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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

17.1.2 Gibbs Free Energy and Equilibrium

In the realm of chemical reactions, the role of energy is paramount. Among the various energy forms, Gibbs free energy is an indispensable tool for predicting the direction and spontaneity of chemical reactions in relation to their equilibrium positions. Delving into its relationship with temperature and equilibrium constants opens a comprehensive understanding of reaction feasibilities under various conditions.

Understanding Gibbs Free Energy Change

Gibbs free energy, symbolised as G, is essentially a measure of the energy available in a system to perform non-mechanical work. The change in this energy, termed as ΔG, becomes a cornerstone in evaluating the spontaneity of a given chemical reaction. A few key considerations include:

  • Spontaneity and Gibbs Free Energy:
    • ΔG<0: A negative value indicates that the reaction proceeds spontaneously in the forward direction.
    • ΔG>0: A positive value signifies the reaction is spontaneous in the reverse direction.
    • ΔG=0: This represents a system at equilibrium, where no net reaction occurs.
  • Standard Gibbs Free Energy Change (ΔG°):
    • This refers to the Gibbs free energy change under standard conditions (pressure of 1 atm, concentration of 1 M, and a specific temperature, usually 25°C).
    • It provides an insight into the spontaneous direction of a reaction, assuming standard states for all reactants and products.

The equilibrium constant, denoted as K, reflects the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium. The relationship between ΔG and K can be represented as:

ΔG=−RTlnK Here:

  • R denotes the universal gas constant.
  • T represents absolute temperature in Kelvin.
  • ln is the natural logarithm.

Significance of the Relationship:

  • Evaluating Reaction Extent:
    • For ΔG<0 and K>1: The reaction leans towards product formation.
    • Conversely, ΔG>0 and K<1 suggest reactants are favoured.
    • When ΔG=0, K=1, implying the system has reached equilibrium, with no preference for products or reactants.

Predicting the Direction of Spontaneous Change

Reactions often don’t occur in isolation; they can be influenced by external factors:

  • Influence of Concentration on Spontaneity:
    • As reactant and product concentrations change, so does ΔG.
    • Even if a reaction is non-spontaneous under standard conditions (positive ΔG°), adjusting concentrations can shift ΔG to a negative value, making the reaction spontaneous.
  • Relating to the Reaction Quotient (Q):
    • The reaction quotient represents the ratio of product to reactant concentrations at any point in the reaction, not necessarily at equilibrium.
    • Comparing Q to K can predict the direction in which the reaction must proceed to attain equilibrium.

Temperature Dependence and Equilibrium Constants

A profound influence on both Gibbs free energy and equilibrium lies in the temperature. The relationship between equilibrium constant changes with temperature can be expressed using the Van't Hoff equation:

ln(K2/K1)=ΔH°/R(1/T1−1/T2) Here, ΔH° signifies the standard enthalpy change.

Implications of the Van't Hoff Equation:

  • Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions:
    • Endothermic Reactions (ΔH°>0): Increasing temperature enhances K, thus promoting product formation.
    • Exothermic Reactions (ΔH°<0): A rise in temperature reduces K, shifting the equilibrium towards the reactants.
  • Optimal Operating Temperatures in Industries:
    • Knowledge of the temperature dependence of equilibrium is invaluable in industries. By adjusting temperatures, industries can shift equilibria to optimise yields, especially in reactions where desired products are not favoured at room temperature.


Both the Gibbs and Helmholtz free energies are thermodynamic potentials, but they are defined for different conditions. The Gibbs free energy (G) is defined for constant temperature (T) and pressure (P) conditions and is given by G=HTS, where H is enthalpy and S is entropy. The Helmholtz free energy (A) is defined for constant temperature and volume (V) conditions, represented by A=UTS, where U is the internal energy. In essence, Gibbs free energy is more pertinent to reactions occurring at constant pressure, like many chemical reactions, while Helmholtz free energy is relevant to reactions at constant volume.

The relationship between Gibbs free energy and the equilibrium constant is derived from the fundamental equation ΔG = -RTlnK, where R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, and K is the equilibrium constant. This equation stems from the definitions of both ΔG and the reaction quotient Q. At equilibrium, Q becomes K, and ΔG becomes ΔG°, the standard Gibbs free energy change. Combining the equations ΔG = ΔG° + RTlnQ and the fact that ΔG = 0 at equilibrium (since Q = K), we arrive at the said relationship between ΔG° and K.

The Gibbs free energy change is temperature-dependent primarily due to the entropy component of its definition. Entropy, a measure of disorder or randomness, varies with temperature. When we consider the equation ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, the TΔS term represents the temperature dependence of the Gibbs free energy. For certain reactions, a change in temperature can result in a change in spontaneity direction. This relationship between ΔG and temperature is also quantitatively described by the Van't Hoff equation, which provides insight into how the equilibrium constant of a reaction varies with temperature.

When the Gibbs free energy change is close to zero, it implies that the reaction is close to equilibrium under the given conditions. A ΔG value near zero means the forward and reverse reaction rates are approximately equal, resulting in a dynamic equilibrium where the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time. Such reactions are highly sensitive to changes in conditions, as even slight perturbations might shift the balance to either favour the reactants or the products. In practical terms, a reaction with ΔG close to zero can be easily pushed in either direction by altering parameters like temperature, pressure, or concentration.

The term "free" in Gibbs free energy signifies the amount of energy in a system that is available to perform useful work. Not all energy within a system can be utilised for work due to intrinsic losses, often due to entropy. The Gibbs free energy is a thermodynamic potential that takes into account both the system's internal energy and its entropy, thereby providing a measure of the energy that can be "freed" to do work under constant temperature and pressure conditions. It's a vital concept in determining the spontaneity of reactions and the balance between the enthalpic and entropic contributions to a system's energy.

Practice Questions

A chemical reaction has a positive standard Gibbs free energy change. Explain the implications of this with respect to the reaction’s spontaneity and its equilibrium constant. Furthermore, discuss how altering the concentration of reactants and products could potentially shift the reaction's spontaneity.

A positive standard Gibbs free energy change (ΔG° > 0) indicates that the reaction is non-spontaneous in the forward direction under standard conditions. This implies that the equilibrium constant (K) will be less than 1, meaning the reactants are favoured over the products. However, by altering the concentrations of reactants and products, we can change the value of ΔG. If we decrease the concentration of the products or increase the concentration of the reactants, the reaction quotient (Q) might become less than K. Under these conditions, the reaction would proceed spontaneously in the forward direction to re-establish equilibrium.

Describe how the equilibrium constant of a reaction would change if the temperature is increased for an endothermic reaction. Use the Van't Hoff equation to support your explanation.

For an endothermic reaction, the standard enthalpy change (ΔH°) is positive. According to the Van't Hoff equation, which relates the change in the natural log of the equilibrium constants (K2/K1) with the inverse change in temperature (1/T1 - 1/T2), if ΔH° is positive, then an increase in temperature will result in an increase in the equilibrium constant. This is because the ratio ln(K2/K1) will also be positive. Thus, for endothermic reactions, increasing the temperature promotes product formation, causing a shift towards the products and resulting in a higher value of K.

Dr Shubhi Khandelwal avatar
Written by: Dr Shubhi Khandelwal
Qualified Dentist and Expert Science Educator

Shubhi is a seasoned educational specialist with a sharp focus on IB, A-level, GCSE, AP, and MCAT sciences. With 6+ years of expertise, she excels in advanced curriculum guidance and creating precise educational resources, ensuring expert instruction and deep student comprehension of complex science concepts.

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