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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.1.2 Mole Ratios and Reacting Quantities

Mole Ratios: A Comprehensive Understanding

At its core, the mole ratio is a reflection of the stoichiometry of a reaction. Extracted from balanced chemical equations, it informs us of the proportional relationship between the moles of reactants consumed and the moles of products formed.

Determining Masses

  • Molar Mass Connection: Every substance has a molar mass, which signifies the mass of one mole of that substance. This value, combined with the mole ratio, offers the key to ascertain the masses involved in reactions.Example: In the reaction A -> 2B, if A has a molar mass of 10g/mol and B has a molar mass of 5g/mol, then 10g of A would produce 10g of B.
A diagram of The mole formula triangle. Mass, mole and molar mass relationship.

Image courtesy of Ali

A diagram showing the conversion of moles into mass.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Assessing Volumes in Gaseous Reactions

  • Equal Moles, Proportional Volumes: The beauty of gaseous reactions lies in the direct proportionality of volume and moles, thanks to Avogadro’s principle. The mole ratio, in such a scenario, seamlessly translates to a volume ratio.Example: Given the reaction 2A -> B, if 10L of gas A reacts, we'd expect 5L of gas B to be produced.

Concentration Calculations

  • Volume and Moles Dance: In solutions, concentration (mol/L) is a measure of how many moles of solute reside in a litre of solution. By knowing the volume and the mole ratio, one can ascertain the moles and hence the concentration.Example: If a 2M solution of A produces a 4M solution of B, then 1L of A would produce 2 moles of B, leading to 2 moles in 0.5L, which translates to a 4M concentration of B.

Calculations Using Mole Ratios: Delving Deeper

The nexus between mole ratios and quantities is a mathematical symphony, choreographing the conversion from one substance to another.

Mass Calculations

  • 1. Start with the Mole Ratio: Extract this valuable ratio from the balanced chemical equation.
  • 2. Incorporate the Molar Mass: Using periodic table values, ascertain the molar masses of reactants and products.
  • 3. Crunch the Numbers: By setting up a proportionality based on the mole ratio and molar mass, determine the desired mass.

Example: Given 20g of substance A, and knowing A has half the molar mass of B, how much of B is produced in the reaction 2A -> B?

Volume Calculations (Gaseous Reactions)

  • 1. Extract the Mole Ratio: This is your compass, directing the proportions in the reaction.
  • 2. Apply Avogadro’s Principle: Recognise that equal volumes of gases have equal moles.
  • 3. Determine the Required Volume: Using the mole ratio, calculate the volume of the desired gas.

Example: In the reaction A -> 3B, if 24L of gas A reacts, we'd anticipate 72L of gas B to be formed.

Concentration Calculations

  • 1. Determine the Mole Ratio: Your roadmap extracted from the balanced chemical equation.
  • 2. Volume to Moles: Using the known concentration and volume, determine the moles of the reactant.
  • 3. Moles to Desired Concentration: Apply the mole ratio to determine moles of the product, which then translates to its concentration.

Example: In the reaction A -> 2B, if we start with 2M of A in 1L, we'd produce 4 moles of B, leading to a 4M concentration in the same volume.

Implications of Avogadro’s Law and Molar Concentration

Avogadro's law, a pillar in the realm of gaseous studies, postulates a direct proportionality between gas volume and mole number at constant temperature and pressure.

  • Stoichiometry and Gas Volumes: This law bestows the power to convert volume ratios directly into mole ratios for gases, simplifying calculations immensely.
A diagram showing Avogadro's law with the help of an example.

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Variations in the Molar Volume of Gases

Though Avogadro’s law is a potent tool, it's pivotal to be wary of the nuances involved:

Impact of Temperature

  • Kinetic Energy and Volume: As temperature elevates, the kinetic energy of gas molecules surges. This amplification pushes the molecules apart, leading to an increase in volume.
  • Charles’s Law: This principle states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature (in Kelvin), provided pressure remains constant.

Pressure’s Influence

  • Gas Compression: An uptick in pressure compresses gas molecules into a tinier space, causing the molar volume to shrink.
  • Boyle’s Law: This law captures the inverse proportionality between gas volume and pressure, with temperature being held steady.

