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6.1.2 Centripetal Force

Centripetal force, a cornerstone of circular motion, determines how objects trace a curved trajectory. This force, imperative for both physicists and engineers, keeps objects bound within a circular path, playing a foundational role in numerous real-world scenarios. For an introduction to the concepts of circular motion, refer to the basics of circular motion.

Origin and Necessity of Centripetal Force

Circular motion is unique because, even if the object’s speed remains unchanged, its direction continuously alters. Therefore, its velocity, which is a vector quantity accounting for both magnitude and direction, isn't constant.

Newton's First Law and Circular Motion: Sir Isaac Newton's first law of motion underscores that any object will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. Relating this law to circular motion provides a clearer understanding of why centripetal force is indispensable. Though the object's speed might remain constant during circular motion, its direction changes at every point. This continuous change in direction indicates a change in velocity, necessitating an external force for this non-uniform motion. This ever-present force, directed towards the centre of the circle, ensuring the object's adherence to the circular path, is the centripetal force. Contrary to some misconceptions, this force doesn't counteract the object's motion. It continually redirects it, maintaining its circular trajectory. For a detailed explanation, see Newton's Second Law.

Formula and its Derivation

The formula capturing the essence of the centripetal force is pivotal in understanding and calculating the force required for an object to sustain its circular motion.

Centripetal Force Formula: Fc = mv2 / r

Here's a breakdown of the components:

  • Fc denotes the centripetal force.
  • m represents the mass of the object.
  • v stands for the linear velocity of the object.
  • r signifies the radius of the circle.


1. Relationship Between Linear and Angular Velocity: Every point on a rotating body has an angular velocity (ω) and a corresponding linear velocity (v) given by the relationship: v = ω * r.

2. Centripetal Acceleration: As the object moves in a circle, its velocity vector is in a state of constant change due to the change in direction. The acceleration responsible for this change in the velocity vector is centripetal acceleration, expressed as: ac = v2 / r.

3. Applying Newton's Second Law: Newton's second law gives the relationship between force and acceleration: F = ma. When we apply this to circular motion: Fc = m * ac.

4. Final Formulation: Inserting the value of ac derived in step 2 into the equation from step 3 gives: Fc = m * v2 / r.

This formula conveys that to keep an object in a circular path, the necessary force is determined by its mass, its linear velocity, and the radius of the circle.

Motion of a Car on a Flat Curve

When visualising the principles of centripetal force, the example of a car manoeuvring a flat curve is often enlightening. For a broader understanding, consider how these principles apply to banking and centrifugal force.

Fundamental Forces at Play:

  • Frictional Force: Between the car's tyres and the road surface, a static frictional force emerges. This force, pushing the car towards the centre of the curve, assumes the role of the centripetal force in this situation. As a car's speed increases, the required centripetal force rises. If the car's speed exceeds the maximum static frictional force the road can provide, the car can skid.
  • Gravity and Normal Reaction: While gravity exerts a downward pull, the normal reaction from the road counters it, pushing upwards. On a flat curve, gravity's direct contribution to the centripetal force is negligible.

Detailed Analysis:

  • At Lower Speeds: If a car moves too slowly, static friction easily manages to provide the necessary centripetal force, keeping the car on track.
  • Beyond Frictional Limit: As speeds climb, so does the necessity for a higher centripetal force. When the required force surpasses the maximum frictional force the tyres can muster, skidding can ensue.
  • Enhancing Friction: Increasing tyre surface area or opting for tyres with better grip enhances the available frictional force. This improvement means cars can maintain higher speeds without the risk of skidding.

Real-World Implications and Safety

Engineering Roads for Safety: Principles of centripetal force are essential for road safety. Guardrails on sharp turns on highways are specially designed, relying on centripetal force knowledge. These barriers offer an added force to redirect vehicles, especially when frictional force might fall short. Additionally, learn about the applications of circular motion in various real-world scenarios.

Banking of Roads: In some situations, roads are slightly tilted, a technique known as banking. This inclination ensures that a component of the normal reaction contributes to the centripetal force. Such a design lessens the complete reliance on friction, which is especially vital for vehicles at higher speeds.

Safety in Daily Life: Beyond vehicles, centripetal force principles are paramount in designing roundabouts, athletic tracks, and even certain amusement park rides. By understanding the intricate details of this force, engineers and architects can ensure safer designs for public use. For further insight into more complex circular motion scenarios, explore vertical circular motion.

