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6.1.5 Ion Product Constant of Water (Kw)

Water is a remarkable substance with a myriad of properties essential for life. One of these is its ability to undergo auto-ionisation. This spontaneous process forms hydrogen ions (H⁺) and hydroxide ions (OH⁻) in minute amounts, and this phenomenon is quantified by the ion product constant for water, termed as Kw.

Understanding the Auto-ionisation of Water

Water has a unique behaviour where it can act both as an acid (proton donor) and a base (proton acceptor). This dual nature is evident in its auto-ionisation reaction:

2H2O ⇌ H3O⁺ + OH⁻

The chemical equation of auto-ionisation of water.

Image courtesy of Cdang

  • Here, one water molecule donates a proton to another, resulting in the formation of hydronium (H₃O⁺) and hydroxide ions.
  • Though this ionisation occurs to a very small extent, it's significant enough to be of importance in numerous chemical reactions.

Kw: The Equilibrium Constant

The equilibrium constant for the auto-ionisation of water is represented as Kw:

Kw = [H⁺] [OH⁻]

  • At 25°C, Kw holds a constant value of 1.0 x 10-14 mol2L-2.
  • This entails that for pure water at this temperature, the concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions are equal, with [H⁺] = [OH⁻] = 1.0 x 10-7 mol L-1.

The Balance between H⁺ and OH⁻

One of the significant aspects of the Kw expression is its implication for the relative concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions:

  • Given Kw's constancy at a fixed temperature, an increase in H⁺ concentration must be counterbalanced by a proportional decrease in OH⁻ concentration, and vice versa.
  • As a practical example, if we adjust the concentration of H⁺ ions in a solution to be [H⁺] = 1.0 x 10-5 mol L-1, the concentration of OH⁻ ions would adjust itself to [OH⁻] = 1.0 x 10-9 mol L-1.
Diagram showing Ion Product Constant of Water (Kw).

Diagram showing Ion Product Constant of Water (Kw).

Image courtesy of  Dr Roe Chemistry

The Role of Temperature in Water's Ionisation

While Kw is a constant at any given temperature, it's essential to note that this constant can change with temperature variations.

  • Rising Temperature: As temperature ascends, water's ionisation amplifies, producing more H⁺ and OH⁻ ions. Consequently, Kw also escalates.
    • For instance, at 40°C, Kw's value surpasses 1.0 x 10-14 mol2L-2, indicating augmented ionisation.
  • Falling Temperature: On the contrary, a temperature decline reduces water's ionisation, producing fewer ions, and subsequently, Kw's value also shrinks.
A graphical representation of the temperature dependence of the water ionization constant.

Temperature dependence of the water ionization constant at 25 MPa. The relationship between Kw ​(the ion product of water) and pKw (the negative logarithm of Kw) is inverse. As Kw increases, pKw decreases, and vice versa.

Image courtesy of Stan J Klimas

Why is Temperature Influential?

  • Molecular Kinetics: Elevated temperatures boost the kinetic energy of water molecules. As they move faster and collide more frequently, there's a heightened probability of these collisions resulting in the breaking of bonds and ion formation.
  • Endothermic Nature: The auto-ionisation of water necessitates energy, classifying it as an endothermic reaction. When the surrounding temperature rises, the system can absorb this additional heat to further its ionisation, thereby generating more ions.
Diagram showing the movement of water molecules as temperature increases- hot water and cold water.

As the temperature of water increases they move faster and collide more frequently.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Broader Implications

Understanding Kw's dynamics and its temperature dependence is crucial for various fields:

  • pH Dynamics: With the pH being directly influenced by the concentration of H⁺ ions, temperature-induced changes in ionisation can alter the pH of water. For example, at higher temperatures, due to amplified ionisation, neutral water might have a pH slightly below 7.
  • Industrial Context: Numerous industries employ water as a primary solvent in their processes. A nuanced understanding of how temperature fluctuations can affect pH and ion concentrations can be vital for optimising product yield and quality.
  • Environmental Aspects: In natural ecosystems, temperature shifts, even if subtle, can influence water bodies' pH, thus affecting aquatic life and overall ecosystem health.
  • Research and Analysis: In labs, understanding the Kw of water can be crucial, especially in titrations and other experiments where the pH and ion concentration play pivotal roles.

Wrapping Up Key Points

  • Kw and Its Significance: Kw is an equilibrium constant symbolising the product of H⁺ and OH⁻ ion concentrations in water. Its value at 25°C is 1.0 x 10-14 mol2L-2.
  • H⁺ and OH⁻ Interdependence: Any concentration shift in one ion will inversely affect the other to maintain the constant Kw value at a specific temperature.
  • Temperature's Role: Temperature fluctuations can alter water's ionisation extent, thereby changing the Kw value and, by extension, the pH of the water.

