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Dissertation Acknowledgement Examples - 8+ Examples

Dissertation Acknowledgement Examples - 8+ Examples

11 min Read|October 21 2024
|Written by:

Thomas Babb


If you’re getting ready to write your dissertation acknowledgement, first of all, congratulations! Writing any thesis is an arduous process, one which you’re nearing the end of. Dissertation acknowledgement examples vary in length and style, mainly due to the fact that you can personalise them to whatever extent you want.

Your dissertation acknowledgement will likely be one of the very last things you write during your dissertation. After you’ve done the brunt of the hard work on actually getting everything down on paper, you now have the challenge of thanking people. Especially for us Brits, this can be a fairly awkward affair, as you don’t want to come off as too ridiculous.

If you’re looking for a helping hand, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through the main questions to ask yourself when writing your thesis acknowledgements. We’re going to touch upon what the acknowledgement is, different types you could write, who you should include, and even a few perfect dissertation acknowledgement examples to get you started.

You’ll be signing off on your dissertation in no time!

What is a Dissertation Acknowledgement?

An acknowledgement section of your thesis will include a personal thank you to anyone who has helped you along your writing process. This could include personal relations, like a partner or a friend. More commonly, a dissertation acknowledgement will focus on academic help that you’ve had along the way. From professors to lab technicians, this is your moment to give thanks for the hard work everyone has put in.

No one writes a dissertation completely by themselves. While you might have done the heavy academic lifting in coming up with an idea and carrying it through to the end, that doesn’t mean that you’ve been in isolation for the whole process. Normally, there’s someone - or many people - that you want to thank. Some famous dissertation acknowledgement examples even focus on someone’s dog or cat.

Remember, this is your dissertation, you can really thank whoever you want. Just a small warning before you begin writing, be sure to double-check your institution’s guidance. Some universities have specific guidelines for writing acknowledgements. Be sure to look out for anything you can’t include, as well as general guidance for word counts.

But, at the end of the day, this is your piece of writing. While we always suggest you follow recommended guidelines, you can do what you want with your dissertation. Just remember that you can’t change this once submitted, so it's good to be sure you’ve included everyone you want to be mentioned the first time around.

Dissertation acknowledgement


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Professional and Academic Acknowledgements in a Dissertation

No dissertation is completed in isolation. From people who read through your work to academic supervisors who guided you through the project, there are plenty of people to thank. Use your dissertation acknowledgements to give thanks to these people. When naming, be sure to stick to full names and titles.

After a lengthy writing process, it’s likely that you’re on a first-name basis with your supervisor. However, it’s good practice to use their title and full name to credit them.

There is no hard or fast rule in this section, but be sure to give thanks to those people that really helped you out. Consider mentioning:

  • Dissertation supervisors - These are the people that have guided you through the whole process. Without them and their help, you might not have ended up with such a strong final piece of work. Out of absolutely everyone, these people are the ones that are most commonly thanked in dissertation acknowledgement examples.
  • Academic staff who directly contributed to the project, perhaps lab technicians or your research group - Don’t forget about people who were there for you. Not everyone has to be a fundamental piece of the puzzle, but the fact that they helped you should metric a line or two in your thesis acknowledgements.
  • Colleagues that helped you in your research or proofread your project - Friends often help you in more ways than one during your academic research. From actively helping in your project by providing guidance or proofreading to maybe just being there when you needed it, friends go a long way. Be sure to name-drop those that were there for you.

One important factor to take into account is that if you have received any funding, you should credit them as well. Even if it’s only one sentence, it’s important to pay thanks to the benefactors of your project.

Consider concluding with, “I give additional thanks to X Foundation, which granted me the opportunity to undertake this study”. This also applies to the university that you’re working under, it’s always a good idea to give thanks to your own institution.

These are slightly more formal requirements, but will almost always appear in professional dissertation acknowledgement examples for this reason.

Personal Acknowledgements in a Dissertation

Your thesis also provides an opportunity to acknowledge your close circle, giving thanks to the important people in your life who got you through it. Although writing a master’s thesis, PhD thesis, or dissertation thesis is an academic process, the mental side also requires support.

Take this as an opportunity to thank the people who made the process any easier for you. Once again, it’s unlikely that you did the whole process in complete isolation. Even if these people didn’t actively help with your work, it’s important to note that they could have helped on the mental side.

From taking a break to go for a drink with your friends to talking through the emotional weight of completing your dissertation project with your partner, being around people can help in more ways than one. If you benefitted from their help, be sure to thank:

  • Your partner
  • Close friends that supported you through the process
  • Your family

Across these categories, you should devote a paragraph or two to giving out some praise. Remember, these people were there for you. The least you can do is mention them by name in the final draft of your thesis!

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How to Write a Dissertation Acknowledgement

Now you know who you’re going to mention, it’s time to get writing! There are some key things to remember. First of all, the style of writing should be more informal than the actual dissertation. Make sure to use the first person (I) and employ emotive language where you can. You want to make sure you show your gratitude!

When mentioning names, there are two styles you can follow. The first of these is to move through alphabetical order. This keeps everything in an easy-to-read fashion, while also avoiding any semblance of bias.

