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IB DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Study Notes

10.2.1 Influence of Friction on Performance

Friction, a fundamental physical force, plays a critical role in sports. It affects how athletes interact with their equipment and the playing surface, influencing both performance and safety. This section will explore how friction can be maximized and minimized to enhance sports performance, focusing on specific examples like sports shoes, winter sports, golf gloves, and cycling on a velodrome.

Understanding Friction in Sports

Friction is the force that opposes the motion of two surfaces sliding against each other. Its presence in sports is a double-edged sword – beneficial in some scenarios and detrimental in others.

  • Positive Aspects: Friction provides grip and traction, which are crucial for stability and control in many sports.
  • Negative Aspects: Excessive friction can lead to energy loss, decrease in speed, and increased wear and tear of equipment.

Maximizing Friction for Enhanced Performance

Sports Shoes

Design and Material

  • Sole Composition: The soles of sports shoes are typically made of rubber, a material known for its high friction coefficient. This design choice is intentional to provide maximum grip.
  • Tread Patterns: The tread patterns on the soles vary depending on the sport. For example, running shoes have grooves for better traction on roads, while football boots have studs for grip on grass.

Sport-specific Variations

  • Athletics Spikes: Track athletes use shoes with metal spikes that dig into the track surface, increasing friction and providing explosive speed.
  • Basketball Shoes: These shoes often have a herringbone pattern on the sole to aid in quick lateral movements and sudden stops.

Winter Sports

Skiing and Snowboarding

  • Wax Application: Skis and snowboards are waxed to control the level of friction with the snow. Different waxes are used depending on the temperature and type of snow.
  • Friction for Control: While minimizing friction helps in speed, a certain level is necessary for control during turns and stops.

Ice Skating

  • Skate Blade Design: The blades of ice skates are designed to create a thin layer of water on the ice surface through friction, which aids in smooth gliding.

Golf Gloves

  • Enhancing Grip: Golf gloves made of materials like leather increase friction between the hand and the club, offering a more secure grip.
  • Consistency in Swing: A better grip helps in maintaining a consistent swing, which is crucial for accuracy in golf.

Minimizing Friction for Performance

Cycling on a Velodrome


  • Streamlined Clothing: Cyclists wear tight, smooth clothing to reduce air resistance, a form of friction.
  • Bike Design: Racing bikes are designed with aerodynamic efficiency in mind, minimizing air resistance.

Track Design

  • Smooth Surface: Velodrome tracks are made extremely smooth to reduce the friction between the bike tires and the track, allowing for higher speeds.

Factors Affecting Friction in Sports

Surface Material and Condition

  • Weather Impact: Rain can decrease the friction on outdoor surfaces like football pitches, affecting the game's dynamics.
  • Maintenance Importance: Regular maintenance, such as resurfacing of tracks and courts, is vital to maintain desired friction levels.

Equipment Design

  • Material Selection: The choice of materials, like the rubber compound in shoe soles or the synthetic fabric in swimwear, significantly impacts friction.
  • Innovation in Design: Ongoing research and development in sports equipment aim to find the optimal balance of friction for various sports.

Athlete's Technique

  • Skill and Friction: Mastering the use of friction, whether maximizing grip in gymnastics or minimizing drag in swimming, is a skill that athletes develop over time.
  • Training Focus: Athletes often train specifically to adapt to different friction conditions, like adjusting to different track surfaces in athletics.

Safety Considerations in Sports

  • Preventing Injuries: Appropriate friction levels are essential to prevent slips and falls, common causes of sports injuries.
  • Monitoring Equipment Wear: Regular inspection of equipment, like the wear on tennis shoe soles or bike tires, is crucial for maintaining safety and performance.


In indoor sports like basketball and netball, the design of the court surface is critical in managing friction. These courts are often made of hardwood, which provides a balance of grip and smoothness. The surface is finished with specific coatings to ensure optimal levels of friction that allow for quick movements, sudden stops, and pivots without causing too much stress on the athletes' joints. The maintenance of the court, including regular cleaning and refinishing, is also crucial to maintain consistent friction levels. This balance prevents injuries such as slips or strains and enhances the overall performance and safety of the players.

