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Best Tutoring Companies in Germany

Best Tutoring Companies in Germany

10 min Read|February 07 2024
|Written by:

Thomas Babb


The tutoring industry in Germany is flourishing, with a myriad of companies offering personalised educational support to students of all ages. These establishments play a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience, filling the gaps left by traditional educational institutions. A good tutoring company is characterised by its ability to tailor educational content to individual needs, employing experienced tutors who are not only knowledgeable but also adept at fostering a positive learning environment. The tutors employ innovative teaching methodologies, ensuring each student’s unique learning style is catered to, promoting an in-depth understanding of the subject matter. Students who hire tutors are afforded the luxury of personalised attention, a factor that significantly bolsters their academic performance, confidence, and interest in learning.

In the following article, we will explore some of the best tutoring companies in Germany, shedding light on their offerings, and how they stand out in the competitive educational landscape.

10 - MyLingoTrip

MyLingoTrip is a premier online language school that stands out for its personalised approach to language learning. With over a decade of experience in the online education sector, MyLingoTrip has successfully catered to students from over 59 countries, issuing more than 14,000 certificates.

The company is renowned for its highly experienced teachers who are adept at delivering top-quality, customised language instruction. Students can learn English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Swedish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, with courses designed to match individual learning paces. The lessons are engaging, ensuring students are motivated throughout their language learning journey.

MyLingoTrip employs advanced technology, including an interactive library and a modern Learning Management System, to enhance the learning experience. Students can easily track their progress and receive evaluations to stay informed about their current language proficiency levels. Upon completing a course, students are awarded a certificate, recognising their achievements and commitment to language learning.

The platform’s flexibility, accessibility, and focus on personalised learning make it a top choice for individuals looking to master a new language effectively. With a free trial available, students can experience the benefits of learning with MyLingoTrip before enrolling in their comprehensive courses.

9 - Verbling

Verbling is a dynamic online platform that connects language learners with experienced tutors across the globe. Offering lessons in over 70 languages, Verbling is celebrated for its flexibility, affordability, and the quality of its tutors. Each tutor is verified, ensuring that students receive instruction from experienced professionals.

The platform is designed for convenience and effectiveness. With lesson prices starting at $6, Verbling makes language learning accessible to a wide audience. The all-in-one platform ensures that all learning materials and interactions are housed in one place, making it easy for students to manage their learning journey. The flexibility of scheduling is another hallmark of Verbling, allowing students to book lessons according to their own schedules.

One of the standout features of Verbling is the opportunity for students to book a free trial. This allows learners to get acquainted with their chosen tutor and discuss their learning goals without any charge. The platform boasts over 2,000 expert tutors, all with prior teaching experience, ensuring that learners are matched with instructors who can meet their specific needs and learning styles.

In a world where language learning is increasingly essential, Verbling stands out as a reliable, effective, and user-friendly option for individuals looking to expand their linguistic horizons, be it for personal or professional development.

8 - italki

italki is a globally recognized platform that offers personalized, 1-on-1 language learning experiences. With over 20,000 teachers offering lessons in more than 150 languages, italki is a diverse and inclusive community for language enthusiasts around the world.

The platform is celebrated for its customizable learning experiences. Students can select from a vast array of certified teachers, ensuring a match that caters to their specific learning needs, goals, and schedules. Lessons are tailored, offering a personalized approach that adapts to the individual learner’s pace, enhancing the effectiveness of the learning process.

One of italki’s standout features is its affordability. With lessons starting from as low as $5, italki makes quality language learning accessible to a broad audience. The platform is user-friendly, offering an all-in-one solution where students can easily schedule lessons, access learning materials, and track their progress.

The italki community is another significant draw. Learners can connect with millions of other language enthusiasts from over 190 countries, sharing experiences, and practicing their language skills in a supportive and engaging environment. The platform also offers free language assessments, allowing students to gauge their proficiency levels and tailor their learning journeys accordingly.

In essence, italki is not just a language learning platform but a global community that brings together learners and teachers, fostering an environment where languages are not just taught but also lived. It’s a space where cultural and linguistic diversity is celebrated, and learning is a personalized, enjoyable journey.

