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IB CAS Project: 100 Ideas and Guidance

IB CAS Project: 100 Ideas and Guidance

10 min Read|October 16 2024
|Written by:

Charles Whitehouse


What is the CAS project?

The CAS project is the exciting, hands-on part of the IB CAS program that encourages students to get out of the classroom and into the real world.

CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, and Service, and the IB CAS project is the perfect opportunity for students to combine these elements in a self-directed, individual project that challenges them to develop their skills and make a positive impact on the community. It's a chance for IB students to show off their creativity, get active, and give back to others, all while gaining valuable personal and interpersonal skills.

The project is assessed based on several criteria, including planning and initiation, implementation, personal development, and reflection. Successful completion of the CAS project is a requirement for students to obtain the IB diploma.

However, it's more than just a requirement. The CAS project is also an opportunity for IB students to have fun, learn, and grow. It's a chance to take on a real-world challenge, make a positive impact on the community, and develop skills that will serve them well beyond high school.

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How to choose an IB CAS project?

The CAS project is an opportunity for students to engage in a self-directed, individual project that combines creativity, activity, and service. It's a chance to challenge yourself, develop new skills, and positively impact the community. But how do you choose a project that's right for you?

Start by thinking about your interests and passions. What do you love doing? What causes or issues are you passionate about? Consider how you can incorporate these interests into your project. For example, if you love photography, you could create a photography exhibition to raise awareness of an important social issue.

If you're looking for inspiration for each of the individual components, have a look at our article providing 150 IB CAS Ideas for each of creativity, activity, and service.

It's also important to consider your strengths and weaknesses. What skills do you want to develop? What challenges do you want to overcome? Think about how your project can help you develop these skills and overcome these challenges. For example, if you want to improve your public speaking skills, you could organize a charity event and give a speech to promote it.

Research potential projects that align with your interests and passions and offer opportunities to develop your skills. There are many resources available online, such as the IB CAS Project Guide, that can help you find inspiration and ideas for your project. You can also talk to your CAS coordinator or an IB tutor for guidance and support.

Finally, don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with a unique and innovative project idea. Remember, the CAS project is an opportunity to showcase your creativity and make a positive impact on the community.

Now, let's get inspired with our list of 100 unique and innovative IB CAS project ideas across the different categories.

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100 IB CAS Project Ideas

Here is a list of IB CAS Project Ideas created by our professional online tutors:

Creativity Project Ideas

1. Start a school art magazine: Gather a team of interested students and faculty advisors. Set regular meetings to discuss themes, submissions, and design layout. Regularly promote and distribute the magazine in school and online.

2. Organise a virtual poetry slam: Publicise the event, inviting students to submit their original poetry. Set up a video conferencing platform and a time for the event. Have participants perform their poems and consider having a panel of judges to provide feedback or determine winners.

3. Choreograph a dance for a school talent show: Choose a song and develop a dance routine. Recruit participants and hold regular rehearsals. Perform the dance during the talent show and possibly record it for online sharing.

4. Develop a school website or app: Identify the needs that the website or app could fulfil. Learn or collaborate with someone who knows how to code and design. Regularly update and maintain the site or app once it's launched.

5. Write and produce a short film: Write a script, cast actors, and plan the scenes. Film and edit the project, ensuring good sound and lighting. Screen the film at school and consider entering it into student film festivals.

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6. Create a sculpture from recycled materials: Collect recycled materials. Design and construct the sculpture. Display it at school or in the community with a plaque explaining the importance of recycling.

7. Start a school music band: Find interested students who play various instruments. Practice regularly, selecting a repertoire of songs. Perform at school events and consider recording performances.

8. Organise a photography exhibition: Gather photographs, either by taking them yourself or by hosting a school-wide competition. Choose a theme, curate the photos, and plan the layout of the exhibition. Host the exhibition at school or online, and consider selling prints for a good cause.

9. Design a mural for a community centre: Propose the idea to the community centre and design a sketch. Gather materials and volunteers. Oversee the painting of the mural, and hold a "reveal" event when it's finished.

10. Write a play about a social issue: Research a social issue, write a script, and hold auditions. Rehearse regularly and gather costumes and props. Perform the play at school and consider touring to other schools or community centres.

11. Create a graphic novel: Develop a plot and characters, and begin drawing and scripting the novel. Use a graphic design software if possible. Share your finished work at school and consider publishing it online or in print.

