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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

5.3.2 The Equilibrium Law

The equilibrium law provides a quantitative framework to analyse the position of equilibrium in chemical reactions. By understanding this law, we gain insights into how far reactions proceed and the proportion of products formed at equilibrium.

Deduction of the Equilibrium Constant Expression

At chemical equilibrium, while the concentrations of reactants and products don't change, the forward and reverse reactions continue to occur at equal rates. This dynamic nature results in a constant ratio of the concentration of products to reactants. This constant ratio is encapsulated in the equilibrium constant, denoted as K.

General Expression

For a generalised chemical reaction:

aA + bB <--> cC + dD

The equilibrium constant, K, is represented as:

K = ([C]c [D]d) / ([A]a [B]b)


  • [A], [B], [C], and [D] denote the equilibrium concentrations of the molecules.
  • a, b, c, and d are the stoichiometric coefficients derived from the balanced chemical equation.
Diagram showing equilibrium Constant Expression.

Image courtesy of Labster Theory

Detailed Deduction:

Let's break down the above expression:

  • 1. Products Over Reactants: The equilibrium constant expression always places products in the numerator and reactants in the denominator. This convention provides consistency across various chemical reactions.
  • 2. Stoichiometry Matters: The power to which each concentration term is raised corresponds to its stoichiometric coefficient in the balanced equation. This factor signifies the number of moles of each substance involved in the reaction.
  • 3. Solids and Pure Liquids: They are excluded from the equilibrium expression. The reason? Their concentrations remain relatively constant throughout the reaction, rendering them inconsequential for our quantitative analysis of equilibrium.

Homogeneous Reactions and the Equilibrium Law

Homogeneous reactions involve reactants and products in the same phase. The equilibrium expressions for these reactions are more straightforward than heterogeneous ones since every species is in the same phase.

Homogeneous Equilibrium in Gaseous Reactions

For the reaction:

N2(g) + 3H2(g) <--> 2NH3(g)

The equilibrium constant, K, is formulated as:

K = ([NH3]2) / ([N2][H2]3)

This reaction exemplifies:

  • All species in the gaseous phase contribute to the equilibrium expression.

Homogeneous Equilibrium in Aqueous Solutions

Considering the reaction:

CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) <--> CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l)

The equilibrium constant, K, can be deduced as:

K = [CH3COO-] / ([CH3COOH][OH-])

Significant takeaways:

  • Water, being a pure liquid, isn't included in the equilibrium expression.
  • All the other reactants and products, being in the aqueous phase, contribute to the equilibrium constant.

Factors Affecting the Value of K

While the equilibrium constant, K, remains unaltered by changes in concentrations or the introduction of catalysts, it's crucial to note its dependence on temperature.

Temperature's Role:

  • The value of K is intrinsically tied to temperature. A variation in temperature can shift the value of K, indicating a change in the position of equilibrium.
  • Endothermic Reactions: Raising the temperature typically increases the value of K, favouring the formation of products.
  • Exothermic Reactions: Conversely, increasing the temperature generally decreases the value of K, favouring the formation of reactants.

Concentration and Pressure:

  • Altering concentration or pressure can change the position of the equilibrium, but the value of K remains unchanged unless the temperature is modified.

Importance of K

  • Reaction's Extent: A high K value, much greater than 1, indicates that products are favoured at equilibrium. Conversely, a low K, much less than 1, indicates a dominance of reactants at equilibrium.
  • Predicting Reaction Direction: By contrasting the reaction quotient (Q) with K, one can forecast the direction in which the reaction will advance to attain equilibrium.
A diagram showing the difference between Q and K and the shift in the direction of the reaction.

Contrasting the reaction quotient (Q) with K and the shift in the direction of the reaction.

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Practical Implications of the Equilibrium Law

  • 1. Industrial Applications: In industries, a profound grasp of K can guide optimisation of conditions to maximise yield of desired products.
  • 2. Research Utility: For researchers, the equilibrium law assists in deducing optimal conditions for reactions, understanding reaction pathways, and unveiling underlying mechanisms.
  • 3. Environmental Implications: Understanding equilibrium constants can also aid in environmental chemistry, helping predict the dispersal and concentrations of pollutants or other chemicals in natural environments.

