1. Unity and Diversity1.1 Water1.2 Nucleic Acids1.3 Origins of Cells (HL only)1.4 Cell Structure1.5 Viruses (HL only)1.6 Diversity of Organisms1.7 Classification and Cladistics (HL only)1.8 Evolution and Speciation1.9 Conservation of Biodiversity1. Unity and Diversity1.1 Water1.2 Nucleic Acids1.3 Origins of Cells (HL only)1.4 Cell Structure1.5 Viruses (HL only)1.6 Diversity of Organisms1.7 Classification and Cladistics (HL only)1.8 Evolution and Speciation1.9 Conservation of Biodiversity2. Form and Function2.1 Carbohydrates and Lipids2.2 Proteins2.3 Membranes and Membrane Transport2.4 Organelles and Compartmentalization2.5 Cell Specialization2.6 Gas Exchange2.7 Transport2.8 Muscle and Motility (HL only)2.9 Adaptation to Environment2.10 Ecological Niches2. Form and Function2.1 Carbohydrates and Lipids2.2 Proteins2.3 Membranes and Membrane Transport2.4 Organelles and Compartmentalization2.5 Cell Specialization2.6 Gas Exchange2.7 Transport2.8 Muscle and Motility (HL only)2.9 Adaptation to Environment2.10 Ecological Niches3. Interaction and Interdependance3.1 Enzymes and Metabolism3.2 Cell Respiration3.3 Photosynthesis3.4 Chemical Signalling (HL only)3.5 Neural Signalling3.6 Integration of Body Systems3.7 Defence Against Disease3.8 Populations and Communities3.9 Transfers of Energy and Matter3. Interaction and Interdependance3.1 Enzymes and Metabolism3.2 Cell Respiration3.3 Photosynthesis3.4 Chemical Signalling (HL only)3.5 Neural Signalling3.6 Integration of Body Systems3.7 Defence Against Disease3.8 Populations and Communities3.9 Transfers of Energy and Matter4. Continuity and Change4.1 DNA Replication4.2 Protein Synthesis4.3 Mutation and Gene Editing4.4 Cell and Nuclear Division4.5 Gene Expression (HL only)4.6 Water Potential4.7 Reproduction4.8 Inheritance4.9 Homeostasis4.10 Natural Selection4.11 Stability and Change4.12 Climate Change4. Continuity and Change4.1 DNA Replication4.2 Protein Synthesis4.3 Mutation and Gene Editing4.4 Cell and Nuclear Division4.5 Gene Expression (HL only)4.6 Water Potential4.7 Reproduction4.8 Inheritance4.9 Homeostasis4.10 Natural Selection4.11 Stability and Change4.12 Climate Change