Deep Dive into Centripetal Force in Natural Phenomena

Celestial Bodies: Planets orbiting around stars, moons around planets, or satellites around Earth – all of these are instances of centripetal force in action on an astronomical scale. Gravitational force between these celestial bodies acts as the requisite centripetal force.

Electrons in Atoms: On a microscopic scale, electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom in designated orbits. The centripetal force in this case is provided by the electrostatic force between the negatively charged electron and the positively charged nucleus.

Cyclones: Meteorologically speaking, cyclones can be seen as vast examples of rotating systems. The pressure difference between the outer and inner regions of the cyclone provides the necessary centripetal force.


The radius of a circular path and the centripetal force have an inverse relationship, as seen in the formula Fc = mv2 / r. If the radius (r) increases, keeping all other factors constant, the required centripetal force decreases. Conversely, if the radius decreases, the necessary centripetal force increases. This relationship implies that tighter circles (smaller radii) demand higher centripetal forces to maintain the same speed in circular motion, whereas more extensive circles (larger radii) require less force for the same speed.

When a car takes a turn, we often feel pushed to the side, which is commonly mistaken as centrifugal force. In reality, what we're experiencing is the inertia of our bodies wanting to continue in a straight-line motion (Newton's first law). The car's door or side provides the necessary centripetal force to change our direction, making us move with the car. The sensation of being pushed outward is merely our body's resistance to this change in direction. The centripetal force is what's making the car (and us) turn, but we don't "feel" it in the way we'd feel a push or pull directly applied to us.

On a flat road, friction between the car's tyres and the road is the primary source of the necessary centripetal force for circular motion. If there's no friction, the car's tyres wouldn't be able to grip the road to provide the needed centripetal force. As a result, the car wouldn't follow the circular path; instead, its inertia would cause it to move in a straight line, as dictated by Newton's first law. Without friction, the necessary force to change the car's direction is absent, and the car will continue moving in the direction it was headed before attempting the turn.

Centrifugal force and centripetal force are often confused due to their involvement in circular motion, but they are distinctly different. Centripetal force is the real, actual force acting towards the centre of the circle, responsible for keeping an object in its circular path. Examples include tension in a string or friction between tyres and road. On the other hand, centrifugal force is a perceived force that seems to push an object outward from the circle when observed from a rotating frame of reference. It's important to understand that centrifugal force is a fictitious or 'pseudo' force; it doesn't have a real-world counterpart like centripetal force does.

Centripetal force's direction is always towards the centre of the circle due to the nature of circular motion itself. For an object to move in a circle, it must constantly change its direction of motion. This change in direction means there's always an acceleration, even if the object maintains a constant speed. By Newton's second law, where there's acceleration, there must be a force. The force causing this change in direction, or this 'centre-seeking' acceleration, is the centripetal force, and by necessity, it acts towards the centre of the circle to continuously pull the object inwards.

Practice Questions

A car of mass 1200 kg moves at a speed of 25 m/s around a circular track of radius 50 metres. Calculate the required centripetal force to keep the car in its circular motion. Also, explain briefly the role friction plays in providing this force.

To calculate the centripetal force, we use the formula Fc = mv2 / r. Inserting the given values: Fc = 1200 kg × (25 m/s)2 / 50 m = 7500 N. The required centripetal force is 7500 N. Friction between the car's tyres and the road surface provides the necessary centripetal force. It acts towards the centre of the circle and ensures the car remains on its circular path. If the car were to exceed this force due to high speeds, it might skid or drift out of its path because the tyres would no longer grip the road effectively.

In the context of a car moving on a flat curve, describe the relationship between the speed of the car and the maximum static frictional force available. What happens if this relationship is not maintained?

The speed of a car moving on a flat curve directly affects the centripetal force required to keep it in its path. As the car's speed increases, the necessary centripetal force also rises. Static friction between the car's tyres and the road provides this centripetal force. If the car moves at a speed where the required centripetal force is greater than the maximum static frictional force available, then the car will skid. This is because the tyres can no longer generate enough grip or frictional force to provide the necessary centripetal force to keep the car moving in its circular path.

Dr Shubhi Khandelwal avatar
Written by: Dr Shubhi Khandelwal
Qualified Dentist and Expert Science Educator

Shubhi is a seasoned educational specialist with a sharp focus on IB, A-level, GCSE, AP, and MCAT sciences. With 6+ years of expertise, she excels in advanced curriculum guidance and creating precise educational resources, ensuring expert instruction and deep student comprehension of complex science concepts.

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