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IB DP Chemistry Questions

12.1 Electrons in Atoms

Question 1

Which of the following best describes the atomic emission spectra?

A. A continuous spectrum of all wavelengths of light.

B. A spectrum showing only specific wavelengths of light emitted by an atom.

C. A spectrum showing the absorption of light by an atom.

D. A spectrum showing the reflection of light by an atom.

Question 2

The limit of convergence in an atomic emission spectrum is directly related to:

A. The atomic radius.

B. The atomic mass.

C. The first ionisation energy.

D. The electron affinity.

Question 3

Which factor primarily influences the variation of ionisation energy across periods in the periodic table?

A. Atomic size.

B. Nuclear charge.

C. Electron shielding.

D. Both B and C.

Question 4

Which of the following trends is observed for atomic size as we move from left to right across a period in the periodic table?

A. Increases due to increased nuclear charge.

B. Decreases due to increased nuclear charge.

C. Increases due to increased electron shielding.

D. Remains constant.

Question 5

What can be inferred about an element if there is a large jump in energy between its first and second ionisation energies?

A. The element is likely a noble gas.

B. The element is likely a metal.

C. The element is likely a non-metal.

D. The element has a full valence shell.

Question 6

a) Explain the significance of atomic emission spectra in understanding the electronic structure of atoms. [3]

b) The limit of convergence in the hydrogen spectrum is related to the ionisation energy of hydrogen. Describe this relationship. [2]

Question 7

a) As one moves across a period in the periodic table, how does the first ionisation energy typically change? Explain the reason for this trend. [3]

b) Discuss the influence of nuclear charge and electron shielding on the ionisation energy of an atom. [2]

Question 8

a) Describe the trend in atomic size as one moves across a period in the periodic table and relate it to ionisation energy. [3]

b) How do successive ionisation energies of an element provide insights into its electron configuration? [2]

Question 9

a) Describe the basic principles behind atomic emission spectra. [2]

b) How can atomic emission spectra be used to determine the atomic structure of an element? [3]

c) Why are the emission spectra of elements unique and distinct from one another? [2]

Question 10

a) Explain the relationship between the limit of convergence in a spectrum and the first ionisation energy of an element. [3]

b) How does electron shielding affect the ionisation energy of an atom? [2]

c) Why does ionisation energy generally increase across a period in the periodic table? [3]

Question 11

Which of the following best describes the influence of electron shielding on ionisation energy?

A. It increases ionisation energy by repelling valence electrons.

B. It decreases ionisation energy by repelling valence electrons.

C. It increases ionisation energy by reducing the attraction between the nucleus and valence electrons.

D. It decreases ionisation energy by reducing the attraction between the nucleus and valence electrons.

Question 12

Which of the following elements would you expect to have the highest first ionisation energy?

A. An element in Group 1 of the periodic table.

B. An element in Group 17 of the periodic table.

C. An element in Group 18 of the periodic table.

D. An element in Group 2 of the periodic table.

Question 13

The atomic emission spectra can be used to determine:

A. The temperature of an atom.

B. The pressure at which an atom exists.

C. The atomic structure of an element.

D. The phase in which an atom exists.

Question 14

Why does ionisation energy generally decrease as we move down a group in the periodic table?

A. Because atomic size decreases.

B. Because nuclear charge decreases.

C. Because electron shielding increases.

D. Because atomic mass decreases.

Question 15

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of light, assuming the velocity is constant?

A. If the frequency increases, the wavelength also increases.

B. If the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases.

C. The frequency and wavelength are not related.

D. If the frequency decreases, the wavelength also decreases.

Question 16

a) What is meant by the term 'chemical shift' in the context of spectroscopy? [2]

b) How is the chemical shift related to the environment of nuclei in a molecule? [3]

c) Why is the chemical shift a valuable tool in determining the structure of organic compounds? [3]

Question 17

a) Describe the trends observed in successive ionisation energies of an element. [3]

b) How do these trends relate to the electron configurations of atoms? [3]

c) Why do elements with similar electron configurations exhibit similar chemical properties? [2]

Question 18

a) Explain the significance of atomic emission spectra in understanding atomic structure. [3]

b) How does the limit of convergence in an atomic spectrum relate to the first ionisation energy of an atom? [2]

c) Describe the trend in ionisation energy across a period in the periodic table. [3]

d) How does electron shielding influence this trend? [2]

Question 19

a) What is meant by 'chemical shift' in the context of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy? [2]

b) How can the chemical shift provide information about the environment of specific nuclei in a molecule? [3]

c) Explain the relationship between chemical shift and electron shielding. [3]

d) Why is NMR spectroscopy a valuable tool in organic chemistry for determining molecular structure? [4]

Question 20

a) Describe the trends observed in successive ionisation energies of an element. [3]

b) How do these trends provide insights into the electron configurations of atoms? [3]

c) Why does the second ionisation energy of an element always higher than its first ionisation energy? [2]

d) How do the ionisation energies of an element provide information about its metallic or non-metallic character? [4]

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