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IB DP Biology Questions

5.5 Biodiversity and Conservation

Question 1

Which index is commonly used to measure biodiversity at the species level?

A. Shannon's Index

B. Simpson's Diversity Index

C. Gini Coefficient

D. Heterozygosity Index

Question 2

Why is biodiversity crucial for ecosystem resilience?

A. It reduces species richness

B. It enhances susceptibility to diseases

C. It increases ecosystem adaptability to environmental changes

D. It limits resource availability

Question 3

What is the primary goal of creating protected areas in conservation strategies?

A. To promote urban development

B. To preserve habitats and protect species from extinction

C. To encourage deforestation

D. To increase pollution levels

Question 4

Which level of biodiversity is primarily concerned with the variety of ecosystems in a region?

A. Genetic Biodiversity

B. Species Biodiversity

C. Ecosystem Biodiversity

D. Functional Biodiversity

Question 5

How do international agreements contribute to biodiversity conservation?

A. By promoting unsustainable resource use

B. By facilitating collaboration and setting conservation goals

C. By discouraging habitat restoration

D. By reducing public awareness

Question 6

a) Explain how biodiversity is measured at the species level and describe the use of Simpson's Diversity Index in this context. [4]

b) Discuss the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem resilience and productivity, providing examples where relevant. [3]

Question 7

a) Discuss the concept of biodiversity hotspots and explain why they are prioritised in conservation efforts. [3]

b) Describe various conservation strategies, including the creation of protected areas and habitat restoration. [4]

Question 8

a) Explain how biodiversity contributes to ecosystem services and discuss its cultural, economic, and scientific value. [4]

b) Discuss the role of international agreements in conservation and provide examples of such agreements. [3]

Question 9

a) Define the term "biodiversity" and explain how it is measured at the genetic level. [3]

b) Discuss the significance of genetic biodiversity within a population. [3]

c) Describe the impact of human activities such as pollution and overfishing on genetic biodiversity. [3]

Question 10

a) Explain the concept of cladistics and how it is used to organise organisms based on evolutionary relationships. [4]

b) Define the terms "clades" and "outgroups" and discuss their roles in cladistics. [3]

c) Illustrate how derived characteristics are used in creating cladograms. [2]

Question 11

What is the significance of biodiversity hotspots in conservation efforts?

A. They are areas with low species richness

B. They are areas with high species endemism and facing high threat levels

C. They are areas with abundant abiotic factors

D. They are areas with minimal ecological importance

Question 12

Why is biodiversity essential for ecosystem services?

A. It decreases water purification capabilities

B. It reduces crop pollination

C. It enhances ecosystem productivity and stability

D. It limits soil fertility

Question 13

Which conservation strategy focuses on the sustainable use and management of natural resources?

A. Habitat Destruction

B. Sustainable Resource Use

C. Pollution Increase

D. Invasive Species Introduction

Question 14

How does habitat restoration contribute to biodiversity conservation?

A. By degrading ecosystems

B. By reintroducing native species and repairing damaged ecosystems

C. By promoting overexploitation

D. By reducing genetic diversity

Question 15

What is the economic value of biodiversity in relation to human society?

A. It contributes to financial losses

B. It provides resources such as food, medicine, and raw materials

C. It reduces employment opportunities

D. It limits industrial development

Question 16

a) Discuss the concept of biodiversity hotspots and explain the criteria used to identify them. [3]

b) Describe the conservation strategies employed for biodiversity hotspots. [4]

c) Discuss the challenges faced in conserving biodiversity hotspots. [2]

Question 17

a) Explain the importance of international agreements in biodiversity conservation. [3]

b) Discuss the role of legislation in supporting conservation efforts at the national level. [3]

c) Evaluate the effectiveness of protected areas as a conservation strategy. [3]

Question 18

a) Define Simpson's Diversity Index and explain how it is used to measure biodiversity at the species level. [3]

b) Discuss the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem resilience and productivity. [3]

c) Elaborate on the cultural, economic, and scientific value of biodiversity. [3]

d) Evaluate the impact of habitat destruction on biodiversity and ecosystem services. [4]

Question 19

a) Explain the concept of ecosystem-level biodiversity and how it differs from species and genetic biodiversity. [3]

b) Discuss various conservation strategies, including habitat restoration and sustainable use of resources. [4]

c) Define the term "biodiversity hotspots" and discuss the role of international agreements in their conservation. [3]

d) Evaluate the challenges and successes of implementing conservation strategies in biodiversity hotspots. [3]

Question 20

a) Discuss the role of legislation in biodiversity conservation and provide examples of such legislation. [3]

b) Explain how human activities, including pollution and the introduction of invasive species, impact biodiversity. [4]

c) Discuss the importance of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem health and stability. [3]

d) Evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of creating protected areas as a conservation strategy. [3]

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