12. Run a creative writing workshop: Plan a series of activities and topics that cover different aspects of creative writing. Advertise the workshop and hold regular sessions. Encourage participants to share their work and provide constructive feedback.

13. Develop a board game for young children: Design the rules, game pieces, and board. Test the game with different age groups and adjust as necessary. Donate the final product to local schools or community centres, or produce more copies for sale with profits going to a good cause. An IB Maths tutor can help in creating mathematically engaging and educational games, ensuring the rules are logically sound and balanced.

14. Design and sew costumes for a theatre production: Collaborate with the director to understand the costume requirements. Source materials and sew the costumes, fitting them to the actors. Be on hand for all performances to help with costume changes and repairs.

15. Create and sell handmade jewellery for charity: Learn how to make various types of jewellery. Create a variety of pieces and set up a method for selling them, such as at a school fair or online. Donate the profits to a charity of your choice.

16. Start a school podcast: Choose a theme or topic for the podcast. Record and edit each episode, and upload them on a regular schedule. Promote the podcast to students, teachers, and parents, and consider inviting guest speakers.

17. Run an art therapy session at a local hospital: Coordinate with the hospital and a certified art therapist for proper guidance. Plan activities suitable for the hospital's patients. Regularly hold sessions, adjusting activities based on the patients' responses and needs.

18. Develop a fashion show featuring sustainable clothing: Source sustainably made or second-hand clothing. Organise models, a runway, and an audience for the show. Use the event to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the fashion industry.

19. Write and illustrate a children's book: Choose a story idea, write the text, and create illustrations. Print copies of the book. Share the book with local libraries, schools, or children's hospitals.

20. Start a school drama club: Find a faculty advisor and recruit interested students. Select a play to work on, hold auditions, and begin rehearsals. Plan a performance for the school and consider participating in local theatre competitions.

IB Creativit

IB Creativity Project Idea: Start a school drama club

Activity Project Ideas

21. Organise a charity fun run: Secure a location and plan the route. Recruit participants and sponsors, and arrange for water, snacks, and first aid. Hold the race, collect donations, and distribute them to the selected charity.

22. Start a school sports team: Choose a sport, find a coach, and recruit players. Arrange for practice times and equipment. Schedule matches against other schools and promote the team to increase school spirit and attendance at games.

23. Lead a weekend hiking group: Choose a variety of local trails suitable for different fitness levels. Promote the group and plan the first hike. Continue to lead regular hikes, ensuring everyone's safety and enjoyment.

24. Set up a school fitness challenge: Decide on the nature of the challenge (number of steps, minutes of activity, etc.). Promote the challenge and track participants' progress. Award prizes to those who achieve or exceed the goal.

25. Organise a dance-a-thon for charity: Secure a venue and a DJ or playlist. Register participants and encourage them to find sponsors. Hold the event, collect pledges, and donate the proceeds to a selected charity.

26. Start a yoga club at school: Find a suitable space and time for the club. Promote the club and begin leading regular sessions. Ensure the sessions are suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility.

27. Lead a cycling tour of your city: Plan a route that includes interesting sites. Promote the tour and gather necessary equipment. Lead the tour, ensuring everyone's safety and providing interesting commentary.

28. Organise a school-wide sports day: Plan a variety of events suitable for all fitness levels. Organise teams, equipment, and a schedule for the day. Run the sports day, ensuring everyone's safety and enjoyment.

29. Develop a fitness program for seniors: Research and plan exercises suitable for seniors. Find a venue and promote the program. Lead regular sessions, adjusting the exercises based on participants' feedback and abilities. IB Biology tutors can contribute their knowledge of human physiology to tailor exercises that are safe and beneficial for older adults, and consulting them is the best way to approach this.

30. Start a school gardening club: Find a suitable space for a garden and plan what to plant. Recruit club members and begin regular gardening sessions. Plan for the care of the garden during school holidays and decide how to use or distribute the produce.

31. Organise a beach clean-up day: Secure necessary permissions and gather cleaning supplies. Recruit volunteers and choose a date. Run the clean-up day, ensuring everyone's safety and properly disposing of the collected trash.

32. Teach swimming to children with disabilities: Secure a pool and necessary permissions. Plan lessons that accommodate the children's abilities, perhaps with the help of a professional. Teach regular lessons, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all participants.

33. Set up a school chess club: Find a faculty advisor and recruit interested students. Secure chess sets and a regular meeting space. Hold regular club meetings, teaching chess to beginners and organising matches for more advanced players.

