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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

3.1.5 Metal and Non-Metal Oxides: A Continuum

Metal and non-metal oxides display a range of behaviours when they come into contact with water, and understanding this continuum provides insight into various chemical and environmental phenomena.

Reaction of Metal and Non-Metal Oxides with Water

  • Group 1 Metal Oxides: These are basic oxides and react with water to form hydroxides. For example:
    • Lithium oxide + water gives lithium hydroxide
    • Li2O + H2O gives 2 LiOH
  • Group 2 Metal Oxides: Similarly, these also produce hydroxides upon reaction with water.
    • Calcium oxide + water gives calcium hydroxide
    • CaO + H2O gives Ca(OH)2
  • Carbon Oxide: Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form a weak acid.
    • Carbon dioxide + water gives carbonic acid
    • CO2 + H2O gives H2CO3
  • Sulfur Oxide: Sulphur dioxide reacts with water to form sulfurous acid.
    • Sulphur dioxide + water gives sulfurous acid
    • SO2 + H2O gives H2SO3
Picture of powder Silver(II) Oxide.

Silver(II) Oxide- example of metal oxides.

Image courtesy of Differencebetween.com

Silicone Dioxide- an example of Nonmetal Oxide.

Silicone Dioxide-  an example of Nonmetal Oxide.

Image courtesy of Differencebetween.com

Continuum from Basic to Acidic Oxides

  • Basic Oxides: Generally formed by metals. When dissolved in water, they form alkaline solutions. Examples include the oxides of group 1 and 2 metals.
  • Acidic Oxides: Formed mainly by non-metals. These react with water to form acidic solutions. Carbon and sulphur oxides are prime examples.
  • Amphoteric Oxides: These are oxides that show both acidic and basic properties. An oxide like aluminium oxide (Al2O3) can react with both acids and bases, showcasing its amphoteric nature.
Diagram showing types of oxides and their examples.

Image courtesy of Teachoo

Environmental Implications

Acid Rain:

  • Formed when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere, usually from industrial processes.
  • These oxides react with water vapour, forming acidic solutions which fall as acid rain.
  • Acid rain can harm aquatic life, forests, and even erode buildings and monuments.
A diagram showing the process of acid rain.

Image courtesy of  Climate & Weather

Ocean Acidification:

  • Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere dissolves in ocean waters, forming carbonic acid.
  • This leads to a decrease in the pH of ocean waters, making it more acidic.
  • Adversely affects marine life, especially coral reefs and shelled organisms which struggle to form their calcium carbonate structures in acidic conditions.
A diagram showing chemical reactions involved in ocean acidification.

Image courtesy of Elizajans

Bonding Differences and Oxide Properties

  • Ionic Bonding in Metal Oxides: Metals tend to lose electrons easily due to their low ionisation energies. This results in the formation of cations. The oxygen atom, with its high electronegativity, accepts these electrons forming anions. The electrostatic attraction between these oppositely charged ions results in ionic bonding. Group 1 and 2 metal oxides typically exhibit this type of bonding.
  • Covalent Bonding in Non-Metal Oxides: Non-metals have high electronegativities and tend to share electrons rather than transfer them. This sharing of electrons leads to covalent bonding. Carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide are examples of non-metal oxides with covalent bonds.
  • Properties Based on Bonding:
    • Ionic Metal Oxides: High melting and boiling points due to the strong electrostatic forces between the ions. Soluble in water and conduct electricity in the molten state.
    • Covalent Non-Metal Oxides: Lower melting and boiling points as the forces between the molecules are weaker Van der Waals forces. They do not conduct electricity as there are no free-moving ions or electrons.

In understanding the reactions and properties of metal and non-metal oxides, one gets a clearer picture of the world around them, from basic chemical reactions to environmental concerns.


The nature of bonding in oxides directly impacts their physical and chemical properties. Metal oxides, with their ionic bonds, often have high melting and boiling points due to the strong electrostatic forces between the oppositely charged ions. They conduct electricity in molten form or when dissolved in water, as the ions become free to move. On the other hand, non-metal oxides, which have covalent bonds, usually possess lower melting and boiling points compared to ionic compounds. This is because covalent bonds involve shared electrons between atoms, resulting in molecular structures with weaker intermolecular forces compared to ionic bonds. These properties are pivotal in determining the reactivity and other characteristics of the oxides.

Acid rain forms when non-metal oxides, particularly sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), are released into the atmosphere, often from industrial processes or vehicle emissions. Once in the atmosphere, these oxides react with water vapour to produce their corresponding acids, namely sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3). When this acidified water falls as rain, it is termed 'acid rain'. Non-metal oxides are implicated in acid rain formation because of their acidic nature when dissolved in water. The environmental impact of acid rain is substantial, as it can harm aquatic life, damage forests, and corrode buildings and monuments.

The continuum from basic metal oxides to acidic non-metal oxides emphasises the gradual change in properties of elements across the periodic table. As one moves from the left to the right on the periodic table, the metallic character decreases, and the non-metallic character increases. Correspondingly, the nature of their oxides transitions from basic to acidic. This continuum helps in understanding the periodicity in elemental properties and the underlying reasons behind the reactivity of different elements. Recognising this continuum also aids in predicting the behaviour of elements and their oxides based on their position in the periodic table.

When basic metal oxides come into contact with acidic non-metal oxides, a neutralisation reaction occurs, similar to the reaction between an acid and a base. The product of this reaction is typically a salt and water. For example, when calcium oxide (CaO), a basic metal oxide, reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2), an acidic non-metal oxide, they form calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This neutralisation property is utilised in various industrial processes and environmental remediation techniques, such as flue gas desulphurisation, where basic substances are used to neutralise and capture acidic oxides from industrial emissions.

Amphoteric oxides are oxides that exhibit both acidic and basic properties, meaning they can react with both acids and bases. This unique property arises due to their chemical structure and electronic configuration. An example of an amphoteric oxide is aluminium oxide (Al2O3). In the presence of a strong acid, aluminium oxide can behave as a base, reacting with the acid to produce a salt and water. Conversely, in the presence of a strong base, it acts as an acid, forming a complex ion with the base. Another example is zinc oxide (ZnO), which similarly can react with both acids and bases, showcasing its amphoteric nature.

Practice Questions

Discuss the implications of increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on marine environments, specifically referencing ocean acidification.

Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere result in greater amounts of CO2 being dissolved in the oceans. When CO2 dissolves in seawater, it reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which then dissociates to release hydrogen ions, leading to a decrease in the pH of the water. This phenomenon is referred to as ocean acidification. As the oceans become more acidic, organisms like coral reefs and shelled marine animals face difficulties in forming their calcium carbonate structures. This is because the increased concentration of hydrogen ions reacts with carbonate ions to form bicarbonate, reducing the availability of carbonate ions needed by these organisms. Over time, ocean acidification can lead to reduced biodiversity and disrupt marine ecosystems.

Differentiate between the properties of metal oxides and non-metal oxides, focusing on their reactions with water and their respective bonding types.

Metal oxides are typically basic in nature and are formed through ionic bonding. This is because metals have a tendency to lose electrons easily, leading to the formation of cations, while oxygen, being electronegative, forms anions. When metal oxides react with water, they produce hydroxides, resulting in alkaline solutions. On the other hand, non-metal oxides are usually acidic and are formed through covalent bonding, as non-metals share electrons due to their high electronegativity. When non-metal oxides, such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, dissolve in water, they form acidic solutions. In summary, metal oxides display basic properties and involve ionic bonding, while non-metal oxides display acidic properties and involve covalent bonding.

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