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What are the health services available to students at Cambridge?

Cambridge University offers a range of health services including college nurses, counselling services, and disability support.

At Cambridge University, each college has a dedicated nurse who provides health advice and support to students. They are available for consultations during term time and can help with a variety of health concerns, from minor illnesses and injuries to mental health issues. They can also provide referrals to other health services if necessary.

In addition to college nurses, the University Counselling Service (UCS) is available to all students. The UCS offers free and confidential support to students who may be experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties. This can include one-to-one counselling, group therapy, workshops, and self-help resources. The service is staffed by a team of professional counsellors and therapists who are experienced in dealing with the issues that students often face.

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is another key health service at Cambridge. The DRC provides support and advice to students with disabilities, including those with physical or sensory impairments, specific learning difficulties, mental health conditions, and long-term health conditions. The DRC can help with arranging reasonable adjustments, accessing funding for support, and liaising with colleges and departments.

Furthermore, the university also has a Sexual Assault and Harassment Advisor who provides confidential support to students who have experienced sexual misconduct. The advisor can provide information about reporting options, support services, and can accompany students to meetings or appointments if desired.

Lastly, the university also provides a range of wellbeing resources and initiatives to promote good mental health among students. This includes mindfulness courses, stress management workshops, and self-help resources. These services are designed to help students manage their wellbeing and thrive during their time at Cambridge.

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