34. Organise an inter-school basketball tournament: Coordinate with other schools to form teams. Secure a venue and schedule the matches. Run the tournament, ensuring fair play and good sportsmanship.

35. Train and compete in a triathlon: Choose a triathlon event and create a training plan. Train regularly, tracking your progress. Compete in the event, aiming to do your personal best.

36. Create a school outdoor adventure club: Find a faculty advisor and recruit interested students. Plan and organise outings such as hikes, camping trips, or rock climbing. Ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants on all outings.

37. Develop a mindfulness and meditation group: Research mindfulness and meditation techniques, or find a professional to lead sessions. Promote the group and find a quiet, comfortable space for meetings. Hold regular sessions, ensuring they are suitable for beginners as well as more experienced practitioners.

38. Lead a bird-watching club in your community: Research local bird species and their habitats. Promote the club and plan outings to different locations. Lead the outings, helping participants identify birds and learn about their behaviours.

39. Start a dance class for children in a local shelter: Coordinate with the shelter and plan a series of dance lessons. Promote the classes and start teaching, adjusting your plan based on the children's abilities and enjoyment. Ensure a safe and supportive environment for all participants.

40. Set up a school martial arts club: Find a qualified instructor and a suitable space for the club. Promote the club and start holding regular sessions. Ensure the safety and respect of all participants.

IB Activity Project Idea: Start a school gardening club

IB Activity Project Idea: Start a school gardening club

Service Project Ideas

41. Tutor underprivileged children in your community: Coordinate with a local school or community centre. Find out what subjects the children need help with and plan in-person or online tutoring sessions. Provide regular tutoring, adjusting your methods based on each child's needs and progress.

42. Start a school recycling program: Research how to recycle different materials and where to take them. Set up recycling bins around school and promote the program. Regularly collect and sort the recyclables, and take them to the appropriate facilities.

43. Develop a campaign to promote mental health awareness: Research mental health issues relevant to your school. Plan activities such as assemblies, poster campaigns, or guest speakers. Run the campaign, aiming to reduce stigma and promote understanding and support.

44. Volunteer at a local animal shelter: Contact the shelter and find out what help they need. Regularly volunteer your time, doing tasks such as cleaning, feeding, or walking animals. Promote the shelter and the adoption of its animals.

45. Organise a food drive for a local food bank: Find out what items the food bank needs. Promote the food drive at school and set up collection bins. At the end of the drive, deliver the food to the food bank.

46. Create a peer mentoring program at school: Coordinate with school administrators and plan how the program will work. Recruit mentors and train them. Match mentors with students who need support and regularly check in with all participants.

47. Run a book drive for a local library: Find out what types of books the library needs. Promote the book drive at school and set up collection bins. At the end of the drive, deliver the books to the library.

48. Start a community garden: Find a suitable plot of land and secure necessary permissions. Plan and plant the garden, recruiting community members to help. Organise a schedule for maintenance and a plan for distributing or using the product.

49. Organise a charity concert: Recruit performers and secure a venue. Promote the concert and sell tickets. Run the concert, ensuring a good experience for the audience and performers, and donate the proceeds to a chosen charity.

50. Volunteer at a homeless shelter: Contact the shelter and find out what help they need. Regularly volunteer your time, doing tasks such as serving meals, cleaning, or organising activities. Show respect and empathy to all shelter residents.

51. Organise a school-wide clean-up day: Plan a variety of tasks to improve the school environment. Recruit participants and provide cleaning supplies. Run the clean-up day, ensuring everyone's safety and a thorough job.

52. Start a campaign to reduce single-use plastic at school: Research the issue and plan a campaign. Implement steps such as promoting reusable water bottles, working with the cafeteria to reduce plastic, and educating students and staff. Monitor and publicise the campaign's impact.

53. Volunteer at a local nursing home: Contact the nursing home and find out what help they need. Regularly volunteer your time, doing tasks such as reading to residents, playing games, or just chatting. Show respect and kindness to all residents.

54. Run a clothing drive for a local shelter: Find out what types of clothing the shelter needs. Promote the clothing drive at school and set up collection bins. At the end of the drive, deliver the clothing to the shelter.

55. Develop a peer tutoring program at school: Coordinate with school administrators and plan how the program will work. Recruit tutors and train them. Match tutors with students who need help and regularly check in with all participants.

56. Start a school environmental club: Find a faculty advisor and recruit interested students. Plan activities such as clean-up days, tree planting, or environmental education. Run the club, making a positive impact on the school and local environment.

