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AQA A-Level Psychology Notes

8.2.1 Experimental Designs in Psychology

Repeated Measures Design


The repeated measures design is a method where the same participants are used in all conditions of an experiment.


  • Control of Participant Variables: By using the same participants for every condition, this design effectively controls for individual differences, such as intelligence or personality.

  • Economical Use of Participants: This approach is efficient in terms of participant numbers, a significant advantage in studies where large samples are hard to come by.


  • Order Effects: The sequence in which treatments are received can influence outcomes, leading to practice or fatigue effects.

  • Demand Characteristics: Familiarity with the experimental setup may lead participants to guess its purpose and adjust their behaviour accordingly.

Appropriate Use

  • This design is particularly suitable for studies where individual differences might significantly impact the results.

  • It is advantageous in scenarios where participant numbers are limited or when the same individuals must be observed under each condition.

Addressing Biases

  • Counterbalancing: To mitigate order effects, the sequence of conditions can be varied among participants.

  • Blinding Methods: Keeping participants unaware of the specific hypothesis being tested can help control for demand characteristics.

Independent Groups Design


In this design, different participants are assigned to each condition of the experiment.


  • Minimizes Order Effects: By experiencing only one condition, problems associated with sequence are eliminated.

  • Reduces Demand Characteristics: Limited exposure reduces the chance of participants discerning the study's purpose.


  • Risk of Participant Variables: Differences between groups can introduce confounding variables.

  • Larger Sample Size Needed: To achieve representative results, more participants are required than in repeated measures.

Appropriate Use

  • Suitable for experiments involving treatments that cannot be repeated for the same individual, such as one-time interventions or experiences.

  • Ideal for studies where repeated testing is impractical or could lead to biased results due to familiarity.

Addressing Biases

  • Random Allocation: This ensures each participant has an equal chance of being in any condition, which helps to balance out individual differences.

  • Matching Participants on Key Variables: Where possible, matching participants on demographic or other relevant characteristics can help control for participant variables.

Matched Pairs Design


Participants in different experimental groups are closely matched on key characteristics in this design.


  • Controls for Participant Variables: Matching on characteristics such as age or background helps to minimise the impact of individual differences on the outcome.

  • Eliminates Order Effects: Each participant is exposed to only one condition, avoiding the sequence-related biases of repeated measures.


  • Time and Resource Intensive: Identifying and matching participants is a meticulous and often lengthy process.

  • Risk of Incomplete Data: If a participant drops out, the data from their matched pair may also become unusable.

Appropriate Use

  • This design is highly effective in studies where specific participant characteristics are likely to influence the outcome.

  • It's particularly useful in scenarios where controlling for these variables is more important than the practical challenges of matching participants.

Addressing Biases

  • Rigorous Matching Process: Ensuring that matched pairs are as similar as possible is crucial for the integrity of the study.

  • Reserve Participants: Having additional participants on standby can help address the issue of dropouts.

Choosing the Right Design

Factors to Consider

  • Nature of Research Question: Certain questions are more suitably addressed by specific designs. For instance, studies looking at the progression over time might benefit from repeated measures.

  • Ethical and Practical Constraints: Considerations such as time, budget, and ethical concerns play a critical role in the choice of design.

  • Potential Biases and Limitations: Each design has inherent biases and limitations that need to be balanced against the aims of the study.

Application in Psychological Research

  • Hypothesis Testing: The chosen design should facilitate a clear and unbiased test of the study's hypothesis.

  • Generalisability: The ability to generalize findings to a wider population depends significantly on the chosen design. Independent groups designs, for instance, might offer better generalisability compared to repeated measures.


In summary, A-Level Psychology students must grasp the intricacies of experimental designs to critically evaluate research and understand the implications of design choices on study outcomes. Each design has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on a variety of factors including the research question, available resources, and ethical considerations. Mastery of this topic enables students to appreciate the complexity and rigor involved in psychological research, laying a foundation for advanced study and practice in the field.


Blinding methods in a repeated measures design play a crucial role in reducing biases, particularly demand characteristics and observer biases. In such designs, where the same participants are exposed to all conditions, there's a heightened risk that they might deduce the experiment's purpose and alter their responses accordingly. Blinding, especially participant blinding, involves keeping participants unaware of the specific hypotheses being tested or the condition they are in at any given time. This unawareness helps in minimizing the chances that participants will change their behaviour based on their perceptions or expectations of the study. Observer blinding is also critical. When the experimenters or those evaluating the outcomes are unaware of which condition the participant is in, it reduces the risk of observer bias, where the experimenter's expectations influence their interpretation of the results. Effective blinding enhances the validity of the results by ensuring that the changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable and not extraneous factors.