However, you could also opt for giving thanks in order of importance. Of course, some people are more essential in your project than others. Your acknowledgements could reflect this by starting with the person who has helped you most. Your supervisor would be a good place to begin.

Although there is no hard and fast rule when discussing acknowledgement length, it’s a good idea to keep it under one page. This will be the first thing your examiners read when working through your thesis. Due to this, it’s best to get straight to the point, thank who you need, and move onto the project!

Once again, we want to make sure you know that you can structure or handle your dissertation acknowledgements in any way you would like. If you’re ready to show the love, make it a five-page letter. If you want to keep it short and sweet, a few sentences will do. It's always good to consult an English tutor to ensure your acknowledgements are clear, grammatically correct and well-written.

As we’ll show you now, dissertation acknowledgement examples come in all shapes and sizes.

Dissertation Acknowledgement Examples

Once you’ve worked out who you need to thank and the style you’re going to use, it’s time to get writing. If you’re still a little stuck, here are some examples from our senior Oxbridge tutors to get you going!

Dissertation Acknowledge Example One – Strictly Academic

I would like to give thanks to my supervisors, Dr. X and Prof. Y, for their enduring support and much-appreciated advice throughout my dissertation. Without their invaluable guidance, this project would not have been possible. The University of X Y Department also receives my deepest gratitude, with continual support, guidance and academic advice from the whole faculty, forming a treasured part of this dissertation. Finally, this project would not have taken place without the support of the X Foundation. I give my thanks to all involved.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Two – Mixed Personal and Academic

First of all, I’d like to express my deepest gratuities to the X scholarship funded by the X for their ongoing support. I would also like to extend my thanks to Prof. X, who kept me on the right track while also ensuring the project was enjoyable and productive. I could not have done this without them. I have to also mention my family, without their constant love and support, I would not be in the position I am today.

If you need any help with crafting your acknowledgements section, be sure to reach out to one of our expert online tutors.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Three

Thank you to Dr. X from the University of Y for their generosity during my project. I’m boundlessly thankful for their help and guidance throughout the toughest stages of this dissertation.

Big thanks to my partner Z, who often brought me coffee and snacks while I was sitting in my chair for what seemed like hours. There’s no better soundboard than you, and I’m eternally grateful for all your support throughout this project.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Four

We are grateful for the prolonged support of Dr X, professor in Y at the University of Z. Without their help, guidance, useful comments, and suggestions, we would not have ended up with a well-versed piece of writing. To Mrs X, who helped to edit and critique our work, we extend a big thank you.

To all of the many colleagues that persuaded us to follow this line of inquiry and provided us with a continual course of constructive criticism. It would be difficult to name them all, but we extend our thanks to everyone that was involved in our project.

Of course, we cannot end our acknowledgements without thanking our partners. Their insight and guidance were the shining light that beckoned us through our research project.

Finally, we turn to the department of X at the university of Y for their countless hours of support across our extended education.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Five - Itemised List of Contributors.

I am very grateful to the entire network of members that participated in this project:

Professor X (University of Y), Professor X (University of Y), Professor X (University of Y), Name Last Name (University of Y), Professor X (University of Y), Name Last Name (University of Y), and of course, Professor X (University of Y).

A special thanks goes out to Professor X (University of Y), who was the lead supervisor on my thesis and to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude for their shining advice and constant compassion.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Six

I am grateful to the entire Collective of Departments and the X team for giving me access to the Y resources that made this project possible. A big thanks goes out to Name Last name and Name Last name in particular, for the opportunity to work together on such an exciting project, one that has been near to my heart for quite some time.

Thanks to the X department for facilitating access to the collections and granting me permission to use images 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 across this research project. The showcase of artefacts and documents from the Y collections were also vital in this study, with my thanks going out to the team for allowing me to spend hours in their facilities.

A very special thanks to Professor X for helping to meticulously check my work, pointing out new directions for research and guiding me to a stronger final conclusion. Finally, I turn to my partner Y, without who I would never have been able to finish this dissertation.

To all those mentioned and those that have slipped my mind, I thank you.

Dissertation Acknowledge Seven - Short and Sweet

I would like to thank all contributors that added to this project, especially Prof. X, who was my main supervisor.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Eight

The research behind this project was funded by the XYZ Institution. My first thanks goes to them for giving me the opportunity to conduct such a detailed investigation of this topic. Equally, I acknowledge the support given to me by the University of X, including the head of the department of Y, Dr. X Y. Their guidance and ongoing support for the last three years have turned a turbulent period in my life into one that I treasure.

I’m eternally grateful to those that contributed to this project. To my close friends, Name Name and Name Name, both of which I turned to when I was struggling getting pen to paper, I extend my thanks.

Of course, I could not have finished this dissertation without emotional support from my partner, Name Name, who got me through the many ups and downs of the process.

Final Thoughts

No matter which dissertation acknowledgement example you end up using as your guide, the most important thing to remember is that you should fill the section with genuine gratitude. Whether you go all out or just write one or two lines, make sure to get in the people that really matter to you.

While finishing a dissertation is a time to rejoice and feel proud of yourself, you should also make sure you thank those that got you there. We also recommend that you check out our guide on how to write an acknowledgement for a dissertation, which includes some of the very best tips that you can turn to.

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Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Oxford University - PhD Mathematics

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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