57. Organise a charity bake sale: Choose a charity and plan the bake sale. Recruit bakers, promote the event, and sell the baked goods. Donate the proceeds to the chosen charity.

58. Volunteer at a local food bank: Contact the food bank and find out what help they need. Regularly volunteer your time, doing tasks such as sorting food, packing boxes, or serving meals. Show respect and kindness to all food bank users.

59. Start a campaign to promote inclusivity at school: Research the issue and plan a campaign. Implement steps such as organising inclusivity workshops, creating a safe space club, and educating students and staff. Monitor and publicise the campaign's impact.

60. Organise a fundraiser for a local charity: Choose a charity and plan the fundraiser. Promote the event, collect donations, and ensure the money is delivered to the charity. Thank all participants and publicise the impact of the donation.

IB Service Project Idea: Organise a fundraiser for a local charity

IB Service Project Idea: Organise a fundraiser for a local charity

Combination Project Ideas

61. Create a documentary about local environmental issues (Creativity + Service): Begin by researching local environmental issues, perhaps by interviewing local environmentalists or studying local news. Next, plan your documentary's structure and content, focusing on the issues you want to highlight. Finally, shoot and edit your documentary, then arrange for a public screening or share it online.

62. Organise a charity bike race (Activity + Service): Start by identifying a suitable route for the race and securing permissions if necessary. Reach out to local businesses for sponsorship, and create a plan to raise funds for a chosen charity. Then, market the event through various channels, register participants, and finally, organise the race.

63. Develop an interactive history app (Creativity + Activity): Begin by choosing a period or event in history you'd like to focus on. Work on creating content and deciding on interactive features that could enhance learning. Collaborate with a software developer, or use a platform that allows non-coders to create apps, to bring your vision to life.

64. Start a community chorus (Creativity + Service): First, find a suitable location for rehearsals. Then, recruit members from the local community through advertising or word of mouth. Once you have your chorus, start with simple songs and gradually move to more complex pieces; consider giving public performances to bring joy to the community.

65. Create a school magazine promoting a healthy lifestyle (Creativity + Activity): Start by gathering a team of interested students. Assign roles such as writers, editors, photographers, and designers. Create content that promotes a healthy lifestyle, such as articles on nutrition, exercise tips, and mental health resources, and distribute the magazine throughout the school. IB English tutors can help oversee the content creation, ensuring it is informative, persuasive, and grammatically correct.

66. Organise a charity art auction (Creativity + Service): Begin by reaching out to local artists and ask them to donate art pieces. Find a venue and set a date for the auction. Advertise the event and make sure to detail how proceeds will go to the chosen charity.

67. Teach dance to underprivileged children (Activity + Service): First, find a suitable space for dance lessons. Reach out to underprivileged communities and encourage children to participate. Develop a basic dance curriculum that's fun and easy to follow, and hold regular classes.

68. Develop a website to connect local volunteers (Creativity + Service): Start by defining the features you want on the website, such as a volunteer sign-up form, event calendar, and a forum. Work with a web developer to create the site or use a website builder if you have the skills. Once the site is live, promote it in the local community and encourage organisations to list their volunteer opportunities.

69. Organise a hiking trip and trail clean-up (Activity + Service): Choose a local trail that's suitable for a group hike. Advertise the event, specifying that participants will be hiking and helping to clean up the trail. On the day of the event, provide participants with garbage bags and gloves, and make sure to dispose of collected waste properly.

70. Create an art installation to raise awareness about a social issue (Creativity + Service): Use art to draw attention to a social issue, such as poverty or climate change. The installation can be placed in a public space to spark conversations and encourage action. The proceeds can be donated to an organisation that addresses the issue at hand.

71. Create a social awareness campaign using short films (Creativity + Service): Begin by selecting a social issue you'd like to highlight. Script, shoot, and edit short films addressing this issue, possibly drawing on local stories or experiences. Distribute the films online and at local venues, and partner with local organisations to promote the campaign.

72. Organise a virtual charity run (Activity + Service): Choose a charity to support and decide on a distance for the run. Create a sign-up platform online where participants can register and record their times. Promote the event on social media and encourage participants to raise donations for the chosen charity.

73. Create and sell a cookbook for a food bank (Creativity + Service): Gather a variety of favourite recipes, preferably with a common theme or focus. Design and print the cookbook, and set a price where a portion or all of the proceeds go to a local food bank. Advertise the cookbook through various channels to boost sales.