To aptly wield the power of mole ratios and reacting quantities, assimilating the concepts fleshed out above is essential. They provide the bedrock for navigating the quantitative dimensions of chemical reactions, making you adept at predictions and calculations in the lab and beyond.


Absolutely. While mole ratios derived from balanced equations provide the theoretical framework, real-world conditions can introduce deviations. Factors like incomplete reactions, side reactions, or impurities can affect the observed ratios. Additionally, conditions like non-ideal behaviour of gases (at high pressures or low temperatures) can lead to deviations from predictions based on ideal gas laws. Furthermore, in the realm of solutions, solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions can sometimes result in deviations from expected behaviours. It's essential to understand that while mole ratios offer a theoretical foundation, practical outcomes often necessitate adjustments and considerations of the specific conditions at hand.

The molar volume, representing the volume occupied by one mole of a gas under specific conditions (typically at standard temperature and pressure), is pivotal for gaseous reactions because it provides a direct link between the volume of a gas and its quantity in moles. Given that gases are compressible and their volume can vary with temperature and pressure, having a standard reference point like the molar volume is invaluable. For reactions involving gases, the molar volume allows chemists to convert between volumes of gases and the number of moles without involving mass. This makes calculations more streamlined and simplifies the stoichiometric assessments of gaseous reactions.

The principle of conservation of mass, which states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction, is intrinsically linked to mole ratios and reacting quantities. In a balanced chemical equation, the mole ratios ensure that the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equivalent to that on the product side, thereby ensuring mass conservation. When using mole ratios to calculate masses of reactants or products, this principle ensures that the total mass before the reaction is equal to the total mass after. The stoichiometric coefficients in a balanced equation, which give us the mole ratios, are thus derived while keeping the conservation of mass principle at the forefront.

The concept of a limiting reactant is intertwined with mole ratios. When two or more reactants are involved in a reaction, often, not all reactants are present in the perfect stoichiometric amounts as dictated by the mole ratio. The reactant that gets completely consumed first, preventing more products from forming, is termed the limiting reactant. To determine the limiting reactant, one should calculate the amount of product each reactant would produce if it were to run out first. The reactant yielding the least product, based on mole ratios, is the limiting one. Mole ratios guide us in making these predictions and play a crucial role in real-world applications, ensuring efficient usage of materials.

When presented with an unbalanced chemical equation, the initial step is to balance it. This involves adjusting coefficients (the numbers in front of reactants and products) so that the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side equals the number on the product side. Once the equation is balanced, these coefficients represent the mole ratio. For instance, in the balanced equation: 2A + 3B -> 4C, the mole ratio of A:B:C is 2:3:4. This means for every 2 moles of A and 3 moles of B, 4 moles of C are produced. The balanced equation is the foundation to grasp the stoichiometric relationships.

Practice Questions

In a laboratory experiment, a student reacts 15g of substance A to produce substance B in the reaction 2A -> 3B. Given that the molar mass of A is 30g/mol and the molar mass of B is 45g/mol, determine the mass of substance B that is theoretically expected to be produced.

Starting off, we need to determine the number of moles of substance A used. This can be ascertained using the formula: moles = mass / molar mass. For substance A, moles = 15g / 30g/mol = 0.5 moles. Given the reaction 2A -> 3B, for every 2 moles of A, 3 moles of B are produced. Hence, for 0.5 moles of A, 0.75 moles of B would be expected. Now, to find the mass of B: mass = moles x molar mass = 0.75 moles x 45g/mol = 33.75g. So, theoretically, 33.75g of substance B should be produced.

A student carries out a reaction in which 25L of gas X is converted entirely into gas Y according to the balanced equation: X -> 2Y. Given the principles of Avogadro's law, what volume of gas Y is expected to be formed at the same temperature and pressure?

Avogadro's law posits that equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers of moles under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. Given the reaction X -> 2Y, for every 1 volume of X, 2 volumes of Y are produced. This means that the mole ratio also represents the volume ratio for gases. From the information provided, if 25L of gas X reacts, it will produce twice that volume in gas Y due to the stoichiometry of the reaction. Thus, the volume of gas Y that is expected to be formed is 25L x 2 = 50L.

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