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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

16.1.1 Synthesis of Alcohols

The synthesis of alcohols is a fundamental aspect of organic chemistry, offering a diverse array of methods and reactions. Each technique utilises unique conditions and reagents, highlighting the versatility of alcohols as compounds.

Electrophilic Addition of Steam to Alkenes

This method involves converting alkenes into alcohols through electrophilic addition. Alkenes, characterised by their carbon-carbon double bond, react with steam in the presence of a phosphoric acid catalyst.

  • Mechanism: The carbon-carbon double bond in alkenes is highly reactive due to electron density. When steam (H₂O) is introduced, the double bond opens, allowing the alkene to bond with the hydrogen and hydroxyl group of the water molecule, thus forming an alcohol.
  • Catalyst: Phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄) acts as a catalyst, accelerating the reaction by providing a more favourable pathway.
  • Conditions: This reaction typically occurs at high temperatures (around 300°C) and high pressures (60-70 atm). These conditions ensure the efficient conversion of the alkene to the alcohol.
  • Products: The type of alcohol produced (primary, secondary, or tertiary) depends on the structure of the original alkene.
Electrophilic Addition of Steam to Alkenes- hydration of alkenes in the presence of a catalyst

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Formation of Diols

Diols, which are compounds with two hydroxyl groups, are synthesised through the reaction of alkenes with potassium manganate(VII) under specific conditions.

  • Reaction Process: Cold, dilute potassium manganate(VII) acts as an oxidising agent. When it reacts with alkenes, it adds two hydroxyl groups across the double bond, transforming the alkene into a diol.
  • Conditions: The reaction is conducted in a cold and dilute environment to prevent over-oxidation of the alkene. This specificity ensures the formation of diols without further oxidation to carboxylic acids or ketones.
  • Example: Ethene, when treated with potassium manganate(VII), forms ethane-1,2-diol, a common diol.

Nucleophilic Substitution of Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes, also known as alkyl halides, can be converted to alcohols through nucleophilic substitution, a process where a nucleophile replaces a leaving group (halogen).

  • Mechanism: The nucleophile, hydroxide ion (OH⁻) from aqueous sodium hydroxide, attacks the carbon atom bonded to the halogen. The halogen, being a good leaving group, departs, and the hydroxide ion takes its place, forming an alcohol.
  • Factors Influencing Reaction: The rate and ease of this reaction depend on the nature of the halogenoalkane. Primary halogenoalkanes react more readily due to less steric hindrance, compared to secondary or tertiary halogenoalkanes.
  • Stereochemistry: This reaction often involves changes in stereochemistry, especially in chiral centres, due to the backside attack of the nucleophile.
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions to form alcohol

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Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones

Aldehydes and ketones are reduced to alcohols using specific reducing agents. This process involves the addition of hydrogen to the carbonyl group.

  • Reducing Agents: Sodium borohydride (NaBH₄) and lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄) are common reducing agents. NaBH₄ is milder and more selective, whereas LiAlH₄ is more powerful and can reduce a wider range of functional groups.
  • Reaction Pathway: The hydride ion from the reducing agent attacks the positively polarised carbon in the carbonyl group. This addition converts the double bond (C=O) into a single bond (C-OH), forming an alcohol.
  • Product Type: The type of alcohol formed (primary, secondary, or tertiary) depends on the original carbonyl compound. Aldehydes reduce to primary alcohols, while ketones yield secondary alcohols.
Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones to alcohol

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Reduction of Carboxylic Acids

This process involves the conversion of carboxylic acids to primary alcohols using a strong reducing agent like lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄).

  • Mechanism: LiAlH₄ is highly reactive and can break both the C=O and O-H bonds in the carboxylic acid. The acid is first converted to an aldehyde intermediate, which is further reduced to the alcohol.
  • Conditions: The reaction is generally carried out in anhydrous conditions, often in a dry ether solvent, to prevent reaction of the reducing agent with water.
Reduction of Carboxylic Acids to alcohol

Image courtesy of Pete Davis

Hydrolysis of Esters

Esters can be hydrolysed to form alcohols and either carboxylic acids or carboxylate salts, depending on the conditions of the reaction.

  • Acidic Hydrolysis: This involves adding water to the ester in the presence of an acid catalyst. The ester bond breaks, producing an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.
Hydrolysis of Esters in the presence of an acid catalyst.

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  • Basic Hydrolysis (Saponification): Under basic conditions, esters react with strong bases like sodium hydroxide. The ester bond breaks, forming an alcohol and a carboxylate salt.
Hydrolysis of Esters- esters reaction with strong bases sodium hydroxide.

Image courtesy of Chemistry LibreTexts

  • Mechanism: Both processes involve the nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of the ester, followed by the elimination of the leaving group and the formation of new bonds.

In conclusion, these diverse methods for synthesising alcohols from various organic compounds demonstrate the dynamic nature of organic chemistry. Each process, with its specific conditions and reagents, underscores the importance of understanding chemical principles and reaction mechanisms in synthesising desired compounds.


In the reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols, the reducing agent plays a critical role in donating hydride ions (H⁻) to the carbonyl group of the aldehyde or ketone. This hydride transfer is essential for converting the polar double bond (C=O) into a single bond (C-OH), resulting in an alcohol. The choice of reducing agent is crucial; sodium borohydride (NaBH₄) is generally preferred for its selectivity and mildness, effectively reducing aldehydes and ketones while being relatively inert towards other functional groups like esters and amides. Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄), on the other hand, is more reactive and can reduce a broader range of functional groups, including carboxylic acids, esters, and amides, in addition to aldehydes and ketones. The selection of the reducing agent depends on the specific requirements of the reaction, including the desired level of reactivity and selectivity.