74. Develop a school fitness app (Creativity + Activity): Identify features you'd like in your app, such as workout plans, progress tracking, and fitness challenges. Collaborate with a developer or use a no-code app platform to create the app. Once ready, promote the app within the school and encourage students to use it for their fitness needs.

75. Start a storytelling club for children in a local shelter (Creativity + Service): Find a suitable space and time at the local shelter. Gather a collection of age-appropriate books and begin by reading stories to the children. Encourage them to participate by retelling stories or creating their own.

76. Organise a virtual dance competition for charity (Activity + Service): Choose a charity to support and set the rules and categories for the competition. Create an online platform for participants to submit their dance videos. Promote the event, gather entries, and organise a judging panel, then host a live-streamed event to announce winners.

77. Create a school radio show promoting physical activities (Creativity + Activity): Recruit a team of interested students and secure necessary equipment. Develop a show format that includes segments on various physical activities, fitness tips, and interviews with athletes or coaches. Broadcast the show within the school and promote regular listening.

78. Start an art therapy session for seniors (Creativity + Service): Coordinate with a local senior centre to schedule sessions. Plan simple and therapeutic art activities that are suitable for seniors. Facilitate the sessions, providing guidance and support as the seniors express themselves through art.

79. Organise a sports event for children with disabilities (Activity + Service): Decide on a variety of sports that are suitable and inclusive. Coordinate with local schools or organisations to recruit participants. Secure a venue, arrange for necessary equipment, and organise the event, ensuring that it's enjoyable and safe for all.

80. Develop an educational game for learning languages (Creativity + Activity): Choose a language to focus on and identify key learning points. Design a game that helps reinforce these language skills, incorporating elements of fun and competition. Develop the game with the help of a software developer or a game creation platform, then distribute it to students.

81. Create a mural promoting peace in a community centre (Creativity + Service): Find a suitable wall in a community centre and get permission to paint a mural. Design a mural that reflects the theme of peace, incorporating elements from the local community. Gather volunteers, materials, and start painting, involving community members where possible.

82. Organise a charity scavenger hunt (Activity + Service): Choose a local charity to support and design a scavenger hunt around your town or city. Charge an entry fee that will go to the charity, and provide clues that lead to various local landmarks or businesses. On the day of the event, make sure to have volunteers available for support and to confirm that the clues are found.

83. Develop a website for a local non-profit organisation (Creativity + Service): Identify a local non-profit that needs a website and understand their requirements. Design and develop the website, focusing on usability, accessibility, and the organisation's goals. Once the website is live, provide training to the non-profit staff on how to update and maintain it.

84. Start a music therapy session for hospitalised children (Creativity + Service): Coordinate with a local hospital to set up music therapy sessions for children. Bring various musical instruments and use music to help the children express their feelings and cope with their hospital experience. Make sure to provide a safe and comforting environment for the children.

85. Organise a community sports day and charity fair (Activity + Service): Choose a date and location for the event and decide on the sports that will be included. Invite local businesses to set up stalls, with proceeds going to a chosen charity. Publicise the event, and on the day, ensure all activities are well-supervised and everyone has a great time.

86. Develop an app promoting local volunteer opportunities (Creativity + Service): Identify the need for a platform to connect volunteers with local opportunities. Develop an app that allows organisations to post opportunities and individuals to sign up for them. Promote the app to local schools, colleges, and community centres to attract users.

87. Create a school drama club and put on a play for charity (Creativity + Activity): Recruit interested students and select a play to perform. Rehearse regularly, and when ready, organise a performance night, selling tickets to raise money for charity. Ensure to provide a supportive and fun environment for all club members.

88. Organise a school-wide recycling competition (Activity + Service): Develop a system for tracking recycling efforts by class or grade. Promote the competition, and provide bins for different types of recyclables. At the end of the competition, announce the winning class or grade, and discuss the positive impact of the recycling efforts.

89. Develop a school nutrition app (Creativity + Activity): Outline features for the app, such as healthy recipes, nutrition facts, and meal planning tools. Develop the app with a focus on user-friendly design. Once the app is ready, launch it within the school and promote regular usage among students.

90. Start a gardening club and donate produce to a food bank (Activity + Service): Find a suitable space for the garden and gather necessary tools and supplies. Recruit interested students and teach them how to plant, maintain, and harvest the produce. Donate the harvested fruits and vegetables to a local food bank or community organisation.

