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IB DP Physics 2025 Study Notes

2.2.4 The Greenhouse Effect Models

Resonance Model

This model serves as a gateway to understanding the greenhouse effect, highlighting the interaction between infrared radiation and greenhouse gases and the resulting atmospheric warming.

Absorption of Infrared Radiation

The Earth, after absorbing sunlight, re-emits energy back into the atmosphere in the form of infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases play a pivotal role in capturing this energy. Each molecule type, due to its unique structure, is tuned to absorb specific wavelengths of infrared radiation. This selective absorption is rooted in the vibrational resonance that occurs when the radiation’s wavelength aligns with the natural frequencies of the molecules.

Diagram showing Resonance Model of Greenhouse Effect

Resonance Model of Greenhouse Effect

Image Courtesy NIWA

  • Molecular Sensitivity: Greenhouse gas molecules such as CO2 and CH4 are particularly sensitive to specific infrared wavelengths, due to their molecular structures.
  • Resonance Phenomenon: This occurs when the frequency of the infrared radiation aligns precisely with the vibrational frequencies of the gas molecules, leading to effective energy absorption.
  • Energy Uptake: The absorption elevates the energy state of the molecules, leading to molecular excitement.

Emission of Infrared Radiation

The absorbed energy isn’t held indefinitely. Molecules, after reaching an excited state, re-emit the energy as infrared radiation, dispersed in all directions.

  • Multi-directional Emission: A portion of this emitted energy returns to Earth’s surface, contributing to atmospheric warming.
  • Energy States: The transitions between different energy states during absorption and emission are integral to the greenhouse effect’s mechanism.
  • Molecular Contributions: Gases like water vapour and carbon dioxide are significant due to their infrared absorption efficiency and atmospheric abundance.

Molecular Energy Levels Model

Diving deeper, the molecular energy levels model provides a granular view of the interaction between greenhouse gases and infrared radiation.

Energy Level Transitions

Greenhouse gases possess distinct energy levels, with transitions between these levels instigated by the absorption of infrared radiation.

  • Energy Matching: The energy of incoming radiation must correspond with the energy gap between initial and final states for absorption.
  • Vibrational Changes: These transitions are often vibrational, aligning with the frequency of the incoming infrared waves.

Vibrational and Rotational Transitions

The specificity of energy absorption is attributed to the vibrational and rotational transitions of the greenhouse gas molecules.

  • Energy Absorption: Specific wavelengths of infrared radiation are absorbed, instigating transitions between distinct energy levels.
  • Molecular Response: Each molecule responds differently to varying wavelengths, depending on its energy level structure.

Augmented Greenhouse Effect

The escalation of the greenhouse effect due to human activities has led to notable climatic changes and global warming.

Industrial Revolution Onwards

Post-industrial revolution, human activities like burning fossil fuels, extensive deforestation, and various industrial processes have amplified the concentration of greenhouse gases.

  • CO2 Surge: Carbon dioxide levels, in particular, have skyrocketed, contributing to an intensified greenhouse effect.
  • Energy Imbalance: This surge has instigated an energy imbalance, with more energy being trapped within the Earth’s atmosphere.


The enhancement in the greenhouse effect is spawning a series of environmental and climatic repercussions.

  • Temperature Rise: The Earth is experiencing a significant increase in average global temperatures.
  • Climate Alterations: This temperature elevation is catalysing alterations in climate patterns, leading to extreme and unpredictable weather conditions.

Impacts on Life on Earth

The bolstered greenhouse effect is casting extensive impacts on Earth’s ecosystems, human communities, and the broader biosphere.


  • Biodiversity Threat: Climate changes are influencing habitats and ecosystems, threatening biodiversity.
  • Species Extinction: Many species are facing the risk of extinction due to rapidly altering living conditions.

Human Societies

  • Agricultural Shifts: Changes in climate are impacting agricultural patterns, posing threats to food security.
  • Water Scarcity: Altered precipitation patterns are leading to regions of water abundance and scarcity, catalysing human conflicts.

Earth's Biosphere

  • Energy Balance Disruption: The intensified greenhouse effect is affecting Earth’s energy equilibrium, exacerbating global warming.
  • Albedo Reduction: Melting ice caps are reducing Earth’s albedo, leading to increased solar absorption and further warming.

Detailed Examination of Impacts

Health Concerns

The augmented greenhouse effect influences human health. Increased temperatures lead to heat stress and related illnesses. Air quality deterioration due to pollution exacerbates respiratory issues.

