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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

2.7.4 URL and DNS

In the expansive realm of the internet, two critical components that ensure seamless navigation and resource identification are Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and Domain Name Service (DNS). Understanding these elements is essential for anyone delving into the intricacies of how the internet functions, particularly for students studying computer science.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

Defining a URL

Uniform Resource Locators, commonly known as URLs, are the addresses used to access resources on the World Wide Web. They are a specific form of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and play a crucial role in locating web pages, images, videos, and other resources available online.

Anatomy of a URL

A URL is composed of several components, each serving a distinct purpose in the process of locating a resource:

  • Scheme: This part specifies the protocol that should be used to access the resource. Common protocols include HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HTTP Secure).
  • Host: Often referred to as the domain name, this component identifies the server that hosts the resource. It can be a name like 'www.example.com' or an IP address.
  • Port: An optional component that is used to specify the port number at the server. If omitted, the default port for the protocol is used (e.g., 80 for HTTP).
  • Path: This specifies the exact location of the resource on the server. It resembles a file path in traditional file systems.
  • Query String: An optional part often used for passing parameters or data to web applications. It starts with a '?' and includes key-value pairs.
  • Fragment: Another optional part, starting with a '#', used to point to a specific part of the resource, like a section within a webpage.

The Role of URLs

  • Universal Resource Identification: URLs provide a global and consistent way to identify resources on the internet.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Designed to be readable and memorable, URLs offer a stark contrast to the numeric IP addresses used by underlying network protocols.

Domain Name Service (DNS)

The DNS Explained

The Domain Name Service is a hierarchical, distributed database system that translates easily memorable domain names (like 'www.example.com') into the numerical IP addresses (like needed for locating and identifying computer services and devices worldwide.

The Mechanism of DNS

The process of DNS resolution involves several steps:

  • User Request: When a URL is entered into a browser, the browser extracts the domain name and initiates a DNS query.
  • Recursive Queries: The query is sent to a DNS resolver, typically operated by the user’s internet service provider (ISP), which then forwards the query through the DNS hierarchy.
  • Iterative Queries: Each DNS server in the hierarchy checks its records to either resolve the name to an IP address or pass the query up to a higher-level server.
  • Response and Caching: Once the IP address is found, it is returned to the user’s device. This IP address is often cached for faster retrieval in future requests.

DNS Structure

  • Root Servers: At the top of the DNS hierarchy, root servers store the complete database of internet domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.
  • Top-Level Domains (TLDs): These are the last segments of a domain name (like '.com', '.net', '.uk'). They are divided into generic TLDs (gTLDs) and country code TLDs (ccTLDs).
  • Second-Level and Lower-Level Domains: These include the actual name of the website (like 'example' in 'www.example.com') and can be further subdivided into subdomains (like 'blog.example.com').

Importance of DNS in Internet Navigation

  • Facilitating Human Interaction: By translating domain names to IP addresses, DNS allows users to access websites using names instead of complex numerical addresses.
  • Network Efficiency: DNS servers enhance the efficiency of the internet by caching responses, reducing the need for repeated queries for popular domain names.
  • Adaptability and Scalability: DNS provides a flexible and scalable architecture, allowing for easy management and migration of services across different IP addresses.


Static and dynamic DNS services are distinct methods of resolving domain names to IP addresses, each suited to different scenarios.

  • Static DNS: In a static DNS setup, the domain name is manually assigned to a fixed IP address, and this mapping doesn't change unless manually altered. Static DNS is typically used for servers hosting websites, email servers, or FTP servers, where a constant, unchanging domain-to-IP relationship is crucial for consistent access. Static DNS is reliable but lacks flexibility, as any change in the server's IP requires a manual update of DNS records.
  • Dynamic DNS (DDNS): Dynamic DNS is used in situations where the IP address of the host machine changes frequently, such as with residential internet connections. DDNS automatically updates the DNS records when the IP address changes, ensuring the domain name consistently points to the correct IP. This is particularly useful for accessing remote devices (like home surveillance cameras or personal servers) that don't have a static IP address. DDNS provides the convenience of stable domain access without the need for a fixed IP.

In summary, static DNS is suited for stable, unchanging network environments, while dynamic DNS provides flexibility and ease of access in dynamic IP situations.

DNS, while crucial to internet functionality, is susceptible to several security concerns, the most notable being DNS spoofing (or DNS cache poisoning) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

  • DNS Spoofing: This involves corrupting the DNS cache with false information, leading users to fraudulent websites even when they type in the correct domain name. This can result in phishing attacks and data breaches. To mitigate this, DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) is employed, which uses digital signatures to verify the authenticity of DNS data.
  • DDoS Attacks: DNS servers can be overwhelmed with maliciously high volumes of traffic, rendering them unable to process legitimate requests. To combat this, strategies like rate limiting, where the number of requests from a single source is limited over a time period, and employing a distributed network of servers, which distributes the load and reduces the impact of the attack on a single point, are used.

