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IB DP Biology Questions

5.4 Human Evolution

Question 1

Which major development is associated with the evolution of early hominins?

A. Development of flight

B. Bipedalism

C. Aquatic adaptations

D. Exoskeleton formation

Question 2

Which hominin species is known for significant increases in brain size compared to its predecessors?

A. Australopithecus afarensis

B. Homo erectus

C. Homo habilis

D. Ardipithecus ramidus

Question 3

How do human activities primarily impact biodiversity?

A. Increasing genetic diversity

B. Habitat destruction and pollution

C. Promoting species migration

D. Decreasing global temperatures

Question 4

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Australopithecus?

A. Large brain size

B. Bipedalism

C. Use of simple tools

D. Adaptation to a variety of habitats

Question 5

What is the primary consequence of overfishing on ecosystem health?

A. Increased plant diversity

B. Disruption of food chains and loss of species

C. Increased water clarity

D. Enhanced soil fertility

Question 6

a) Discuss the significance of bipedalism in the evolution of hominins and how it contributed to the development of early human ancestors. [4]

b) Compare the major characteristics of Australopithecus and Homo erectus, focusing on brain size, tool use, and other significant features. [4]

Question 7

a) Explain the development of language in hominins and its impact on their evolution and survival. [3]

b) Discuss how human activities, such as overfishing and pollution, impact biodiversity and ecosystem health. [4]

Question 8

a) Outline the process of speciation in hominins, highlighting the role of genetic isolation and divergence. [4]

b) Discuss the introduction of invasive species by human activities and its consequences on native ecosystems. [3]

Question 9

a) Describe the concept of a phylogenetic tree and explain how it visualises evolutionary relationships and common ancestry. [3]

b) Discuss the importance of cladistics in organising organisms based on evolutionary relationships. [3]

c) Provide an example to illustrate how cladograms are created and interpreted. [3]

Question 10

a) Explain the role of genetic isolation in the speciation process. [3]

b) Discuss the different modes of speciation, focusing on allopatric and sympatric speciation. [4]

c) How do physical and ecological barriers contribute to reproductive isolation and speciation? Give examples. [4]

Question 11

Which hominin species is associated with the development of language?

A. Homo neanderthalensis

B. Homo habilis

C. Homo erectus

D. Homo sapiens

Question 12

How does the introduction of invasive species primarily affect native species?

A. Enhancing genetic diversity

B. Competition for resources and habitat alteration

C. Promoting mutualistic relationships

D. Increasing population sizes of native species

Question 13

Which factor was crucial for the survival and evolution of early hominins?

A. Development of fins

B. Tool use and social structure

C. Ability to hibernate

D. Development of scales

Question 14

What is the impact of climate change on biodiversity?

A. Stabilization of ecosystems

B. Altered distribution and extinction of species

C. Decreased weather variability

D. Reduction in sea levels

Question 15

Which of the following hominin species was the first to migrate out of Africa?

A. Homo habilis

B. Australopithecus africanus

C. Homo erectus

D. Homo neanderthalensis

Question 16

a) Discuss the evolution of brain size in hominins and its implications for survival and adaptation. [4]

b) How has the development of language influenced human evolution? [3]

c) Evaluate the impact of habitat destruction on biodiversity and ecosystem stability. [4]

Question 17

a) Outline the key points in the evolution of hominins from early ancestors to modern Homo sapiens. [4]

b) Discuss the various ways human activities, including overfishing and the introduction of invasive species, affect ecosystem health. [4]

c) How do these human-induced impacts influence the stability of ecosystems and biodiversity? [3]

Question 18

a) Define bipedalism and explain its significance in the evolution of hominins. [3]

b) Discuss the evolutionary developments that distinguished Homo erectus from earlier hominin species. [4]

c) How does the introduction of invasive species by human activities impact biodiversity? Provide examples. [4]

d) Evaluate the consequences of climate change on ecosystem health and stability. [4]

Question 19

a) Describe the major hominin species Australopithecus and discuss its significance in human evolution. [4]

b) Explain the process of speciation, including the roles of genetic isolation and genetic divergence. [4]

c) Discuss the different barriers to gene flow and how they contribute to reproductive isolation. [3]

d) Evaluate the impact of overfishing on aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. [4]

Question 20

a) Discuss the development of language in hominins and its impact on human evolution. [4]

b) How do pollution and habitat destruction by human activities affect ecosystem stability? [4]

c) Explain the concept of cladistics and the use of derived characteristics in organising organisms. [3]

d) Interpret a simple phylogenetic tree, highlighting the evolutionary relationships and common ancestry depicted. [4]

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