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5.3.3 Definite Integrals

Evaluating Between Two Limits

When we talk about definite integrals, we refer to the integral of a function f(x) evaluated between two specific limits, say a and b. The mathematical representation of a definite integral is:

Integral from a to b of f(x) dx


  • a and b are the lower and upper limits of integration, respectively.
  • f(x) is the function we wish to integrate.
  • dx signifies the variable of integration.

Understanding the Evaluation Process

The process of evaluating a definite integral involves finding the antiderivative (also known as the indefinite integral) of the function and then applying the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. This theorem connects differentiation and integration, stating that if F is an antiderivative of f on an interval [a, b], then:

Integral from a to b of f(x) dx = F(b) - F(a)

Diving into an Example

Let’s consider a function f(x) = x2 and aim to evaluate the integral from 0 to 2.

Integral from 0 to 2 of x2 dx

To evaluate this, we find the antiderivative of x2, which is (x3)/3. Now, we evaluate this antiderivative at the upper and lower limits and subtract:

[ (23)/3 ] - [ (03)/3 ] = 8/3

Hence, the value of the integral is 8/3.

Area Under the Curve

Definite integrals also provide a geometric interpretation, representing the net area under the curve of f(x) from a to b. If f(x) is non-negative on [a, b], the definite integral gives the exact area between the curve and the x-axis from a to b.

Exploring Areas with an Example

Consider the function g(x) = x and let’s find the area under the curve from 0 to 3.

Integral from 0 to 3 of x dx

The antiderivative of x is (x2)/2. Evaluating at the limits:

[ (32)/2 ] - [ (02)/2 ] = 9/2

Thus, the area under the curve of g(x) = x from 0 to 3 is 9/2.

Trigonometric Functions and Areas

When dealing with trigonometric functions, the process remains the same. For instance, let’s find the area under the curve of h(x) = sin(x) from 0 to pi.

Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x) dx

The antiderivative of sin(x) is -cos(x). Evaluating at the limits:

-cos(pi) - (-cos(0)) = -(-1) - (-1) = 2

Thus, the area under the curve of h(x) = sin(x) from 0 to pi is 2.

Applications in Physics: A Glimpse into Displacement

Definite integrals find extensive applications in physics, particularly in computing quantities like displacement, work done, and volume. For instance, if we know the velocity as a function of time, v(t), the displacement between time t1 and t2 can be found by:

Displacement = Integral from t1 to t2 of v(t) dt

Example: Calculating Displacement

Given a velocity function v(t) = t2, let’s find the displacement of an object from t = 1 to t = 4.

Integral from 1 to 4 of t2 dt

The antiderivative of t2 is (t3)/3. Evaluating at the limits:

[ (43)/3 ] - [ (13)/3 ] = 64/3 - 1/3 = 63/3 = 21

Thus, the displacement of the object from t = 1 to t = 4 is 21 units.

Key Takeaways and Further Study

  • Definite Integrals are integrals evaluated between two limits, providing a net accumulation (like net area) between those limits.
  • The Area Under the Curve is a primary application of definite integrals, representing the total accumulation of the quantity described by the function.
  • Applications of definite integrals span across various fields, including physics, where they help calculate physical quantities like displacement and work done.

Incorporating these concepts and examples into your studies will enhance your understanding of definite integrals and their applications in various mathematical problems and real-world scenarios. Practice with various functions and limits to solidify your understanding and application of the concepts.


Yes, definite integrals can be employed to find the area between two curves. To find the area between two curves y = f(x) and y = g(x) from x = a to x = b, you integrate the absolute difference of the functions from a to b, i.e., ∫ from a to b |f(x) - g(x)| dx. If f(x) is always above g(x) on [a, b], this simplifies to ∫ from a to b [f(x) - g(x)] dx. This method essentially finds the area under one curve and subtracts the area under the other, leaving the area between the two curves, which can be applied in various contexts, such as calculating the difference between two data sets or physical quantities.

