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5.4.2 Integration of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Integration of Exponential Functions

Basic Properties and Examples

  • Integral of ex: The integral of ex dx is ex + C, where C is the constant of integration. This is due to the unique property of the exponential function where the derivative of ex is itself.

For those needing a refresher on exponential functions and their properties, consider reviewing our exponential functions notes.

  • Example: Consider the integral integral ex dx. Using the basic property:integral ex dx = ex + C
  • Integral of ax: The integral of ax dx, where a is a constant, is (ax)/ln(a) + C. This formula is derived by applying the chain rule for integration in the reverse (i.e., during the integration process).
  • Example: Evaluate integral 3e(2x) dx.We can factor out the constant coefficient and apply the chain rule for integration:integral 3e(2x) dx = 3 integral e(2x) dx = (3/2)e(2x) + C

Advanced Integration Techniques

  • Integration by Parts: Sometimes, integrating e^(ax)cos(bx) or e(ax)sin(bx) might require integration by parts or repeated application of it. Understanding how to integrate trigonometric functions can also be helpful here, and you may find our notes on integration of trigonometric functions useful.
  • Integration by Substitution: This method can be particularly useful when dealing with exponential functions with more complex exponents.

Applications in Real-world Scenarios

  • Population Growth: Exponential functions are often used to model population growth in biology, especially when a population is growing without bounds.
  • Radioactive Decay: In physics, exponential decay models the process of radioactive decay, where the rate of decay is proportional to the remaining quantity of the substance.

Integration of Logarithmic Functions

Basic Properties and Examples

  • Integral of ln(x): The integral of ln(x) dx is xln(x) - x + C. This is derived using integration by parts, where one part is differentiated and the other is integrated until the integral becomes simpler.

Before attempting integration involving logarithmic functions, a solid understanding of logarithmic functions can be very beneficial.

  • Example: Consider the integral integral ln(x) dx. Using the basic property:integral ln(x) dx = xln(x) - x + C
  • Integral of ln(ax): The integral of ln(ax) dx can be evaluated using logarithm properties and integration by parts.
  • Example: Evaluate integral ln(5x) dx.We can use the logarithm property ln(ab) = ln(a) + ln(b) and then apply integration by parts:integral ln(5x) dx = integral (ln(5) + ln(x)) dx = x(ln(5) + ln(x)) - integral x(1/x) dx = xln(5x) - x + C

Applications in Various Fields

  • Economics: Logarithmic functions are used in calculating compound interest, which is pivotal in economics and finance. Our detailed discussion on compound interest explores its calculation further.
  • Physics: In thermodynamics, logarithmic functions appear in formulas such as entropy and are integrated to find total change.
  • Biology: In population biology, the logistic growth model involves integrating a logarithmic function to find the total population size after a certain time.

Additional Insights

  • Properties of Logarithms: Understanding properties of logarithms, such as ln(a) + ln(b) = ln(ab) and ln(a) - ln(b) = ln(a/b), is crucial for simplifying integrals before evaluating them. Our notes on the differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions can further aid in understanding the relationship between differentiation and integration of these functions.
  • Change of Base Formula: The change of base formula, lna(b) = ln(b)/ln(a), can be useful in integrating logarithms with different bases.
  • Integration Strategies: Sometimes, it might be beneficial to rewrite the integral in a different form using logarithm properties before integrating.

In this section, we have meticulously explored the integrals of exponential and logarithmic functions, providing a foundational understanding of how to evaluate these integrals and apply them in practical contexts, such as economics and physics. Through detailed examples, we have demonstrated the application of basic integration properties and rules, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Remember to always verify your results and practice with various problems to solidify your knowledge and skills in integration. For additional practice and understanding, exploring the fundamentals of basic differentiation rules can enhance your grasp of how integration and differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions intertwine, laying a solid foundation for mastering more complex integrals.


Exponential and logarithmic integrals find applications in various real-world scenarios across different fields. In finance, they are used to calculate compounded interest over continuous time intervals. In physics, they appear in problems related to exponential decay, such as radioactive decay, and in calculating entropy changes in thermodynamics. In biology, they are used to model population growth and decay. The integrals help in finding quantities like the total accumulated amount or the average value of a function over a certain interval, providing valuable insights into the system being studied.

The substitution method in integration, often referred to as u-substitution, involves substituting a part of the original integrand with a single variable to simplify the integral. For exponential functions, let's say we have an integral involving e(2x). We might let u = 2x, making du = 2dx. We then substitute these into the integral, often making it simpler or changing it into a form that we know how to integrate. The substitution method is particularly useful when the exponent is more than just x, as it can simplify the integral into a more manageable form.

Yes, the integration by parts method is often used for integrating logarithmic functions, particularly when the integrand is a product of a logarithmic function and an algebraic function. The formula for integration by parts is integral u dv = uv - integral v du, where u and v are functions of x. When integrating logarithmic functions like ln(x), we typically let u = ln(x) and dv = dx, then we find du and v by differentiating and integrating, respectively. This method transforms the original integral into a simpler form that can be easily evaluated.

The constant of integration arises when we find the indefinite integral (antiderivative) of a function. It represents an arbitrary constant that can take any value because the derivative of a constant is zero. When we differentiate the antiderivative, we get back the original function, regardless of the value of the constant. The exact value of the constant can be determined when a particular solution is required, such as in initial value problems in differential equations. In such cases, an initial condition, like the value of the function at a certain point, is provided, and it is used to solve for the constant.

The natural logarithm and base e are prevalent in calculus due to the unique properties of the number e. The function ex is its own derivative, which makes it particularly useful in calculus, especially when dealing with growth and decay problems. Furthermore, the natural logarithm, ln(x), has a derivative of 1/x, which is a simple and useful derivative that frequently appears in calculus problems. The simplicity and the unique properties of e and ln(x) make them natural choices for solving problems related to growth, decay, and change, which are common themes in calculus.

Practice Questions

Evaluate the integral of the function f(x) = e^(2x) from 0 to 2.

The integral of f(x) = e(2x) from 0 to 2 can be evaluated using the fundamental theorem of calculus, which states that if F is an antiderivative of f on an interval [a, b], then integral from a to b of f(x) dx = F(b) - F(a). Here, we know that an antiderivative of e(2x) is (1/2)e(2x) because the derivative of (1/2)e(2x) with respect to x gives e(2x). Therefore, integral from 0 to 2 of e(2x) dx = (1/2)e(22) - (1/2)e(20) = (1/2)e4 - (1/2)e0 = -1+e4/2. This integral represents the net area under the curve y = e(2x) from x = 0 to x = 2.

Evaluate the integral of the function g(x) = ln(3x) from 1 to 2.

To evaluate the integral of g(x) = ln(3x) from 1 to 2, we can use integration by parts, a standard technique for integrating the product of two functions. The formula for integration by parts is integral u dv = uv - integral v du, where u and v are differentiable functions of x. Let's choose u = ln(3x) and dv = dx. Then, we need to find du and v. Differentiating u with respect to x, we get du = (1/x)dx, and integrating dv with respect to x, we get v = x. Now, substituting these into the integration by parts formula, we get integral ln(3x) dx = xln(3x) - integral x * (1/x) dx = xln(3x) - integral dx = xln(3x) - x + C. To evaluate from 1 to 2, we find F(2) - F(1) = [2ln(6) - 2] - [ln(3) - 1] = 2ln(6) - ln(3) - 1 = ln(12) - 1 . This integral represents the net area under the curve y = ln(3x) from x = 1 to x = 2.

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