In conclusion, the equilibrium law and the equilibrium constant K serve as foundational pillars in the study of chemical equilibrium, bestowing chemists with a robust tool to predict and analyse the outcomes of reactions in diverse scenarios.


The stoichiometric coefficient's role in the equilibrium constant expression reflects the relationship between concentration and reaction rate. Reaction rates are dependent on the concentration of reactants raised to some power, typically the stoichiometric coefficient, as it signifies the number of moles of each substance taking part in the reaction. By raising the concentration term to the power of the stoichiometric coefficient in the equilibrium expression, we ensure that the expression correctly represents the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations that maintains the forward and reverse reactions at equal rates at equilibrium.

Yes, if the balanced chemical equation for a reaction is multiplied by a factor, the equilibrium constant for the new equation is the original equilibrium constant raised to that factor. For example, if we have a reaction A <--> B with an equilibrium constant K and we multiply the entire equation by 2 to get 2A <--> 2B, the new equilibrium constant would be K' = K2. This occurs because the concentrations in the equilibrium expression are raised to powers that reflect their stoichiometric coefficients, and when these coefficients change, so does the equilibrium constant.

A very large K value indicates that, at equilibrium, the concentration of products is much greater than that of reactants. While it suggests that the reaction strongly favours the formation of products, it doesn't necessarily mean the reaction goes to "completion" in the traditional sense. In chemistry, very few reactions truly go to completion, where 100% of reactants are converted to products. Instead, even with a large K value, there might still be a minute amount of reactants present at equilibrium. However, for all practical purposes, such reactions might be treated as if they go to completion in certain contexts.

The value of K provides information about the position of equilibrium but doesn't directly tell us about the speed at which equilibrium is reached. A large or small K value only indicates the extent of reaction once equilibrium is established, favouring products or reactants respectively. The rate at which equilibrium is attained depends on the kinetics of the reaction, which involves factors like activation energy, temperature, and the presence of catalysts. Hence, it's crucial to differentiate between thermodynamics (where K is a key parameter) and kinetics (which governs the speed of reactions).

Excluding pure solids and pure liquids from equilibrium expressions is a result of their constant concentrations throughout a reaction. In the case of a pure solid or liquid, its concentration, defined as the amount of substance per unit volume, doesn't change, irrespective of the quantity present. Gases and solutes in a solution, on the other hand, have variable concentrations. The position of equilibrium is influenced by these changing concentrations, thus making them essential in the equilibrium expression. In essence, the exclusion simplifies the equilibrium constant expression without altering its predictive or analytical power.

Practice Questions

A student is given the following equilibrium reaction involving gaseous reactants and products:

2SO2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2SO3(g)

Based on the reaction, how would the student write the equilibrium constant expression for this reaction? Explain the basis for each term in the expression.

The equilibrium constant expression for the given reaction can be represented as:

K = ([SO3]2) / ([SO2]2 [O2])

Here, the concentrations of the reactants and products at equilibrium are represented within square brackets. The stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced chemical equation dictate the powers to which these concentrations are raised. For products, SO3 has a coefficient of 2, thus it's raised to the power of 2 in the numerator. Similarly, SO2 and O2 are in the denominator raised to the power of their coefficients, which are 2 and 1 respectively.

In the context of the equilibrium law, explain what homogeneous reactions are and how they differ in their equilibrium expressions compared to heterogeneous reactions.

Homogeneous reactions are chemical reactions where all reactants and products exist in the same phase, be it gaseous, liquid, or solid. The equilibrium expressions for these reactions include all species since they're in the same phase. Conversely, in heterogeneous reactions, reactants and products exist in different phases. When formulating the equilibrium constant expression for heterogeneous reactions, pure solids and pure liquids are excluded, as their concentrations remain relatively constant and thus don't affect the position of equilibrium. Hence, the primary difference lies in the composition of the equilibrium expressions between the two types of reactions.

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