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IB DP Biology Questions

11.3 The Kidney and Osmoregulation

Question 1

What is the primary difference between osmoregulators and osmoconformers?

A. Osmoregulators expel nitrogenous waste, while osmoconformers do not.

B. Osmoregulators maintain a constant internal osmolarity, while osmoconformers match their internal osmolarity to their environment.

C. Osmoconformers have a loop of Henle, while osmoregulators do not.

D. Osmoconformers actively reabsorb water in the collecting duct, while osmoregulators do not.

Question 2

How does the Malpighian tubule system in insects primarily function in osmoregulation?

A. By facilitating ultrafiltration

B. By selectively reabsorbing useful substances

C. By removing nitrogenous waste and regulating ion balance

D. By maintaining hypertonic conditions in the medulla

Question 3

Which of the following accurately describes a difference in blood composition between the renal artery and vein?

A. The renal artery contains more glucose than the renal vein.

B. The renal vein contains more urea than the renal artery.

C. The renal artery contains more oxygen than the renal vein.

D. The renal vein contains more red blood cells than the renal artery.

Question 4

What is the primary role of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule in the kidney?

A. Selective reabsorption

B. Ultrafiltration

C. Concentration of urine

D. Secretion of ADH

Question 5

How does the proximal convoluted tubule contribute to osmoregulation?

A. By secreting ADH

B. By performing ultrafiltration

C. By selectively reabsorbing useful substances

D. By maintaining hypertonic conditions in the medulla

Question 6

a) Discuss the difference between osmoregulators and osmoconformers and explain how they maintain osmotic balance. [4]

b) Describe the role of the Malpighian tubule system in insects in osmoregulation and nitrogenous waste removal. [3]

Question 7

a) Discuss the difference in blood composition between the renal artery and vein in the human kidney. [3]

b) Describe the ultrastructure of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule and explain their role in ultrafiltration. [4]

Question 8

a) Discuss the role of the proximal convoluted tubule in the selective reabsorption of useful substances. [3]

b) Explain how the loop of Henle maintains hypertonic conditions in the medulla of the kidney. [4]

Question 9

a) Explain the role of ADH in the reabsorption of water in the collecting duct. [3]

b) Discuss the correlation between the length of the loop of Henle and the need for water conservation in animals. [4]

c) How does the type of nitrogenous waste in animals correlate with their evolutionary history and habitat? [3]

Question 10

a) Describe the function and significance of the Malpighian tubule system in insects. [3]

b) Explain the process and importance of ultrafiltration in the Bowman's capsule. [4]

c) How does the proximal convoluted tubule contribute to maintaining the body’s internal environment? [3]

Question 11

What is the role of the loop of Henle in maintaining hypertonic conditions in the medulla?

A. By reabsorbing water in the descending limb and ions in the ascending limb

B. By performing ultrafiltration of blood

C. By secreting ADH into the collecting duct

D. By reabsorbing glucose and amino acids

Question 12

How does ADH influence the reabsorption of water in the collecting duct?

A. By decreasing the permeability of the collecting duct to water

B. By increasing the permeability of the collecting duct to water

C. By inhibiting the reabsorption of ions in the loop of Henle

D. By promoting ultrafiltration in the glomerulus

Question 13

What does the length of the loop of Henle indicate about an animal's need for water conservation?

A. A longer loop of Henle indicates a greater need for water conservation.

B. A shorter loop of Henle indicates a greater need for water conservation.

C. The length of the loop of Henle is not correlated with water conservation.

D. All animals have a loop of Henle of the same length.

Question 14

How is the type of nitrogenous waste in animals correlated with their evolutionary history and habitat?

A. Aquatic animals excrete ammonia, while terrestrial animals excrete urea or uric acid.

B. All animals excrete the same type of nitrogenous waste.

C. Terrestrial animals excrete ammonia, while aquatic animals excrete urea or uric acid.

D. The type of nitrogenous waste is not correlated with habitat or evolutionary history.

Question 15

Which structure in the kidney is primarily responsible for ultrafiltration?

A. Proximal convoluted tubule

B. Loop of Henle

C. Glomerulus

D. Collecting duct

Question 16

a) Discuss the role of bones and exoskeletons in movement. [3]

b) How does the loop of Henle contribute to the concentration of urine? [4]

c) Explain the role of ADH in regulating water balance in the body. [3]

Question 17

a) Explain the difference between osmoregulators and osmoconformers. [3]

b) Describe the structure and function of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule in ultrafiltration. [4]

c) Discuss the significance of selective reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule. [3]

Question 18

a) Discuss the difference between osmoregulators and osmoconformers and give an example of each. [3]

b) Describe the ultrastructure of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule and explain their role in ultrafiltration. [4]

c) How does the loop of Henle maintain hypertonic conditions in the medulla? [3]

d) Explain the correlation between the type of nitrogenous waste in animals and their evolutionary history and habitat. [4]

Question 19

a) Explain the role of the Malpighian tubule system in insects in osmoregulation and nitrogenous waste removal. [4]

b) Discuss the difference in blood composition between the renal artery and vein. [3]

c) Describe the role of ADH in the reabsorption of water in the collecting duct and how it is regulated. [4]

d) Discuss the correlation between the length of the loop of Henle and the need for water conservation in different animals. [3]

Question 20

a) Discuss the role of bones and exoskeletons in movement, providing examples. [3]

b) Explain the structure and function of synovial joints in the body. [4]

c) Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction involving actin and myosin. [4]

d) How do ATP hydrolysis, calcium ions, and proteins contribute to muscle contractions? [3]

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