The hydrolysis of esters can occur under both acidic and basic conditions, and the mechanisms for these reactions are distinct. In acidic hydrolysis, the ester is treated with an acid, usually a strong acid like hydrochloric acid. The acid protonates the carbonyl oxygen of the ester, increasing its electrophilicity. Water then acts as a nucleophile, attacking the carbonyl carbon, followed by the removal of the leaving group (alcohol part of the ester), resulting in a carboxylic acid and an alcohol. In basic hydrolysis, also known as saponification, the ester reacts with a strong base like sodium hydroxide. The hydroxide ion acts as a nucleophile, attacking the carbonyl carbon of the ester. This is followed by the elimination of the leaving group, resulting in a carboxylate salt and an alcohol. The primary difference between the two mechanisms is the nature of the nucleophile (water in acidic hydrolysis and hydroxide ion in basic hydrolysis) and the products formed (carboxylic acid in acidic hydrolysis and carboxylate salt in basic hydrolysis).

The stereochemistry of the starting alkene significantly influences the synthesis of diols, especially when reacting with potassium manganate(VII). In the case of cis-alkenes, where the substituents on the double bond are on the same side, the resulting diol will generally have hydroxyl groups on the same side of the molecule, leading to a cis-diol. Conversely, with trans-alkenes, where the substituents are on opposite sides, the diol will usually have hydroxyl groups on opposite sides, forming a trans-diol. This outcome is due to the syn-addition mechanism where both hydroxyl groups are added to the same face of the alkene. This stereochemical outcome is crucial in synthesis as it affects the properties and potential applications of the resulting diol. It is particularly important in pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries, where the three-dimensional structure of a molecule can significantly influence its biological activity.

The synthesis of alcohols from alkenes, particularly through the electrophilic addition of steam, carries several environmental implications. Firstly, the process typically requires high temperatures and pressures, leading to significant energy consumption, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions if the energy is sourced from fossil fuels. Additionally, alkenes are often derived from non-renewable sources, like petroleum, which raises concerns about resource depletion and the environmental impact of extraction processes. The use of phosphoric acid as a catalyst also necessitates careful handling and disposal to prevent environmental contamination. Furthermore, the potential formation of by-products during the reaction may require additional steps for purification, contributing to waste and the need for effective waste management strategies. Therefore, while the synthesis of alcohols from alkenes is a crucial industrial process, it must be managed with careful consideration of its environmental footprint.

While most halogenoalkanes can undergo nucleophilic substitution to form alcohols, their reactivity varies significantly depending on their structure. Primary halogenoalkanes, where the halogen is attached to a carbon with only one other carbon bond, are generally the most reactive in this context. They undergo nucleophilic substitution more readily due to minimal steric hindrance and a relatively less stable carbon-halogen bond. Secondary halogenoalkanes, with the halogen attached to a carbon bonded to two other carbons, react slower due to increased steric hindrance. Tertiary halogenoalkanes, where the halogen is attached to a carbon bonded to three other carbons, are the least reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions to form alcohols. This is due to significant steric hindrance and the stability imparted by the surrounding alkyl groups. Moreover, the nature of the halogen also affects reactivity, with iodides being more reactive than bromides, which in turn are more reactive than chlorides. Fluorides are typically the least reactive due to the strong carbon-fluorine bond.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of converting ethene to ethanol using electrophilic addition of steam. Include the conditions required and the catalyst used in your answer.

Ethene can be converted to ethanol through the electrophilic addition of steam, a process that involves the interaction of ethene (C₂H₄) with water (H₂O) in the presence of a catalyst. The catalyst used is phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄), and the reaction occurs under high temperature and pressure conditions, typically around 300°C and 60-70 atm. In this reaction, the pi bond in the ethene molecule opens up to accommodate the water molecule, leading to the formation of ethanol. The high temperature and pressure conditions ensure the reaction's efficiency, while the phosphoric acid catalyst accelerates the reaction by providing a favourable pathway for the addition of water to the ethene molecule.

Explain how halogenoalkanes can be converted to alcohols through nucleophilic substitution, and discuss the factors that influence the rate of this reaction.

Halogenoalkanes can be converted to alcohols through a nucleophilic substitution reaction, where a nucleophile, typically a hydroxide ion (OH⁻) from aqueous sodium hydroxide, replaces the halogen atom in the halogenoalkane. This reaction involves the attack of the nucleophile on the carbon atom bonded to the halogen, leading to the formation of an alcohol. The rate of this reaction is influenced by several factors, including the nature of the halogenoalkane and the leaving group. Primary halogenoalkanes react more readily due to less steric hindrance, compared to secondary or tertiary halogenoalkanes. Additionally, the reaction rate is also affected by the strength of the carbon-halogen bond; weaker bonds (like in iodides) react faster than stronger bonds (like in fluorides).

Dr Shubhi Khandelwal avatar
Written by: Dr Shubhi Khandelwal
Qualified Dentist and Expert Science Educator

Shubhi is a seasoned educational specialist with a sharp focus on IB, A-level, GCSE, AP, and MCAT sciences. With 6+ years of expertise, she excels in advanced curriculum guidance and creating precise educational resources, ensuring expert instruction and deep student comprehension of complex science concepts.

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