An independent groups design is most suitable in psychological studies where the effects of a one-time intervention or experience are being examined. This design is particularly beneficial in scenarios where exposure to one condition could influence participants' responses in another, either through learning, fatigue, or sensitization. For instance, studies testing the effects of a unique stimulus, like a stress-inducing task, or those investigating the immediate impact of a psychological intervention, are well-suited to this design. The independent groups design is also ideal in situations where the experiment involves treatments or exposures that cannot ethically or practically be repeated for the same individual, such as studies involving drug trials, intense emotional stimuli, or significant changes in the physical environment. The key advantage here is the elimination of order effects, as each participant is exposed to only one condition, ensuring that their responses are not influenced by prior exposure to other conditions.

Effective counterbalancing in a repeated measures design is essential to control for order effects, such as practice and fatigue effects. One common strategy is the use of a Latin square, where participants are divided into groups, and each group receives the conditions in a different order. This approach ensures that each condition appears in each ordinal position and precedes and follows each condition equally often. Another strategy is the ABBA counterbalance, where half of the participants receive the conditions in one order (e.g., A, then B) and the other half in the reverse order (e.g., B, then A). For designs with more conditions, randomisation can be employed, where the order of conditions is randomly determined for each participant. However, it's important to ensure that the randomisation still results in an equal distribution of orders across participants. Additionally, a crossover design can be used, where participants receive one set of conditions in the first half and the other set in the second half, with a significant break or washout period in between. This method is particularly useful in reducing carryover effects in drug trials or studies where conditions have prolonged effects.

The matched pairs design can be theoretically used in large-scale studies, but it comes with significant challenges. The primary challenge is the logistical difficulty of finding a large enough pool of participants who can be appropriately matched on relevant characteristics. In large-scale studies, the complexity and resource requirements for accurately matching pairs increase exponentially. Each pair must be closely matched on key variables such as age, gender, background, or specific psychological traits, which requires extensive testing and data collection. Furthermore, the risk of attrition is higher in large-scale studies; if one participant drops out, their matched pair's data may become unusable, leading to potential data loss and reduced statistical power. Additionally, the administrative and financial costs associated with such extensive matching and the increased time needed for participant recruitment and data collection can be significant. Therefore, while the matched pairs design offers robust control over participant variables, its scalability to large-scale studies is often limited by practical and resource-related constraints.

The choice of experimental design has a significant impact on the generalisability of findings in psychological research. In an independent groups design, where different participants are used in each condition, the generalisability is often higher, assuming a representative sample is used. This design allows for a broader cross-section of the population to be represented, making it easier to apply the findings to a wider group. However, the potential for participant variables to skew results must be carefully managed. In contrast, the repeated measures design, while offering greater control over participant variables and requiring fewer participants, may suffer from limited generalisability. This is because the same individuals participating in all conditions may respond in a manner that's not representative of the broader population, especially if the participants become aware of the experiment's aims. The matched pairs design offers a balance, with better control over participant variables than the independent groups design and potentially better generalisability than the repeated measures design. However, the effectiveness of this design in terms of generalisability depends heavily on the accuracy of the matching process and the representativeness of the matched pairs to the target population.

Practice Questions

Compare and contrast the repeated measures design and the independent groups design, highlighting one key advantage and one key disadvantage of each.

The repeated measures design involves the same participants being used in all conditions of an experiment. A key advantage of this design is the control of participant variables, as each participant serves as their own control, reducing variability due to individual differences. However, a significant disadvantage is the potential for order effects, where the sequence of conditions can affect the outcomes, leading to practice or fatigue effects. On the other hand, the independent groups design involves different participants in each experimental condition. Its main advantage is the minimisation of order effects since each participant is exposed to only one condition. However, this design's primary disadvantage is the risk of participant variables, as differences between groups can introduce confounding variables, potentially skewing the results.

Explain how a matched pairs design might be used in a study investigating the effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance, and discuss one potential limitation of this design.

In a study investigating the effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance using a matched pairs design, participants would be paired based on key characteristics such as age, gender, and baseline cognitive performance. One participant of each pair would be subjected to sleep deprivation, while the other would have normal sleep, serving as a control. This design controls for individual differences that could affect cognitive performance. However, a potential limitation is the time and resources required to identify and match participants accurately. Additionally, if one participant drops out or their data is compromised, the data from their matched pair might also become unusable, potentially impacting the study's validity.

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