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AQA GCSE Chemistry

Study Notes
1.1 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures1.2 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table1.3 Isotopes1.4 Arrangement of Elements1.5 Group I Properties1.6 Group VII Properties1.7 Transition Elements1.8 Noble Gases
2.1 Properties of States2.2 Changes of State2.3 Gas Behavior2.4 Diffusion2.5 Ions and Ionic Bonds2.6 Simple Molecules and Covalent Bonds2.7 Giant Covalent Structures2.8 Metallic Bonding
3.1 Chemical Formulae3.2 Atomic and Molecular Masses3.3 The Mole Concept
4.1 Electrolysis4.2 Redox Reactions4.3 Characteristic Properties of Acids and Bases4.4 Oxides4.5 Preparation of Salts
5.1 Hydrogen–Oxygen Fuel Cells5.2 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
6.1 Physical and Chemical Changes6.2 Rate of Reaction6.3 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium
7.1 Formulae, Functional Groups, and Terminology7.2 Naming Organic Compounds7.3 Fuels7.4 Alkanes7.5 Alkenes7.6 Alcohols7.7 Carboxylic Acids7.8 Polymers
8.1 Experimental Design8.2 Acid-Base Titrations8.3 Chromatography8.4 Separation and Purification8.5 Identification of Ions and Gases
9.1 Air Quality and Climate
10.1 Properties of Metals10.2 Uses of Metals10.3 Alloys and their Properties10.4 Reactivity Series10.5 Corrosion of Metals10.6 Extraction of Metals10.7 Water10.8 Fertilisers

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