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AQA A-Level Chemistry

Study Notes

2. Inorganic Chemistry

2.1 Periodicity2.2 Group 2, the Alkaline Earth Metals2.3 Group 7(17), the Halogens

3. Organic Chemistry

3.1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry3.2 Alkanes3.3 Halogenoalkanes

4. Physical Chemistry Advanced (A Level Only)

4.1 Thermodynamics4.2 Rate Equations4.3 Equilibrium Constant Kp4.4 Electrode Potentials and Electrochemical Cells4.5 Acids and Bases

5. Inorganic Chemistry Advanced (A Level Only)

5.1 Properties of Period 3 Elements and Their Oxides5.2 Transition Metals5.3 Reactions of Ions in Aqueous Solution

6. Organic Chemistry Advanced (A Level Only)

6.1 Optical Isomerism6.2 Aldehydes and Ketones6.3 Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives6.4 Aromatic Chemistry6.5 Amines6.6 Polymers6.7 Organic Synthesis6.8 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy6.9 Chromatography

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