Delving into the nuances of the ion product constant of water offers a profound insight into the intricate balance that governs the acid-base behaviours in aqueous systems. This foundational knowledge not only enriches the academic understanding for students but also offers practical applications in real-world scenarios.


The value of Kw is primarily a function of temperature, but changes in atmospheric pressure can also have an effect, especially when these pressure changes are significant. The auto-ionisation of water is accompanied by a slight volume change. In conditions of elevated pressure, the equilibrium can shift to favour the side of the reaction with a smaller volume. However, the effect of pressure on Kw in most standard laboratory or environmental conditions is typically negligible when compared to the influence of temperature. In the realms of practical chemistry and usual atmospheric variations, temperature remains the predominant factor affecting Kw.

The auto-ionisation of water is an endothermic process. This conclusion can be inferred from the observation that as the temperature rises, the value of Kw (and thus the concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions) also increases. If the process were exothermic, one would expect the opposite trend, as increasing temperature would shift the equilibrium to favour the reverse reaction, reducing the ion concentrations. The fact that more heat facilitates the ionisation process indicates that energy is absorbed during the reaction, making it endothermic.

Pure water has a very low concentration of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions due to its weak auto-ionisation. At 25°C, the concentration of these ions is just 1.0 x 10-7 mol/L, which is minute. For a solution to be a good conductor of electricity, it needs to have a high concentration of mobile ions. In the case of pure water, the ion concentration is simply too low to allow for significant electrical conductivity. While water does ionise to produce these charged species, the extent of this ionisation is minimal, resulting in water's poor ability to conduct electricity.

In pure water at 25°C, the concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions are both 1.0 x 10-7 mol/L, which is quite low. In contrast, typical solutions of strong acids or bases have much higher ion concentrations. For instance, a 1 M solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) will have an H⁺ concentration of nearly 1 M, which is ten million times greater than in pure water. Similarly, a 1 M solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) will have an OH⁻ concentration of about 1 M. This vast difference in ion concentrations between pure water and strong acid/base solutions is why the latter are far more reactive and can conduct electricity efficiently.

Even when acids or bases are added to water, the value of Kw remains constant at a specific temperature. This is because Kw reflects the equilibrium constant for the auto-ionisation of water itself. When an acid is added, it will increase the concentration of H⁺ ions, but simultaneously, the concentration of OH⁻ ions will decrease to maintain the product of their concentrations (Kw) constant. The same logic applies when adding a base; OH⁻ concentration will rise, but H⁺ will reduce. So, while the individual concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions can shift based on added substances, their product remains unchanged, keeping Kw constant for that temperature.

Practice Questions

The ion product constant for water (Kw) is fundamental in understanding acid-base behaviours. Describe the relationship between the concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions in water. How does a change in temperature influence this relationship and the value of Kw?

The ion product constant for water, Kw, is the product of the concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions in water. At a given temperature, say 25°C, Kw remains constant, with a typical value of 1.0 x 10-14 mol2L-2. This implies that an increase in the concentration of H⁺ ions results in a proportional decrease in OH⁻ ions to maintain the constant value of Kw and vice versa. Regarding temperature changes, as the temperature rises, the extent of water's auto-ionisation increases, leading to an increase in both H⁺ and OH⁻ ion concentrations. This change results in a higher Kw value. Conversely, a drop in temperature decreases the ionisation of water, producing fewer ions, and thus, the Kw value diminishes.

Neutral water at 25°C is commonly understood to have a pH of 7. However, under elevated temperatures, this might not hold true. Discuss the reasons for potential pH changes in water at increased temperatures and explain the significance of understanding the concept of Kw in this context.

At 25°C, neutral water indeed has a pH of 7 due to the equal concentrations of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions. Nevertheless, as temperature rises, water's auto-ionisation intensifies, producing more H⁺ and OH⁻ ions. Although the increase is symmetrical for both ions, the resulting pH can deviate from 7. The heightened ionisation is an endothermic process, so the extra heat at elevated temperatures promotes the generation of more ions. In this scenario, understanding Kw is pivotal. As temperature increases, Kw's value surpasses its standard 1.0 x 10-14 mol2L-2 at 25°C. This reveals the enhanced ionisation and potential pH changes, underscoring the importance of Kw in predicting pH variations at different temperatures.

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