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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

10.4.1 Factors Influencing Drag

In sports, drag is a critical force that influences an athlete's performance, especially in activities involving high speeds and fluid environments. This comprehensive analysis delves into the various factors that affect drag in sports, such as fluid viscosity, surface size, shape, texture, and relative velocity. The impact of clothing, equipment, and body position on drag, alongside the economic implications of drag-reducing technologies and their global availability, are also explored.

  • Definition: Drag is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of any object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid.
  • Importance in Sports: Understanding drag is crucial for enhancing performance, reducing fatigue, and improving speed in various sports.

Fluid Viscosity

  • Understanding Viscosity: Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to gradual deformation by shear or tensile stress.
  • Impact on Athletes: In sports like swimming, athletes experience significant resistance due to water's high viscosity. In contrast, sports like cycling or running involve lower resistance due to the lower viscosity of air.
  • Examples and Applications:
    • Swimmers train to perfect strokes that minimise resistance.
    • Cyclists use streamlined body positions to cut through air more efficiently.

Surface Size and Shape

  • Surface Area and Drag: The larger the surface area exposed to the fluid, the greater the drag. Athletes work to minimise their surface area relative to the direction of movement.
  • The Role of Shape in Drag Reduction:
    • Streamlined shapes help reduce drag by allowing fluid to flow more smoothly around the object.
    • Examples include the design of racing cars and the body position of ski jumpers.

Surface Texture

  • Texture and Fluid Flow: Smooth surfaces tend to reduce drag by facilitating a laminar flow of fluid, while rough textures create turbulence, increasing drag.
  • Sporting Gear Design:
    • Swimsuits with fabric designed to mimic shark skin to reduce drag.
    • Golf balls with dimples designed to create a turbulent boundary layer, reducing drag and allowing them to travel further.

Relative Velocity

  • Velocity's Impact on Drag: The relationship between velocity and drag is quadratic; doubling the speed of an object can quadruple the drag force.
  • Implications in High-Speed Sports:
    • Sprinters and cyclists must balance their energy output with the exponential increase in drag at higher speeds.
    • Coaches use this principle to devise training methods that enhance athletes' speed efficiency.

Clothing and Equipment

  • Design for Drag Reduction: Athletic wear and equipment are often designed to reduce drag, enhancing performance.
  • Innovations in Sportswear:
    • Developments in fabric technology for swimwear, reducing drag and improving swim times.
    • Aerodynamic helmets and skin suits in cycling and speed skating.

Body Position

  • Optimising Body Position for Reduced Drag:
    • Athletes in various sports adopt specific body positions to streamline their shape and reduce drag.
    • In swimming, body alignment and stroke technique are critical for minimising resistance.

Economic Implications of Drag-Reducing Technologies

  • Cost of Innovation: The development of advanced sportswear and equipment often requires significant investment.
  • Accessibility and Global Reach:
    • Not all athletes, especially in less economically developed countries, can afford state-of-the-art equipment.
    • This leads to a disparity in performance based on the availability of technology.

Global Availability of Technologies

  • Economic Disparities and Performance: The unequal distribution of advanced sporting technologies can lead to significant differences in performance levels across different regions and economic backgrounds.
  • Ethical Considerations in Sports: The debate around the fairness of using such technologies in international competitions.

Drag and the Square of Speed

  • Understanding the Mathematical Relationship: The force of drag increases with the square of the object's velocity. This principle is crucial in fluid dynamics and plays a significant role in sports.
  • Training and Tactical Implications:
    • Athletes and coaches focus on techniques to optimise performance, considering the exponential increase in drag with speed.
    • Training regimes are often tailored to improve efficiency at higher speeds.


Yes, the type of swimming cap worn can impact drag. Swimming caps made from materials like silicone or latex provide a smooth surface over the head, reducing the turbulence created by hair and thus decreasing drag. Caps that are well-fitted and cover all hair can significantly streamline the swimmer’s head, aligning with the natural shape of the head and minimising resistance. High-level competitive swimmers often use caps that are specifically designed to reduce drag, complementing other drag-reducing gear like specialised swimsuits. The reduction in drag, while small, contributes to overall performance improvements.

Body hair can significantly affect drag in swimming, albeit to a lesser extent than factors like body shape or swimwear. Hair on the body creates a rough surface, increasing the turbulence in the water flow around the body, thereby increasing drag. Swimmers often shave their body hair before competitions to minimise this effect, creating a smoother surface that allows water to flow more efficiently around their body. This practice can reduce drag, albeit marginally, but in competitive swimming, even small advantages can be crucial. Shaving also provides a psychological benefit, making swimmers feel more streamlined and fast in the water.

The design of swim fins greatly influences a swimmer's speed and efficiency by altering the interaction between the swimmer and the water, thus affecting drag. Fins are designed to increase the surface area of the feet, allowing swimmers to push more water and generate greater propulsion. However, this increased surface area can also increase drag. Therefore, fins are typically designed to be long and narrow, offering a balance between increased propulsion and minimised drag. The stiffness and shape of the fins also play a role in how efficiently they can transfer the swimmer's kicking motion into forward movement, with more streamlined designs reducing drag and improving efficiency.

Drag is more significant in water sports than in land-based sports primarily due to the higher viscosity of water compared to air. Water's greater resistance against objects moving through it results in a higher drag force. In sports like swimming or water polo, athletes must exert more effort to overcome this resistance, making drag a crucial factor in performance. In contrast, while drag is also present in land-based sports like running or cycling, the lower viscosity of air means the drag force is relatively less significant, though still important, especially at higher speeds.

Different swimming strokes affect drag primarily due to variations in body position and limb movement. For instance, the breaststroke and butterfly create more drag compared to freestyle and backstroke, as they involve more vertical movements and disrupt the water surface more. The freestyle stroke typically results in the least amount of drag. This is because it allows the swimmer to maintain a streamlined position with minimal frontal resistance. The alternating arm action and continuous flutter kick help maintain momentum and reduce the overall drag. Swimmers often utilise this stroke in long-distance swimming for its efficiency and lower energy expenditure.

Practice Questions

Explain how fluid viscosity affects drag in water sports such as swimming, and provide an example of how swimmers can reduce drag.

Fluid viscosity plays a significant role in determining the amount of drag experienced by swimmers. Viscosity refers to the thickness or internal friction of a fluid, and in water sports, it is a major factor because water has a higher viscosity compared to air. This higher viscosity means that swimmers have to overcome more resistance as they move through the water. To reduce this drag, swimmers can wear streamlined swimsuits that decrease the surface area and turbulence created as they move. Additionally, swimmers refine their stroke techniques to make their movements more efficient and streamlined, further reducing the impact of water's viscosity on their performance.

Discuss the relationship between velocity and drag in high-speed sports, and explain how this understanding is applied in training and technique development.

The relationship between velocity and drag in high-speed sports is critical, as drag increases with the square of speed. This means that when an athlete's speed doubles, the drag force can quadruple, significantly impacting performance. Athletes and coaches use this understanding to develop training techniques that enhance speed efficiency. For example, in cycling, this might involve focusing on maintaining a streamlined body position to minimise drag, especially at higher speeds. Athletes also work on building strength and endurance to better manage the increased resistance experienced at these higher velocities. This understanding of drag's relationship with speed is integral to tactical planning in races and competitions, where energy conservation and efficient motion are key to success.

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