91. Organise an eco-friendly fashion show (Creativity + Activity + Service): Choose an environmental cause to support and recruit local designers to create sustainable and eco-friendly garments. Secure a venue, plan the show's layout and music, and recruit models. Sell tickets for the event and donate the proceeds to the chosen environmental cause.

92. Develop a meditation app for stressed students (Creativity + Activity): Identify the core features for the app, such as guided meditations, ambient sounds, and mindfulness techniques. Work with a developer or use a no-code app platform to build the app. Launch and promote the app within the school community, emphasising its benefits for stress reduction and mental health.

93. Create a school music band and perform at local nursing homes (Creativity + Service): Form a band with interested students and choose a repertoire suitable for nursing home residents. Schedule regular rehearsals to prepare for performances. Coordinate with local nursing homes to set up performance times and dates, ensuring the music brings joy to the residents.

94. Organise a park clean-up and picnic day (Activity + Service): Choose a local park in need of a clean-up and set a date for the event. Promote the event and gather volunteers, making sure to provide them with necessary cleaning supplies. After the clean-up, host a picnic for volunteers to celebrate their hard work and community spirit.

95. Develop a blog promoting mental health awareness (Creativity + Service): Determine the focus and structure of the blog, and research mental health topics that resonate with your audience. Write and publish regular posts, sharing personal stories, advice, resources, and expert insights. Promote the blog on social media and invite guest contributors to increase its reach and impact.

96. Start a school cooking club and provide meals for a local shelter (Activity + Service): Recruit students interested in cooking and secure a kitchen space for regular meetings. Plan meals that are nutritious, budget-friendly, and easy to transport. Coordinate with a local shelter to deliver the meals, providing a valuable service while teaching students about nutrition and community service.

97. Organise a charity swim-a-thon (Activity + Service): Choose a charity to support and secure a pool for the event. Register participants, who will swim laps to raise funds through pledges from supporters. Manage the event, track laps, and celebrate the swimmers' accomplishments and the funds raised for the charity.

98. Develop a website for sharing student art and literature (Creativity + Activity): Meet with interested students to understand what they would like to share on the website. Design and build the website, creating sections for different types of art and literature. Launch the website, promote it within the school community, and manage regular updates with new student work.

99. Host a multicultural food fair (Creativity + Activity + Service): Organize a food fair that celebrates the diversity of your community. Participants can showcase traditional foods from different cultures and donate a portion of the proceeds to a local charity.

100. Organise a community tree planting and nature awareness day (Activity + Service): Partner with a local environmental group to select appropriate tree species and planting locations. Promote the event and recruit volunteers to help with the planting. In addition to tree planting, organise informational sessions about local ecosystems and the importance of tree planting to combat climate change.

How is the IB CAS Project Assessed?

The CAS project is a self-directed, individual project that requires you to demonstrate creativity, activity, and service. It's assessed based on five stages: investigation, preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration. These stages ensure that you've identified your interests and skills, planned and carried out your project, reflected on your experiences, and documented your work in a CAS portfolio. Although the CAS project isn't given a numerical grade, passing it is a requirement for earning the IB diploma.

To pass the CAS, you must meet the program's criteria, which includes submitting logs of hours and receiving supervision from an appointed supervisor. This supervisor is responsible for double-checking that you've completed your projects and committed to service hours, as well as providing feedback on your actions. The supervisor can be a teacher or staff member from the organisation you're working with if you're volunteering outside of school.

Final Thoughts

The CAS project is a valuable component of the IB program that offers students the opportunity to explore their interests, develop new skills, and make a positive impact on their community. By following the program's criteria and guidelines, you can create a meaningful and fulfilling CAS project that showcases your creativity, activity, and service.

Remember that the CAS project is a self-directed project, and it's up to you to take the initiative and make the most of this opportunity. It's important to choose a project that aligns with your interests and passions and challenges you to grow and develop as a person.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with a unique and innovative project idea. Remember, the goal is to create a project that is both personally meaningful and challenging.

With the right attitude and approach, the CAS project can be a rewarding and unforgettable experience that will prepare you for future academic and personal challenges.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Charles Whitehouse

Written by: Charles Whitehouse

Oxford University - Masters Biochemistry

Charles scored 45/45 on the International Baccalaureate and has six years' experience tutoring IB and IGCSE students and advising them with their university applications. He studied a double integrated Masters at Magdalen College Oxford and has worked as a research scientist and strategy consultant.

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