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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

3.1.8 Unique Properties of Transition Elements

Transition elements, situated in the d-block of the periodic table, exhibit fascinating characteristics due to their unique electron configurations. These properties set them apart from s-block and p-block elements. Dive into the myriad of attributes and applications of transition elements.

Characteristic Properties of Transition Elements

Variable Oxidation State

  • Transition elements can exhibit more than one oxidation state in their compounds. This is largely due to the small energy difference between the 3d and 4d sublevels, which allows for the removal of electrons from either of these.
Variable oxidation states of transition elements.

Image courtesy of El Unicornio

High Melting Points

  • With a few exceptions, transition metals have high melting points and boiling points. This is attributed to the strong metallic bonds formed by the delocalised d electrons.

Magnetic Properties

  • Due to the presence of unpaired electrons in their d orbitals, many transition metals and their compounds show magnetic behaviour.

Catalytic Properties

  • Several transition metals and their compounds function as catalysts, enhancing the rate of reactions. This is because they provide an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy.

Formation of Coloured Compounds

  • Transition metal compounds often exhibit vibrant colours, which arise from d-d electron transitions.

Complex Ion Formation

  • Transition elements can bond with ligands to form complex ions, where the transition metal acts as a central metal ion surrounded by the ligands.
Structure of the tetrachloridoaurate ion

Structure of the tetrachloridoaurate ion complex.

Image courtesy of Leyo

Scandium's Classification as a Transition Element

  • Scandium, with atomic number 21, is often classified as a transition metal. Though it possesses a single oxidation state of +3 and doesn't have partially filled d orbitals in this state, its inclusion is historical and due to its placement in the d-block of the periodic table.
Diagram of the periodic table showing transition elements.

Grey areas represent transition elements and inner transition elements.

Image courtesy of Leprof 7272

Variable Oxidation States: The Why

  • The ability to form multiple oxidation states is because of the close energy levels of the outermost s and the inner d orbitals. The small energy difference allows for the ionisation of electrons from both these levels, leading to various possible oxidation states.

Electron Configurations for First-Row Transition Element Ions

  • To deduce electron configurations, remember that 4s electrons are removed first before the 3d electrons. For example, for iron (Fe): Atomic configuration is [Ar] 4s² 3d⁶. However, in Fe³⁺, the electron configuration becomes [Ar] 3d⁵.
Diagram showing the diagonal rule to deduce electron configurations.

The diagonal rule to deduce electron configurations.

Image courtesy of CK-12 Foundation (raster), Adrignola (vector)

Colour of Transition Element Complexes

The Origin of Colour

  • Transition element complexes are often coloured due to the d-d electron transitions. When white light interacts with these compounds, certain wavelengths are absorbed, leading to the complementary colour being observed.

Utilising the Colour Wheel

  • The colour wheel assists in determining which colour is absorbed by a complex, based on the observed colour. For example, if a complex appears green, it's absorbing the complementary colour, which is red.

Formation of Complex Ions

  • Transition metal ions can react with ligands to form complex ions. In these complexes, ligands donate lone pairs of electrons to the transition metal ion, resulting in dative covalent bonds.

Measuring Concentration: Colorimetry and Spectrophotometry

  • The colour intensity of a solution of a transition metal ion can be related to its concentration using colorimetry or spectrophotometry.
  • Colorimetry measures the absorbance of particular wavelengths of light by a solution.
  • Spectrophotometry gives a broader spectrum of wavelengths, allowing for detailed analysis of a sample. Using a calibration curve, the concentration of a coloured ion solution can be determined.
A diagram showing the basic principle of spectrophotometry.

The basic principle of spectrophotometry.

Image courtesy of YassineMrabet

These unique properties not only make transition elements central to the study of inorganic chemistry but also ensure their widespread applications in various industrial processes and research fields. Remember to consistently relate these characteristics to their underlying electron configurations for a holistic understanding.


Transition metals typically have high melting points because of the strong metallic bonds resulting from the delocalisation of d electrons. In addition to the valence electrons, the d electrons can also become delocalised and move freely throughout the metal lattice. This results in a sea of mobile electrons surrounding positively charged metal ions, leading to strong electrostatic attractions. Consequently, a considerable amount of energy is required to break these strong metallic bonds, thus attributing to the high melting points of transition metals.

Ligands bond to transition metal ions through coordinate covalent bonds. In this type of bonding, the ligand donates a pair of electrons to the metal ion, forming a dative bond. This process happens because many transition metals have empty or partially filled d orbitals that can accept the electron pair from the ligand. The specific manner in which ligands bond to transition metals is influenced by the geometry and electronic configuration of the metal ion, leading to a variety of complex ion structures.

Transition metals can act as catalysts due to their ability to adopt multiple oxidation states, which facilitates the formation and breaking of bonds during reactions. They can offer a surface for reactant molecules to adhere to, aligning them optimally for reaction. Additionally, transition metals can temporarily bond with reactant molecules, altering their electronic structure and making them more reactive. This lowers the activation energy of the reaction, speeding up the rate without the catalyst itself being consumed in the process.

Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states due to their unique electronic configurations. These metals have relatively close energy levels between the 4s and 3d orbitals. This closeness in energy levels means that both the s and d electrons can be involved in bonding. Furthermore, the energy required to remove an electron from a 4s orbital compared to a 3d orbital is not significantly different, allowing for multiple stable ion formations. Thus, the combination of these orbitals in forming bonds results in a variety of oxidation states.

Spectrophotometry is a technique used to measure the intensity of light absorbed by a solution. When applied to transition metal complexes, it can help determine the concentration of coloured ions in the solution. This is based on the principle that the amount of light absorbed (or its intensity) is directly proportional to the concentration of the coloured species in the solution, as per Beer's Law. By using a calibration curve, one can relate the observed absorbance values to specific concentrations, thus enabling quantitative analysis of transition metal complexes in various contexts.

Practice Questions

Explain why transition metal compounds often form coloured complexes and how the observed colour relates to the colour wheel.

Transition metal compounds often form coloured complexes due to d-d electron transitions. In these complexes, certain wavelengths of white light are absorbed by the metal ions when the d electrons are promoted to higher energy d orbitals. The colour that is observed is the complementary colour to the one absorbed, based on the colour wheel. For example, if a complex absorbs red light, it will appear green, the complementary colour of red on the colour wheel. Thus, the colour wheel assists in deducing which colour is absorbed based on the observed colour of the complex.

Scandium is often classified as a transition metal despite it having a single oxidation state and no partially filled d orbitals in this state. Justify its inclusion as a transition element.

Scandium, with atomic number 21, is classified as a transition metal primarily due to its placement in the d-block of the periodic table. Even though it exhibits a single oxidation state of +3 and does not have partially filled d orbitals in this state, its classification as a transition element is based on historical and periodic table placement reasons. Its electronic configuration in the +3 state is [Ar], similar to other d-block elements. Moreover, its chemical properties align more closely with transition metals than with any other group, reinforcing its categorisation as a transition element.

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