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AQA A-Level Psychology

Study Notes

2. Memory

2.1 The Multi-Store Model of Memory2.2 Types of Long-Term Memory2.3 The Working Memory Model2.4 Explanations for Forgetting2.5 Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy2.6 Improving Eyewitness Testimony Accuracy

3. Attachment

3.1 Caregiver-Infant Interactions3.2 Animal Studies of Attachment3.3 Explanations of Attachment3.4 Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’3.5 Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprivation3.6 Influence of Early Attachment

4. Psychopathology (A Level Only)

4.1 Definitions of Abnormality4.2 Characteristics of Phobias, Depression, OCD4.3 Behavioural Approach to Phobias4.4 Cognitive Approach to Depression4.5 Biological Approach to OCD

5. Approaches in Psychology

5.1 Origins of Psychology5.2 Learning Approaches5.3 Cognitive Approach5.4 Biological Approach5.5 Psychodynamic Approach (A Level Only)5.6 Humanistic Psychology (A Level Only)5.7 Comparison of Approaches (A Level Only)

6. Biopsychology

6.1 Divisions of the Nervous System6.2 Neurons and Synaptic Transmission6.3 Endocrine System6.4 Fight or Flight Response6.5 Brain Function and Lateralisation (A Level Only)6.6 Studying the Brain (A Level Only)6.7 Biological Rhythms (A Level Only)

7. Research Methods

7.1 Experimental Method7.2 Observational Techniques7.3 Self-Report Techniques7.4 Correlations7.5 Content Analysis (A Level Only)7.6 Case Studies (A Level Only)

8. Scientific Processes

8.1 Aims, Hypotheses, and Sampling8.2 Experimental and Observational Design8.3 Questionnaire and Interview Construction8.4 Variables and Control in Research8.5 Research Ethics and Review8.6 Advanced Research Methods (A Level Only)

9. Data Handling and Analysis

9.1 Data Types and Collection9.2 Descriptive Statistics9.3 Presentation of Data9.4 Understanding Distributions9.5 Statistical Testing (A Level Only)9.6 Advanced Data Analysis (A Level Only)

10. Inferential Testing (A Level Only)

10.1 Statistical Testing10.2 Probability and Significance10.3 Choice of Statistical Test

11. Issues and Debates (A Level Only)

11.1 Gender and Culture in Psychology11.2 Free Will and Determinism11.3 Nature-Nurture Debate11.4 Holism and Reductionism11.5 Approaches to Psychological Investigation11.6 Ethical Implications of Research

12. Relationships (A Level Only)

12.1 Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preferences12.2 Factors Affecting Attraction12.3 Theories of Romantic Relationships12.4 Relationship Breakdown12.5 Virtual Relationships in Social Media12.6 Parasocial Relationships

13. Gender (A Level Only)

13.1 Sex and Gender13.2 Biological Aspects13.3 Cognitive Explanations of Gender Development13.4 Psychodynamic Explanation13.5 Social Learning Theory13.6 Atypical Gender Development

14. Cognition and Development (A Level Only)

14.1 Piaget’s Theory14.2 Vygotsky’s Theory14.3 Early Infant Abilities14.4 Social Cognition Development

15. Schizophrenia (A Level Only)

15.1 Classification and Symptoms15.2 Biological Explanations15.3 Psychological Explanations15.4 Treatment Approaches15.5 Interactionist Approach

16. Eating Behaviour (A Level Only)

16.1 Explanations for Food Preferences16.2 Mechanisms of Eating Control16.3 Anorexia Nervosa16.4 Obesity

17. Stress (A Level Only)

17.1. Physiology of Stress17.2. Stress and Illness17.3. Sources of Stress17.4. Measuring Stress7.5. Individual Differences in Stress17.6. Managing and Coping with Stress

18. Aggression (A Level Only)

18.1. Biological Mechanisms18.2. Ethological and Evolutionary Explanations18.3. Social Psychological Explanations18.4. Institutional Aggression18.5. Media Influences on Aggression

19. Forensic Psychology (A Level Only)

19.1. Offender Profiling19.2. Biological Explanations of Offending19.3. Psychological Explanations of Offending19.4. Dealing with Offending Behaviour

20. Addiction (A Level Only)

20.1. Describing Addiction20.2. Risk Factors in Addiction20.3. Explanations for Nicotine Addiction20.4. Explanations for Gambling Addiction20.5. Reducing Addiction20.6. Theories of Behaviour Change

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