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IB DP Chemistry Questions

9.2 Electrochemical Cells

Question 1

Which of the following elements is known for its importance in catalysis and is often used in the automotive industry to reduce harmful emissions?

A. Neon

B. Platinum

C. Argon

D. Zinc

Question 2

The f-block elements are also known as:

A. Alkali metals

B. Halogens

C. Lanthanides and Actinides

D. Noble gases

Question 3

Which of the following trends is observed for elements in the same group of the periodic table?

A. Decreasing atomic size as one moves down the group

B. Increasing ionisation energy as one moves down the group

C. Increasing atomic size as one moves down the group

D. Constant electronegativity as one moves down the group

Question 4

Transition metals are known to form coloured compounds. This is primarily due to:

A. Their ability to form covalent bonds

B. The presence of d-d electron transitions

C. Their high electronegativity

D. The presence of f-f electron transitions

Question 5

Which block of the periodic table is characterised by the filling of the d orbitals?

A. s-block

B. p-block

C. d-block

D. f-block

Question 6

a) Describe the basic setup of a galvanic cell and its function. [3]

b) How does the direction of electron flow in a galvanic cell relate to the oxidation and reduction half-reactions? [2]

Question 7

a) What is the significance of cell potential in a galvanic cell? [2]

b) If a cell has a positive cell potential, what does it indicate about the spontaneity of the reaction? [2]

Question 8

a) Define electrolysis and its significance in electrochemical cells. [3]

b) How is the principle of electrolysis applied in electroplating? [2]

Question 9

a) Explain the difference between a galvanic cell and an electrolytic cell in terms of energy conversion. [2]

b) In a galvanic cell, what is the role of the salt bridge or porous disk? [2]

c) Why is it important to balance redox reactions in acidic or basic solutions? [3]

Question 10

a) Describe the process of determining the cell potential for a galvanic cell. [3]

b) How does a positive cell potential relate to the Gibbs free energy change of the reaction? [2]

c) Why are transition metals often used as catalysts in redox reactions? [3]

Question 11

Which of the following elements is NOT a main group element?

A. Carbon

B. Oxygen

C. Iron

D. Neon

Question 12

The general properties of elements in the s-block of the periodic table include:

A. High melting and boiling points

B. Formation of coloured compounds

C. Low ionisation energies

D. Presence of incomplete d subshells

Question 13

Which of the following elements is known for its significance in the formation of coloured compounds due to the presence of incomplete d orbitals?

A. Helium

B. Chlorine

C. Copper

D. Neon

Question 14

The actinides are known for:

A. Being non-radioactive

B. Their presence in the p-block

C. Their high reactivity with water

D. Being primarily synthetic and radioactive

Question 15

Which of the following elements is known for its role in catalysis and is commonly used in the hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons?

A. Argon

B. Krypton

C. Nickel

D. Fluorine

Question 16

a) What are the primary principles behind electrolysis? [3]

b) How is the amount of substance deposited or liberated at an electrode during electrolysis related to the quantity of electricity passed through the cell? [3]

c) Describe the process of electroplating a metal object with gold. [3]

Question 17

a) What is the significance of the standard hydrogen electrode in electrochemistry? [3]

b) How do you determine the oxidation state of an element in a compound? [2]

c) Explain the half-reaction method for balancing redox reactions. [4]

Question 18

a) Describe the setup of a typical galvanic cell. [3]

b) If zinc and copper are used as electrodes in a galvanic cell, which one will act as the anode? [2]

c) Explain the significance of the electrode potential in determining the direction of the redox reaction. [3]

d) How does the concentration of the electrolyte solution affect the cell potential? [4]

Question 19

a) What is the primary difference between a primary and secondary electrochemical cell? [3]

b) Describe the process of electrorefining. [3]

c) How is the standard electrode potential of a half-cell measured? [3]

d) Explain the concept of overpotential in electrolysis. [3]

Question 20

a) Why is it necessary to balance redox reactions? [3]

b) Describe the role of the anode and cathode in a galvanic cell. [3]

c) How does temperature affect the cell potential of a galvanic cell? [3]

d) Explain the principle behind the Daniell cell. [3]

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