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IB DP Biology Questions

9.4 Reproduction in Plants

Question 1

What triggers the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth in plants?

A. Changes in root development

B. Changes in gene expression in the shoot apex

C. Alteration in leaf morphology

D. Modification in stem elongation

Question 2

How does photoperiodism influence flowering in plants?

A. It determines the plant's response to temperature variations.

B. It regulates the plant's response to the length of day or night.

C. It controls the plant's water uptake from the soil.

D. It modifies the plant's nutrient absorption rate.

Question 3

Which of the following sequences correctly represents the processes necessary for successful plant reproduction?

A. Fertilization, Pollination, Seed Dispersal

B. Pollination, Fertilization, Seed Dispersal

C. Seed Dispersal, Pollination, Fertilization

D. Fertilization, Seed Dispersal, Pollination

Question 4

Why do flowering plants engage in mutualistic relationships with pollinators?

A. To increase water absorption from the soil

B. To enhance protection against herbivores

C. To facilitate pollination and ensure reproductive success

D. To increase competition with other plant species

Question 5

What role do long-day plants play in photoperiodism?

A. They flower when nights are longer than a critical length.

B. They flower regardless of the length of day or night.

C. They flower when days are longer than a critical length.

D. They do not participate in photoperiodism.

Question 6

a) Discuss the genetic and hormonal control that leads to the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth in plants. How does this change in gene expression in the shoot apex result in flowering? [4]

b) Explain the concept of photoperiodism and how it triggers flowering in long-day, short-day, and day-neutral plants. [3]

Question 7

a) Detail the sequential processes of pollination and fertilisation in plants, highlighting the structures involved, such as flowers, pollen, and ovules. [4]

b) Discuss the mutualistic relationships between flowering plants and pollinators like bees and butterflies. How do both parties benefit from this interaction? [3]

Question 8

a) Explain how the presence of auxin affects cell growth rates and contributes to the modification of cell walls in plants. [3]

b) Discuss the importance of seed dispersal in plant reproduction and describe two different methods by which plants achieve this. [4]

Question 9

a) Explain how changes in gene expression in the shoot apex contribute to the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth in plants. [3]

b) Discuss the role of auxins in regulating cell elongation and differentiation in the shoot apex. [3]

c) How do plant tropisms, including phototropism and gravitropism, allow plants to adapt to their environment? [4]

Question 10

a) Detail the process of pollination and the structures involved in it. [3]

b) How do mutualistic relationships with pollinators benefit flowering plants? [3]

c) Explain the significance of seed dispersal for plant reproduction and survival. [4]

Question 11

Which structures are directly involved in the process of pollination?

A. Ovules and Fruits

B. Pollen and Ovules

C. Fruits and Seeds

D. Seeds and Pollen

Question 12

How do mutualistic relationships between flowering plants and pollinators contribute to biodiversity?

A. By reducing genetic variation in plant populations

B. By promoting the spread of invasive species

C. By enhancing reproductive success and species diversity

D. By limiting the availability of resources in ecosystems

Question 13

What is the primary function of the shoot apex during the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth?

A. To inhibit flower development

B. To alter gene expression for flower formation

C. To decrease hormonal control of flowering

D. To maintain vegetative growth indefinitely

Question 14

How does the genetic control of flowering contribute to plant reproduction?

A. By suppressing the development of reproductive organs

B. By inducing changes in gene expression for reproductive growth

C. By preventing the formation of mutualistic relationships with pollinators

D. By inhibiting the processes of pollination and fertilisation

Question 15

Which type of plant flower regardless of the length of day or night?

A. Long-day plants

B. Short-day plants

C. Day-neutral plants

D. Light-dependent plants

Question 16

a) Discuss how photoperiodism influences flowering in different types of plants. [4]

b) How does the incompressibility of water contribute to plant growth? [3]

c) Explain the role of active transport in loading sugars into the phloem. [3]

Question 17

a) Describe the role of auxin efflux pumps in setting up concentration gradients of auxin in plant tissues. [3]

b) How do these concentration gradients contribute to the direction of plant growth and development? [4]

c) Discuss the importance of plant hormones in regulating cell division and promoting plant growth. [3]

Question 18

a) Explain the concept of indeterminate growth in plants and how it is facilitated by the presence of undifferentiated cells in the plant meristems. [4]

b) Discuss the role of gibberellins in promoting stem extension and leaf development. [3]

c) How do auxin efflux pumps contribute to setting up concentration gradients of auxin in plant tissues? [3]

d) Explain how these gradients influence the direction of plant growth and development. [4]

Question 19

a) Detail the sequential processes of pollination, fertilisation, and seed dispersal in flowering plants. [4]

b) How do mutualistic relationships with pollinators like bees and butterflies benefit both the plant and the pollinator? [4]

c) Discuss the genetic and hormonal control of flowering in plants. [3]

d) How does photoperiodism affect the flowering of long-day, short-day, and day-neutral plants? [3]

Question 20

a) Explain the role of mitotic cell division in the shoot apical meristem for plant growth. [3]

b) How do plant hormones like cytokinins regulate cell division and differentiation in the shoot apex? [4]

c) Discuss the different types of plant tropisms and explain how they enable plants to adapt to their environment. [4]

d) Describe the role of auxin in changing the pattern of gene expression leading to cell growth. [3]

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