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7 - Deutsche Akademie

Deutsche Akademie is a distinguished institution known for its commitment to promoting the German language and literature. Although the information available on the website is limited, the academy's reputation precedes it, marking it as a cornerstone in the educational landscape of Germany.

The academy is deeply rooted in history and tradition, with a focus on fostering a rich learning environment for the German language and literature. It's not just a place for learning but also a hub for cultural exchange, where the richness of the German language is explored, celebrated, and preserved.

Deutsche Akademie offers a variety of activities, including publications, projects, conferences, and events that are tailored to immerse students in a comprehensive learning experience. These activities are designed to not only impart knowledge but also to stimulate intellectual and cultural engagement among learners.

The awards offered by the academy, such as the Georg-Büchner-Preis and Sigmund-Freud-Preis, underscore its commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of language and literature. These awards are a testament to the academy’s role in nurturing talent and promoting exceptional contributions to the German linguistic and literary landscape.

In essence, Deutsche Akademie stands as a beacon of linguistic and cultural enrichment, offering a unique blend of educational and cultural experiences that are designed to elevate the learning journey of every student who walks through its doors.

6 - VerbalPlanet

VerbalPlanet is an innovative online platform dedicated to language learning, offering interactive lessons with native-speaking tutors via popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, and Teams. The platform is renowned for its flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace, at a time that suits them, and from any location.

The platform offers lessons in a plethora of languages, ensuring a wide range of options for learners. Each tutor on VerbalPlanet is a native speaker, ensuring that students are immersed in authentic linguistic and cultural experiences. The interactive classes are designed to build confidence and help learners improve their fluency in a fun and effective manner.

One of the standout features of VerbalPlanet is the tailor-made lessons that are matched to individual learning goals. Each student receives support and motivation from their personal tutor, ensuring a customized learning experience. The platform boasts some of the best private language teachers globally, ensuring quality and effectiveness in language learning.

Booking lesson times is straightforward, with options to choose tutors based on availability, price, profile, and feedback from previous students. The platform also offers free or discounted trial classes, allowing students to discuss their language goals and get an evaluation of their language skills and abilities without any initial commitment.

In essence, VerbalPlanet combines the convenience of online learning with the effectiveness of personalized tuition, making language learning accessible, enjoyable, and rewarding. With instant feedback from native-speaking teachers, students can monitor their progress and focus on areas of difficulty, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored learning journey.

5 - LanguaTalk

LanguaTalk is a platform designed to supercharge your language learning experience with exceptional, 5-star tutors. It offers 1-on-1 lessons tailored to your specific needs, level, and interests, ensuring a personalized learning journey. The platform is intuitive, making the process of finding and arranging lessons with your ideal tutor a breeze.

The tutors on LanguaTalk are meticulously selected, with only around 10% of applications accepted, ensuring high standards of teaching. Each tutor is dedicated to providing personalized learning experiences, adapting their teaching methods to cater to individual student needs. This approach ensures rapid improvement and a learning experience that is as enjoyable as it is educational.

LanguaTalk is not just about quality but also accessibility. With tutors setting their own rates, you can find someone that fits your budget. The platform supports learning for various needs, whether you’re preparing for travel, business, an exam, or have other learning objectives. The flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere, adds another layer of convenience, making language learning seamlessly fit into your weekly schedule.

A 30-minute taster session is available for new learners, requiring no commitment or credit card details. This allows you to meet a tutor, discuss your needs, and get a feel for online learning before diving in. With LanguaTalk, you’re not just learning a language; you’re immersing yourself in a tailored educational journey designed to yield results and make learning a pleasure.

4 - Student Support Centre

The Student Support Centre is renowned for offering in-home tuition services, providing tailored learning programmes designed to help children excel in their studies. With a focus on core subjects like maths, English, and reading, the centre is committed to enhancing the educational experience of students, ensuring they grasp fundamental concepts and skills essential for academic success.

The centre’s approach is rooted in individualized learning. Recognizing that each child has a unique learning style and pace, the tutors at the Student Support Centre are trained to adapt their teaching methods to meet the specific needs of each student. This personalized approach ensures that learning is not only effective but also engaging, fostering a positive attitude towards education.

Parents are integral to the learning journey at the Student Support Centre. With regular updates and feedback, parents are kept informed of their child’s progress and are equipped with tools and resources to support learning at home. This collaborative approach ensures that learning is a shared journey, resulting in holistic development and improved academic performance.