The concept of 'area under the curve' in definite integrals is widely used in various real-world applications. For instance, in physics, the area under a velocity-time graph represents displacement. In economics, it can represent total revenue over a specific time period when integrating a revenue function. In medicine, it can represent the total drug concentration in the body over a time period when integrating a drug concentration function. Essentially, the 'area' provides a cumulative quantity, such as total distance, total cost, or total amount, derived from a rate of change (like speed, cost rate, or concentration rate) over a certain interval.

The property of additivity of definite integrals states that if f is integrable on [a, b] and [b, c], then f is integrable on [a, c] and the integral from a to c of f equals the sum of the integral from a to b of f and the integral from b to c of f. Mathematically, ∫ from a to c f(x) dx = ∫ from a to b f(x) dx + ∫ from b to c f(x) dx. This property is crucial in breaking down complex integrals into simpler, more manageable parts, especially when dealing with piecewise functions or when wanting to apply different integration techniques to different parts of the integral. It allows mathematicians and scientists to solve problems in a more flexible and strategic manner.

The geometric interpretation of a definite integral involves understanding it as the net area under the curve of a function between two specified limits. If the function lies above the x-axis for the interval [a, b], the definite integral represents the area of the region bounded by the curve, the x-axis, and the vertical lines x = a and x = b. If the function dips below the x-axis, the areas above and below the axis are treated as positive and negative, respectively, and the definite integral yields the net area. This concept helps in various applications, such as calculating displacement, volume, work done, and more, in physical scenarios.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus establishes a connection between differentiation and integration, providing a precise inverse relationship between the two. The theorem is divided into two parts. The first part states that if F is an antiderivative of f on an interval [a, b], then the definite integral of f from a to b is equal to F(b) - F(a). The second part tells us that if f is a continuous real-valued function defined on a closed interval [a, b], then, once an antiderivative F of f is known, the definite integral of f over that interval can be computed by evaluating F at the endpoints of the interval. This theorem essentially allows us to evaluate definite integrals more easily by finding antiderivatives.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the definite integral of the function f(x) = 2x^2 + 3x from x = 1 to x = 4.

To solve this, we first find the antiderivative (indefinite integral) of the function f(x) = 2x2 + 3x. Using the power rule for integration, which states that the antiderivative of xn is (x(n+1))/(n+1), we find the antiderivative of 2x2 to be (2/3)x3 and the antiderivative of 3x to be 1.5x2. Summing these, we get the antiderivative F(x) = (2/3)x3 + 1.5x2. To find the definite integral from 1 to 4, we evaluate F(4) - F(1). Calculating these values: F(4) = (2/3)(4)3 + 1.5(4)2 = (2/3)(64) + 1.5(16) = 42.67 + 24 = 66.67 and F(1) = (2/3)(1)3 + 1.5(1)2 = (2/3) + 1.5 = 2.17. Thus, the definite integral is 66.67 - 2.17 = 64.5.

Determine the area under the curve of the function g(x) = x^2 from x = -3 to x = 3.

To find the area under the curve of the function g(x) = x2 from x = -3 to x = 3, we evaluate the definite integral of x2 from -3 to 3. First, we find the antiderivative of x2, which is (x3)/3. Now, we evaluate this antiderivative at the upper and lower limits and subtract: [(33)/3] - [(-3)^3)/3]. Calculating these values: (27/3) - (-27/3) = 9 + 9 = 18. Therefore, the area under the curve of g(x) = x2 from x = -3 to x = 3 is 18 square units. It's crucial to note that because x2 is non-negative on the interval [-3, 3], the definite integral gives the exact area under the curve.

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa avatar
Written by: Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa
Oxford University - PhD Mathematics

Rahil spent ten years working as private tutor, teaching students for GCSEs, A-Levels, and university admissions. During his PhD he published papers on modelling infectious disease epidemics and was a tutor to undergraduate and masters students for mathematics courses.

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