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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

2.2.2 Multiplicity in Covalent Bonds

Atoms can form different types of covalent bonds by sharing different numbers of electrons. These differing electron sharing patterns give rise to what we refer to as bond multiplicity, which has profound implications for the properties and reactivity of the molecules involved.

Distinction Between Single, Double, and Triple Covalent Bonds

Single Covalent Bond

  • Definition: A bond formed when two atoms share a single pair of electrons.
  • Example: Hydrogen gas (H2) where two hydrogen atoms share a single pair of electrons.

Double Covalent Bond

  • Definition: A bond formed when two atoms share two pairs of electrons.
  • Example: Oxygen gas (O2) where two oxygen atoms share two pairs of electrons.

Triple Covalent Bond

  • Definition: A bond formed when two atoms share three pairs of electrons.
  • Example: Nitrogen gas (N2) where two nitrogen atoms share three pairs of electrons.
A diagram showing examples of different covalent bonds.

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

Relationship between Bond Multiplicity, Bond Length, and Bond Strength

The number of shared electron pairs affects both bond strength and bond length.

Bond Length

  • Single Bond: Longest bond length because there is only one shared electron pair.
  • Double Bond: Shorter than a single bond due to the increased electron-electron repulsion.
  • Triple Bond: Shortest bond length because of the strong repulsion between the three shared electron pairs.

Bond Strength

  • Single Bond: Weakest among the three because only one electron pair holds the atoms together.
  • Double Bond: Stronger than a single bond because two electron pairs provide a stronger hold.
  • Triple Bond: Strongest of the three, as three electron pairs offer the tightest bond.

The inverse relationship between bond length and bond strength is crucial: as bond length decreases (due to increasing multiplicity), bond strength increases.

A diagram comparing the length and strength between single, double and triple bonds.

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Implications of Bond Multiplicity on the Reactivity of Molecules

The multiplicity of covalent bonds affects not only the physical properties but also the chemical reactivity of molecules.

Single Bonds

  • Generally more flexible, allowing for free rotation around the bond.
  • Reactivity can vary depending on the atoms involved; for example, the C-H bond in methane (CH4) is relatively unreactive.
Chemical structure of methane with a single bond.

Image courtesy of Patricia.fidi

Double Bonds

  • Restricts rotation, confining molecules to specific geometries.
  • Typically more reactive than single bonds; the C=C bond in ethene (C2H4) can participate in addition reactions.
Chemical structure of ethene with a double bond.

Image courtesy of McMonster

Triple Bonds

  • Like double bonds, triple bonds restrict rotation, which can influence reactivity.
  • Nitrogen gas (N2), despite having a strong triple bond, is rather unreactive under standard conditions. In contrast, alkynes with C≡C bonds can undergo addition reactions, much like alkenes with double bonds.
Chemical structure of alkyne with triple bond.

Image courtesy of Hbf878

Note: The reactivity of molecules doesn't solely depend on bond multiplicity; other factors like the presence of functional groups, electronic factors, and steric hindrance also play significant roles.


No, molecules with double or triple bonds do not exhibit free rotation around these bonds. The restricted rotation is due to the presence of pi (π) bonds. In a pi bond, the electron density is found above and below the plane of the molecule. If rotation were to occur, the pi bond would have to break, which requires energy. This contrasts with sigma (σ) bonds in single bonds, where rotation can occur freely without breaking any overlap of orbitals.

Molecules with multiple bonds tend to be more reactive due to the presence of pi (π) bonds. Pi bonds are formed from the side-to-side overlap of p-orbitals, resulting in electron density that lies above and below the atomic plane. This electron density is more exposed and accessible, making it more susceptible to attacks by electrophiles in chemical reactions. Additionally, the higher electron density can cause increased repulsions and strain within the molecule, making it more eager to engage in reactions to relieve the strain.

While it's true that triple bonds are generally stronger than double bonds, and double bonds stronger than single bonds, it's essential to understand this isn't a universal rule for all elements and compounds. The trend mainly applies to carbon-carbon bonds and some other elements. However, there are cases where due to the size of atoms, nature of orbitals overlapping, and electronic effects, the increase in bond multiplicity may not significantly increase bond strength.

No, not all single bonds are of the same length and strength irrespective of the atoms involved. Bond length and strength depend on the size of the atoms bonded and the electron cloud's extent. For instance, a carbon-hydrogen bond in methane is shorter and stronger than a silicon-hydrogen bond in silane due to the smaller size of carbon compared to silicon. Similarly, a carbon-carbon bond is generally stronger and shorter than a silicon-silicon bond. The variation arises from the difference in atomic size, electronegativity, and the nature of the overlapping orbitals.

The reason lies in the nature of orbital overlap and the types of bonds formed. Single bonds consist of one sigma (σ) bond formed by the end-to-end overlap of atomic orbitals. Double bonds contain one sigma (σ) bond and one pi (π) bond created by side-to-side overlap of adjacent p-orbitals. Triple bonds have one sigma (σ) bond and two pi (π) bonds. The greater the number of shared electron pairs (as in pi bonds), the stronger the pull between the nuclei of the bonded atoms, drawing them closer together and consequently shortening the bond length.

Practice Questions

Describe the relationship between bond multiplicity, bond strength, and bond length, using examples to illustrate each type of bond.

The relationship between bond multiplicity, bond strength, and bond length is inverse. As bond multiplicity increases, bond strength also increases, while bond length decreases. For example, a single bond, such as the bond in hydrogen gas (H2), is the longest in length but weakest in strength. Conversely, a triple bond, like in nitrogen gas (N2), is the strongest but shortest. Double bonds, as found in oxygen gas (O2), have an intermediate bond length and strength, being stronger and shorter than single bonds but weaker and longer than triple bonds. This relationship is a result of increased electron-electron repulsion as bond multiplicity increases.

How does bond multiplicity influence the reactivity of molecules? Use specific examples to support your answer.

Bond multiplicity plays a significant role in the reactivity of molecules. Single bonds, like in methane (CH4), tend to be more flexible and allow free rotation, with reactivity varying based on the atoms involved. Double bonds restrict rotation and are generally more reactive, as seen in ethene (C2H4) which can undergo addition reactions. Triple bonds also restrict rotation; however, their reactivity can be nuanced. For instance, nitrogen gas (N2) with a triple bond is relatively unreactive under standard conditions, while alkynes with C≡C bonds can partake in addition reactions like alkenes with double bonds. This reactivity is influenced not only by bond multiplicity but also by other molecular factors.

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