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IB DP Chemistry Questions

13.1 First-Row D-Block Elements

Question 1

Which of the following transition metals exhibits the highest number of oxidation states?

A. Iron (Fe)

B. Copper (Cu)

C. Manganese (Mn)

D. Zinc (Zn)

Question 2

What is the primary reason for the formation of coloured compounds in transition metals?

A. Presence of f-orbitals

B. Incomplete d-orbitals

C. Complete s-orbitals

D. Presence of p-orbitals

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT a property of transition metals?

A. High melting points

B. Formation of complex ions

C. Low electrical conductivity

D. Catalytic activity

Question 4

Why is Zinc (Zn) not considered a typical transition element?

A. It has a complete d10 configuration

B. It forms coloured compounds

C. It has variable oxidation states

D. It forms complex ions

Question 5

Which d-block element is commonly used as a catalyst in the Haber process?

A. Copper (Cu)

B. Iron (Fe)

C. Zinc (Zn)

D. Silver (Ag)

Question 6

a) Explain the significance of variable oxidation states in transition metals. [3]

b) Why is zinc not considered a typical transition metal, despite being in the d-block? [2]

Question 7

a) Describe the role of d-orbitals in the formation of complex ions. [3]

b) Why do transition metal compounds often appear coloured? [2]

Question 8

a) How does the presence of d-electrons influence the catalytic activity of transition metals? [3]

b) Briefly explain the industrial significance of transition metals. [2]

Question 9

a) Describe the relationship between the limit of convergence in atomic emission spectra and the first ionisation energy of an element. [3]

b) How does the nuclear charge influence ionisation energy? [2]

c) Explain the implications of electron shielding on atomic size. [3]

Question 10

a) What is the significance of trends in successive ionisation energies for an element? [3]

b) How do these trends relate to electron configurations? [3]

c) Deduce the implications of these trends for an element's metallic or non-metallic character. [2]

Question 11

The formation of complex ions in transition metals is primarily due to:

A. The presence of vacant d-orbitals

B. The presence of complete s-orbitals

C. The high electronegativity of transition metals

D. The large atomic size of transition metals

Question 12

Which of the following transition metals is known for its magnetism due to unpaired d-electrons?

A. Copper (Cu)

B. Zinc (Zn)

C. Iron (Fe)

D. Silver (Ag)

Question 13

Which of the following is an industrial application of transition metals?

A. As a refrigerant

B. In the manufacture of glass

C. In the synthesis of organic compounds

D. As a catalyst in various chemical reactions

Question 14

The electron configuration of a d-block element is [Ar] 3d^10 4s^2. Which element is this?

A. Copper (Cu)

B. Zinc (Zn)

C. Iron (Fe)

D. Nickel (Ni)

Question 15

Which of the following statements about d-block elements is FALSE?

A. They can form coloured compounds

B. They have high melting and boiling points

C. They are poor conductors of electricity

D. They can exhibit catalytic activity

Question 16

a) Why do transition metals often form coloured compounds? [3]

b) Describe the role of d-electrons in determining the magnetic properties of transition metals. [3]

c) How do these properties differ in zinc compared to other d-block elements? [2]

Question 17

a) Explain the industrial significance of transition metals in catalysis. [3]

b) How does the presence of d-electrons influence the catalytic activity of transition metals? [3]

c) Provide an example of an industrial process that utilises a transition metal as a catalyst. [2]

Question 18

a) Describe the phenomenon of variable oxidation states observed in transition metals. [3]

b) How does the formation of complex ions relate to the d-orbitals of transition metals? [3]

c) Explain why transition metals often act as catalysts in industrial processes. [3]

d) Why is zinc not considered a typical transition element, despite being in the d-block? [3]

Question 19

a) How do d-electrons influence the colour of compounds formed by transition metals? [3]

b) Describe the role of d-electrons in determining the magnetic properties of these metals. [3]

c) Explain the implications of electron shielding on the atomic size of transition metals. [3]

d) How does the electron configuration of zinc differ from that of other first-row d-block elements? [3]

Question 20

a) Why are transition metals often used in industrial applications? [3]

b) Describe the relationship between the electron configuration of a transition metal and its reactivity. [3]

c) How does the presence of d-electrons influence the catalytic activity of transition metals? [3]

d) Differentiate between the properties of zinc and copper, two first-row d-block elements. [3]

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