Additionally, regular updates and patches to DNS software, strict control of DNS records, and monitoring of unusual DNS activities are crucial in maintaining DNS security. The importance of DNS to the smooth functioning of the internet makes these security measures not just advisable but essential.

The hierarchical structure of DNS is a cornerstone in the overall efficiency and scalability of the internet. This structure is composed of several levels, each playing a specific role in the DNS resolution process:

  • Root Servers: These servers sit at the top of the DNS hierarchy and have the complete database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. They direct queries to the appropriate top-level domain (TLD) servers.
  • TLD Servers: These servers manage the top-level domains such as '.com', '.net', and country-specific TLDs like '.uk'. They direct queries to the authoritative servers for specific domains.
  • Authoritative Servers: These servers have the actual DNS records for the domains; they provide the final IP address corresponding to a domain name.

This hierarchical arrangement allows for distributed management of the DNS database, reducing the load on any single server and enhancing the speed and efficiency of query resolutions. Additionally, it facilitates scalability; as the internet grows, more servers can be added at various levels without disrupting the existing structure. It also provides redundancy and fault tolerance, as queries can be rerouted to other servers if one fails. This hierarchical design is fundamental to DNS's ability to handle the vast number of domain names and queries on the internet.

DNS caching is a mechanism whereby DNS query results are stored temporarily for quicker access in subsequent requests. When a DNS resolver queries a DNS server for a domain's IP address, the response is cached for a specified duration, known as Time-To-Live (TTL). This caching can occur at various levels - the user's operating system, the user's browser, the user's router, and the ISP's DNS server.

The significance of DNS caching lies in its ability to significantly reduce loading times for frequently visited websites. By storing the IP addresses of these websites locally, DNS caching eliminates the need for repeated queries across the internet for each request. This not only speeds up the browsing experience but also reduces traffic load on DNS servers and minimises latency.

However, DNS caching can also lead to issues. If a website changes its IP address and a user's cache hasn't been updated (still within the TTL), the user might be directed to the old IP address, leading to errors in loading the website. Hence, while DNS caching greatly enhances browsing efficiency, it can occasionally result in outdated information being used to resolve domain names.

DNS queries are the processes through which a DNS server is asked to locate the corresponding IP address for a domain name. There are three primary types of DNS queries: recursive, iterative, and non-recursive.

  • Recursive Query: In a recursive query, the client expects that the DNS server will respond with either the requested IP address or an error message if it can't find the IP address. If the queried DNS server does not have the IP address, it will query other DNS servers on behalf of the client. This type is common in client-to-DNS server interactions.
  • Iterative Query: In this type, the DNS server will respond with the best answer it currently has, even if it does not have the exact IP address. If the server doesn't have the IP address, it will refer the querying server to another DNS server closer to the domain. This process continues until the IP is found or the query fails.
  • Non-Recursive Query: This occurs when a DNS resolver client queries a DNS server that already has the IP address in its cache, resulting in an immediate response. This is faster than recursive and iterative queries as it avoids the need for additional queries to other servers.

Understanding these query types is essential as they demonstrate how DNS resolution can vary based on the information available to the DNS server and its position in the DNS hierarchy.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of the DNS in the internet infrastructure and discuss its importance in network navigation.

The Domain Name Service (DNS) is a critical component of internet infrastructure, acting as the internet's equivalent of a phone book. It translates user-friendly domain names into IP addresses that computers use to locate each other on the network. DNS is pivotal in network navigation as it allows users to access websites using memorable domain names instead of complex numerical IP addresses. Its hierarchical structure, consisting of root servers, top-level domains (TLDs), and lower-level domains, ensures an organised and scalable system. DNS servers enhance internet efficiency by caching responses, thereby reducing the load on the network and speeding up web page access. This functionality is fundamental for the smooth operation of the internet, impacting both user experience and network management.

Describe the structure of a URL and explain the significance of each component in the process of locating a web resource.

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is structured to provide an easy and efficient way to locate resources on the internet. It consists of several components, each serving a specific purpose. The 'scheme' indicates the protocol (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS) to be used. The 'host' or domain name identifies the server hosting the resource. An optional 'port' number can specify the server port. The 'path' points to the exact location of the resource on the server. A 'query string', starting with a '?', may include parameters for web applications. Lastly, a 'fragment' marked by a '#' points to a specific part of the resource. This structured approach not only simplifies resource identification but also enhances user navigation and resource accessibility on the web.

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Written by: Alfie
Cambridge University - BA Maths

A Cambridge alumnus, Alfie is a qualified teacher, and specialises creating educational materials for Computer Science for high school students.

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