmosphere, so it's worth researching them to find the one that best suits your interests and aspirations.

In conclusion, not all Oxford colleges accept undergraduate students. Some colleges, such as All Souls College, Green Templeton College, and St. Cross College, only admit graduate students. However, there are many other colleges at Oxford that do accept undergraduate students and offer a wide range of undergraduate courses.

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