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What are the undergraduate graduation ceremonies like at Cambridge?

Undergraduate graduation ceremonies at Cambridge are formal events that celebrate the achievements of graduating students.

Cambridge University holds undergraduate graduation ceremonies twice a year, in June and December. These ceremonies are held in the historic Senate House, which is located in the heart of the city. The ceremonies are formal occasions, with students required to wear academic dress, including a gown and a mortarboard. The dress code adds to the sense of tradition and ceremony.

During the graduation ceremony, each student's name is called out, and they walk across the stage to receive their degree certificate from the Vice-Chancellor or another senior member of the university. This is a proud moment for the students and their families, as it marks the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.

The ceremonies also include speeches from distinguished guests, such as prominent academics or public figures. These speeches often reflect on the importance of education and the role of Cambridge University in shaping the future. They provide inspiration and encouragement to the graduating students as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

After the formal part of the ceremony, there is usually a reception where students and their families can celebrate their achievements. This is a time for students to relax and enjoy the company of their friends and family, and to reflect on their time at Cambridge.

Overall, undergraduate graduation ceremonies at Cambridge are a special and memorable occasion. They provide a sense of closure and accomplishment for graduating students, and a chance to celebrate with their loved ones. The ceremonies are steeped in tradition and formality, reflecting the rich history and prestige of Cambridge University.

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