Friction is crucial in gymnastics for both performance and safety. On apparatus like the uneven bars, high friction between the gymnast's hands and the bars is essential for grip, preventing slips and facilitating complex manoeuvres. Gymnasts use chalk to increase this grip. On the floor, the right amount of friction allows for controlled landings and powerful take-offs without slipping or sticking too much, which could cause injury. Balance beams require shoes or bare feet with soles that provide enough friction to prevent slipping. Thus, friction is meticulously managed in gymnastics to enable athletes to perform intricate routines safely and effectively.

In Formula 1, the design of racing car tyres is heavily focused on optimizing friction for maximum performance. Tyres are the only point of contact between the car and the track, making their frictional properties critical. Different tyre compounds are used to offer varying levels of grip; softer compounds provide more grip but wear out faster, while harder compounds last longer but offer less grip. Track temperature, weather conditions, and race strategy dictate tyre choice. The tread patterns are designed to dispel water in wet conditions, enhancing grip. In dry conditions, slick tyres with no tread pattern are used to maximise the contact area with the track, thereby increasing friction for better speed and handling.

In swimming, friction, primarily in the form of drag, plays a significant role. Swimmers aim to minimize friction to increase their speed through the water. This is achieved through streamlined body positions, smooth and efficient stroke techniques, and wearing caps and suits designed to reduce resistance. Technological advancements in swimwear fabrics have led to the creation of suits that mimic shark skin, significantly reducing drag. Swimmers also shave body hair and apply lotions to reduce resistance. Managing friction through technique, equipment, and body preparation is crucial for competitive swimmers to enhance performance and achieve optimal speed.

The choice of footwear in sports is greatly influenced by the type of surface, as it directly impacts the friction required for optimal performance. For instance, in football, players use shoes with longer studs on softer surfaces like wet grass to increase traction, whereas shorter studs or even flat soles are preferred for harder surfaces like artificial turf to prevent excessive friction. In tennis, shoes for clay courts have a herringbone pattern to grip the loose surface without accumulating clay, while hard court shoes have a more durable sole with a varied pattern to balance grip and slide. Athletes select footwear based on surface characteristics to enhance performance, minimise injury risk, and ensure proper interaction with the playing surface.

Practice Questions

Explain how the design of sports shoes can affect an athlete's performance in terms of friction. Use specific examples in your answer.

The design of sports shoes significantly influences an athlete's performance by manipulating friction. For instance, the sole material, typically rubber, is chosen for its high friction coefficient, providing necessary grip. Tread patterns are tailored for specific sports; running shoes feature grooves for better traction on roads, while football boots have studs for grip on grass. Athletics spikes, with metal spikes, enhance friction against track surfaces, aiding in faster starts and turns. Basketball shoes often have a herringbone pattern sole for quick lateral movements and sudden stops. These design elements ensure athletes have the optimal level of friction to enhance their performance, whether it’s for speed, agility, or stability.

Discuss the role of friction in winter sports such as skiing and ice skating, and how athletes can modify equipment to optimise performance.

In winter sports like skiing and ice skating, friction plays a dual role. In skiing, the friction between skis and snow is critical for control. Skiers use different waxes on their skis to modify friction levels according to snow conditions and temperature, enhancing glide while maintaining control. Ice skates are designed to create sufficient friction with the ice, enabling control and speed. The blades of ice skates slightly melt the ice surface, creating a thin layer of water that reduces friction and allows smoother movement. These modifications in equipment, tailored to control friction, are crucial for optimising performance in winter sports, balancing the need for speed with control and stability.

Dr Shubhi Khandelwal avatar
Written by: Dr Shubhi Khandelwal
Qualified Dentist and Expert Science Educator

Shubhi is a seasoned educational specialist with a sharp focus on IB, A-level, GCSE, AP, and MCAT sciences. With 6+ years of expertise, she excels in advanced curriculum guidance and creating precise educational resources, ensuring expert instruction and deep student comprehension of complex science concepts.

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