In essence, the Student Support Centre stands as a pillar of support for families seeking to enhance their children’s educational experience. With tailored programmes, experienced tutors, and a collaborative approach, students are empowered to reach their full academic potential.

3 - Schülerhilfe

Schülerhilfe is a leading provider of private tutoring services in the German and Austrian primary and secondary education markets. Located at Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 2, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, the company has carved a niche for itself by offering tailored tutoring services to small groups of pupils, ensuring personalized attention and enhanced learning experiences.

Schülerhilfe's approach is rooted in providing targeted educational support, addressing the specific needs and challenges of each student. With a focus on core subjects and key competencies, the company’s tutors are dedicated to helping students improve their grades and build confidence in their academic abilities. The small group settings foster an environment of collaborative learning, where students can share ideas, address challenges, and celebrate successes together.

The company’s reputation is bolstered by its commitment to quality and excellence. Each tutoring session is designed to not only address academic challenges but also to instill a love for learning, encouraging students to explore, inquire, and achieve. With a team of experienced tutors, Schülerhilfe ensures that each student receives the support they need to excel academically.

In a world where education is increasingly competitive, Schülerhilfe stands as a reliable partner for parents and students alike, offering a blend of personalized tutoring, innovative learning methodologies, and a supportive learning environment designed to empower students to reach their full academic potential.

2 - Studienkreis

Studienkreis is one of Germany’s premier tutoring services, boasting a presence in over 1,000 locations nationwide. Established in 1974, it has since assisted over 1.3 million students, earning its reputation as a reliable educational partner for pupils and parents alike.

The company’s approach to learning is both comprehensive and individualised. It offers tailored tutoring services for all school levels and types, from primary to secondary, and across a broad spectrum of subjects including maths, English, and the sciences. Each student is treated to a personalised learning experience, designed to cater to their unique needs and learning pace.

Studienkreis takes pride in its team of over 10,000 top-notch tutors, each meticulously selected to ensure they not only possess the requisite academic qualifications but are also adept at creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment. The tutors are committed to fostering strong relationships with students, an approach that has proven instrumental in enhancing the learning experience.

One of the standout features of Studienkreis is its scientifically developed learning concept, which has been tried and tested over the years. A staggering 91% of their students have reported a notable improvement in their grades, a testament to the effectiveness of the company’s tutoring services.

In addition to its in-person tutoring services, Studienkreis also offers online tutoring, ensuring that students can access quality education from the comfort of their homes. The company is also known for its “Nachhilfe to go” service, a unique offering that allows students to access learning materials and assistance online, adding a layer of convenience to the learning experience.

In essence, Studienkreis is not just a tutoring service but a comprehensive educational partner committed to providing quality, tailored learning experiences that cater to the individual needs of each student. With its blend of in-person and online services, it ensures that quality education is accessible to students, regardless of their location.

1 - TutorChase

TutorChase has carved a niche as the leading tutoring company in Germany, renowned for its bespoke educational services tailored to meet the unique needs of German students. The company’s profound understanding of the diverse curriculums offered in the region, coupled with its adeptness at delivering personalised learning experiences, has seen it transform the educational journeys of countless students across the country.

TutorChase’s success in Germany is anchored in its meticulous approach to tutor selection. Each tutor is not only academically accomplished, with many being alumni of prestigious institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard, but also possesses a deep understanding of the German educational landscape. This ensures that every student receives instruction that is not only of the highest quality but also aligned with the specific requirements of their curriculum.

The company’s expansive reach in the region is further bolstered by strategic partnerships with schools and universities. These collaborations enable TutorChase to integrate cutting-edge educational practices and insights into its tutoring services, ensuring that students are always a step ahead in their academic pursuits.

Specialising in online tutoring, TutorChase adeptly caters to a broad spectrum of academic levels, including GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level, and IB, as well as university admissions. Its services are finely tuned to resonate with the academic and cultural nuances of the German student population, ensuring that learning is not just personalised but also contextually relevant.

Take a look at their premium tutors for the following subjects levels:

With a stellar rating of 4.93 out of 5, the testimonials of parents and students alike attest to the transformative impact of TutorChase. One parent encapsulated the essence of the TutorChase experience, crediting the company with helping their son attain the coveted A* grades through the concerted efforts of multiple, highly skilled tutors.