Oceanic Changes

Warmer temperatures also affect oceans, leading to coral bleaching and disrupting marine ecosystems. Rising sea levels due to melting glaciers and ice caps pose flooding risks to coastal regions and islands.

Agriculture and Food Supply

Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and the frequency of extreme weather events directly impact agricultural productivity. These climatic alterations can lead to reduced crop yields, food shortages, and increased prices, impacting food security globally.

Biodiversity Loss

Ecosystems are under stress due to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Adaptation is challenging for many species, leading to a loss in biodiversity. This loss affects ecosystem services essential for human survival.

Social and Economic Impacts

Increased frequency of extreme weather events leads to damage to infrastructure, homes, and communities. The economic costs of these damages, along with the expense of adapting to and mitigating climate change impacts, are substantial.

In this comprehensive exploration of the greenhouse effect models and their implications, it’s evident that understanding these processes is critical. It’s a foundation for global efforts aiming at mitigating the impacts of climate change and striving for a sustainable coexistence with our planet’s intricate and delicate climatic systems.


The enhanced greenhouse effect is closely linked to various feedback mechanisms in climate systems. As the atmosphere warms due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations, certain feedback processes either amplify or mitigate this warming. A positive feedback example is the ice-albedo feedback: warming reduces ice cover, decreasing Earth’s albedo (reflectivity) and increasing solar energy absorption, which in turn exacerbates warming. Understanding these feedback mechanisms is essential to predict future climate scenarios and develop strategies to mitigate adverse impacts.

Apart from escalating greenhouse gas concentrations, human activities exacerbate the natural greenhouse effect by altering the Earth's surface and atmospheric composition. Deforestation reduces the number of trees that absorb CO2, leading to its increased atmospheric presence. Urbanisation and industrialisation increase the release of aerosols and particulates that can either amplify or mitigate warming, depending on their type and concentration. For instance, black carbon absorbs solar radiation, enhancing warming, while sulphate aerosols reflect radiation, having a cooling effect but also impacting precipitation patterns and cloud formation.

Yes, the augmented greenhouse effect can significantly influence weather patterns. As more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, more infrared radiation is trapped, leading to an increase in Earth's average temperatures. This rise in temperature can cause changes in atmospheric circulation, shifting the patterns and intensity of weather events. It can result in more intense storms, longer and severe heatwaves, altered precipitation patterns leading to floods in some areas and droughts in others, and increased frequency of extreme weather events, all of which have wide-ranging impacts on ecosystems and human societies.

Each greenhouse gas varies in its capacity to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation due to differences in their molecular structures and the vibrational frequencies at which they resonate. For instance, methane (CH4) is over 25 times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100-year period, even though CO2 is more abundant in the atmosphere. This is largely due to methane's more complex molecular structure which allows it to absorb a wider range of infrared radiation wavelengths, amplifying its greenhouse effect.

The molecular energy levels model is crucial because it provides a detailed insight into the microscopic interactions between greenhouse gases and infrared radiation. It explains the selective absorption of specific radiation wavelengths, linked to the energy gap between the initial and final molecular energy states. This model aids in understanding why certain gases are more effective at trapping heat and how changes in their concentrations can impact the greenhouse effect's intensity. It's an essential tool for predicting and analysing the climatic consequences of varying greenhouse gas levels.

Practice Questions

Explain how the resonance model and molecular energy levels model contribute to our understanding of the greenhouse effect.

The resonance model and molecular energy levels model are pivotal in explaining the greenhouse effect. The resonance model illustrates how greenhouse gases absorb specific wavelengths of infrared radiation from Earth, causing molecular excitation due to resonance. In contrast, the molecular energy levels model delves deeper, revealing that specific energy level transitions within these molecules occur when they absorb radiation. Both models collectively illuminate how energy absorption and re-emission processes contribute to the warming of Earth’s atmosphere.

Describe the consequences of the augmented greenhouse effect and its impact on life on Earth, providing examples.

The augmented greenhouse effect, intensified by increased greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities like burning fossil fuels, results in global warming. Earth experiences a rise in average temperatures, leading to more extreme weather events, melting ice caps, and shifting precipitation patterns. For instance, higher temperatures cause heatwaves and coral bleaching, while altered precipitation affects agricultural productivity and water availability. The biodiversity loss, ecosystem disruption, and challenges to human health and infrastructure underscore the urgent need for climate action to mitigate these detrimental impacts.

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