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IB DP Physics Questions

10.1 Describing Fields

Question 1

Which of the following best describes the direction of gravitational field lines around a massive object?

A. Radially outwards from the object

B. Radially inwards towards the object

C. Parallel to the surface of the object

D. Perpendicular to the surface of the object

Question 2

The gravitational field strength at a distance r from the centre of a planet is g. What would be the gravitational field strength at a distance 2r from the centre?

A. g


C. g/4

D. 2g

Question 3

Which of the following statements about electric field lines is FALSE?

A. They originate from positive charges and terminate at negative charges.

B. They never cross each other.

C. Their density represents the magnitude of the electric field.

D. They are always straight lines.

Question 4

What is the electric field strength halfway between two equal and opposite point charges?

A. Zero

B. Equal to the field due to one of the charges

C. Double the field due to one of the charges

D. Infinite

Question 5

How does the electric field strength vary with distance from an infinite plane of positive charge?

A. It remains constant.

B. It decreases linearly.

C. It decreases with the inverse square of the distance.

D. It increases with the inverse square of the distance.

Question 6

a) A point mass M is placed at the origin of a coordinate system. Describe the pattern and direction of the gravitational field lines around this point mass. [2]

b) If a test mass m is placed at a distance r from the point mass M, calculate the gravitational field strength experienced by the test mass. [3]

Question 7

a) Describe the difference in the electric field lines around a positive point charge and a negative point charge. [2]

b) For a point charge Q placed at the origin, calculate the electric field strength at a point located at a distance r from the charge. [3]

Question 8

a) An infinite plane sheet has a uniform surface charge density sigma. Describe the behaviour and direction of the electric field lines above and below the sheet. [2]

b) Calculate the electric field strength due to the infinite plane sheet at any point above or below the sheet. [3]

Question 9

a) Define the term 'gravitational field strength' at a point in space. [2]

b) Earth has a gravitational field strength of approximately 9.81 N/kg. If another planet has twice the mass of Earth but the same radius, what would be its gravitational field strength? [3]

c) How does the gravitational field strength vary as you move away from the surface of a planet? [2]

Question 10

a) What is the significance of electric field lines crossing each other? [2]

b) Describe the electric field pattern around a positive and negative point charge placed close to each other. [3]

c) How does the electric field strength vary around an infinite plane sheet with a uniform charge density? [2]

Question 11

Which of the following is NOT a property of field lines near conductors?

A. They are perpendicular to the surface.

B. They originate or terminate on charges.

C. They can penetrate the conductor.

D. Their density indicates the magnitude of the field.

Question 12

A point chargeQ produces an electric field of strength E at a distance r. If the charge is doubled to 2Q, what will be the new electric field strength at the same distance?

A. E

B. 2E


D. 4E

Question 13

Which of the following best describes the behaviour of gravitational field lines near a black hole?

A. They are parallel to the surface.

B. They point radially outwards.

C. They point radially inwards.

D. They form closed loops.

Question 14

A region has a uniform electric field pointing to the right. If a positive charge is placed in this field, in which direction will it move?

A. To the right

B. To the left

C. Upwards

D. Downwards

Question 15

Which of the following is true about the gravitational field strength inside a hollow spherical shell of uniform density?

A. It is zero everywhere inside the shell.

B. It is maximum at the centre.

C. It varies linearly with distance from the centre.

D. It is the same as outside the shell.

Question 16

a) Define 'equipotential surface' in the context of an electric field. [2]

b) Why is no work done by the electric field when moving a charge along an equipotential surface? [3]

c) Describe the shape of equipotential surfaces around a single-point charge. [2]

Question 17

a) What is the principle behind the working of a Faraday cage? [2]

b) How does a Faraday cage protect its contents from external electric fields? [3]

c) Name a practical application of a Faraday cage. [2]

Question 18

a) Define the term 'gravitational potential' at a point in space. [2]

b) How does the gravitational potential vary as one moves farther from a point mass? [3]

c) If Earth has a gravitational potential of -9.8 J/kg at its surface, what would be the gravitational potential at a point twice the Earth's radius from its centre? [4]

d) Explain the significance of negative gravitational potential values. [2]

Question 19

a) What is the difference between 'electric potential' and 'electric potential energy'? [2]

b) Calculate the electric potential at a point located 0.05 m from a point charge of 2x10^-6 C. [3]

c) How does the electric potential vary around an infinite plane sheet with a uniform positive charge density? [3]

d) If a test charge is moved along an equipotential surface, how does its electric potential energy change? [2]

Question 20

a) Describe the behaviour of electric field lines near a conductor. [2]

b) Why is the electric field inside a conductor zero in electrostatic equilibrium? [3]

c) Explain the principle behind the shielding effect of a Faraday cage against external electric fields. [3]

d) How does the thickness of a Faraday cage affect its shielding effectiveness? [2]

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