In a landscape teeming with tutoring services, TutorChase stands as the epitome of educational excellence in Germany. Its unwavering commitment to quality, personalised learning experiences, and an in-depth understanding of the regional curriculums sets it apart as the quintessential partner for students aspiring to academic excellence. Every interaction with TutorChase is not just a step towards academic success; it’s a journey towards unlocking the boundless potential inherent in every student.

Finding the Right Tutoring Company For You

Navigating the educational landscape can be a complex journey, but finding the right tutoring company can make all the difference. Whether you’re a student aiming to elevate your academic performance or a parent seeking tailored support for your child, there’s a tutoring service tailored to meet your unique needs. From the globally renowned TutorChase to specialized local providers, Germany boasts a plethora of options, each offering a unique blend of expertise, personalisation, and innovation. Your path to academic excellence is just a decision away - explore, engage, and embark on a transformative educational journey with a tutoring partner aligned with your aspirations.


How do I know if I need a tutor?

Deciding whether you need a tutor can depend on several factors. If you're living in a German-speaking country, have previously found traditional classes ineffective, or are looking to learn more autonomously, a tutor might be a beneficial choice. Tutors offer personalised, focused attention, adapting their teaching methods to your specific learning style and pace. They can provide targeted support, helping you overcome specific challenges and grasp complex concepts, ensuring a more efficient and tailored learning experience.

Are language classes or private tutoring more effective?

Language classes can sometimes be inefficient due to their standardized approach, which might not cater to individual learning needs. In contrast, private tutoring offers a personalized learning experience, focusing on the student's specific challenges and goals. Tutors adapt their teaching methods, ensuring each session is tailored to the student's learning style, pace, and objectives, resulting in a more engaging and effective learning journey.

Do tutors need to be native speakers?

Being a native speaker doesn’t necessarily qualify someone as an effective tutor. Non-native tutors often have the advantage of having learned the language as adults, giving them insights into the challenges and processes students face. They can provide targeted strategies and support, having navigated similar learning paths themselves, ensuring a more empathetic and tailored teaching approach.

How long does it take to learn german?

The time it takes to learn German can vary widely depending on the individual’s learning pace, methods, and goals. While there is no fixed “arrival point,” students can expect to start having simple conversations within 3 to 6 months with consistent practice. It’s essential to focus on comprehension skills before moving to speaking and writing to ensure a solid foundation.

What is the cost of hiring a tutor in germany?

The cost of hiring a tutor can be an economical option due to the personalized and efficient learning experience it offers. Tutors help plan your training, answer questions, and assist in finding learning materials, ensuring your learning journey is tailored and effective. The investment in a tutor pays off in the quality of education and the rapid progression in language skills.

Can I meet my tutor online?

Yes, many tutors, including those in Germany, offer online sessions via platforms like Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts. This flexibility allows students from various locations to access quality tutoring services without geographical constraints. Online tutoring can be as effective as in-person sessions, offering convenience and flexibility to both students and tutors.

How do tutors tailor lessons to individual students?

Tutors focus on the specific needs, challenges, and goals of each student. They adapt their teaching methods and materials to align with the student’s learning style and objectives. This personalized approach ensures that each session addresses the student’s particular areas of difficulty, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process.

What qualifications should I look for in a tutor?

A qualified tutor should have a strong grasp of the subject matter, effective teaching skills, and the ability to adapt to different learning styles. Look for tutors with formal education, experience, and positive reviews from previous students. A tutor’s ability to foster a supportive and engaging learning environment is also crucial.

How can tutoring help improve my grades?

Tutoring can provide targeted support, helping students grasp complex concepts, improve study skills, and build confidence. Tutors offer individualized attention, ensuring that each session addresses specific challenges. This focused approach can lead to improved understanding, enhanced skills, and ultimately, better grades.

How do I choose the right tutoring company?

Choosing the right tutoring company involves considering factors like the quality of tutors, personalized learning experiences, and student reviews. Look for companies with a track record of success, a rigorous tutor selection process, and a focus on individual student needs. Companies like TutorChase, with experienced tutors and tailored services, can be excellent choices for quality education.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Oxford University - PhD Mathematics

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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