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IB DP Biology Questions

1.1 Introduction to Cells

Question 1

Which of the following scientists is credited with contributing to the cell theory by proposing that all cells come from pre-existing cells?

A. Matthias Schleiden

B. Theodor Schwann

C. Rudolf Virchow

D. Robert Hooke

Question 2

Which characteristic is common between Amoeba and Paramecium?

A. Shape

B. Mode of nutrition

C. Presence of cilia

D. Method of reproduction

Question 3

Why is the surface area to volume ratio a limiting factor for cell size?

A. It limits nutrient uptake

B. It affects cell communication

C. It influences the rate of diffusion

D. It determines the number of organelles

Question 4

Which level of cellular hierarchy is directly above organelles?

A. Cells

B. Tissues

C. Organs

D. Organ systems

Question 5

During embryonic development, what role do transcription factors play?

A. Nutrient supply

B. Cell differentiation

C. Cell division

D. Energy production

Question 6

a) Discuss the contributions of Schleiden and Schwann to the development of the cell theory and explain why their contributions were significant to the field of biology. [4]

b) In relation to the cell theory, explain how the work of Rudolf Virchow provided further understanding of the origin of cells. [2]

Question 7

a) Explain the concept of surface area to volume ratio and discuss its implications on the limitations of cell size. [3]

b) Provide an example of a unicellular organism and describe how it obtains nutrients and adapts to its environment. [3]

Question 8

a) Discuss the role of transcription factors in embryonic development and how they contribute to cell differentiation and the formation of various tissues and organs. [4]

b) Briefly outline the ethical considerations associated with the use of embryonic stem cells in research and medicine. [2]

Question 9

a) Define pluripotency and explain the significance of pluripotent cells in embryonic development. [3]

b) Differentiate between embryonic and adult stem cells in terms of their potential and applications in medicine. [4]

c) Evaluate the importance of intercellular communication and specialisation in the context of cellular hierarchy. [3]

Question 10

a) Describe the characteristics and mode of reproduction in Paramecium. [3]

b) Elaborate on how the surface area to volume ratio affects the adaptability and functioning of cells, such as Paramecium, in their environment. [4]

c) Discuss the three principles of cell theory and explain how they are illustrated by the characteristics of unicellular organisms like Paramecium. [3]

Question 11

What is a significant ethical consideration regarding the use of embryonic stem cells?

A. Source of cells

B. Pluripotency

C. Tissue repair

D. Adult stem cells

Question 12

Which of the following organisms primarily relies on phagocytosis to obtain nutrients?

A. Human

B. Paramecium

C. Amoeba

D. Plant

Question 13

What is the primary implication of a low surface area to volume ratio in a cell?

A. Increased energy production

B. Efficient nutrient uptake

C. Limited diffusion rate

D. Enhanced cell division

Question 14

In cellular hierarchy, what is primarily composed of different tissues working together to perform a specific function?

A. Organelle

B. Cell

C. Organ

D. Organ system

Question 15

What is the key difference between embryonic and adult stem cells?

A. Source

B. Pluripotency

C. Role in tissue repair

D. Ethical considerations

Question 16

a) Explain the role of cellular hierarchy in the organisation and functionality of multicellular organisms. [3]

b) Discuss the process of embryonic development with emphasis on the role of transcription factors in cell differentiation. [4]

c) Highlight the ethical considerations and potential applications of adult stem cells in research and medicine. [3]

Question 17

a) Detail the characteristics of Amoeba and discuss how it obtains nutrients from its environment. [3]

b) Describe how the limitations on cell size, due to the surface area to volume ratio, have implications on cell function, using Amoeba as an example. [4]

c) Evaluate the significance of Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow’s contributions to our understanding of cell biology and the development of cell theory. [3]

Question 18

a) Outline the main contributions of Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow to cell theory. [3]

b) Using Amoeba as an example, explain how unicellular organisms adapt and reproduce in their environment. [4]

c) Discuss the limitations imposed on cell size by the surface area to volume ratio and illustrate the implications for cell function. [3]

d) Evaluate the ethical considerations and challenges associated with the use of embryonic stem cells in research and medicine. [4]

Question 19

a) Elaborate on the process in embryonic development and the role of transcription factors in cell differentiation. [4]

b) Compare and contrast the characteristics and nutrient acquisition methods of Amoeba and Paramecium. [4]

c) Describe the importance of cellular hierarchy and intercellular communication in the functioning of multicellular organisms. [3]

d) Discuss the potential uses of pluripotent stem cells in medicine and research and highlight the associated ethical considerations. [4]

Question 20

a) Describe how Paramecium reproduces and adapts in its environment, highlighting its characteristics. [4]

b) Discuss the significance of the surface area to volume ratio in limiting cell size and its implications for cellular function. [3]

c) Explain the contributions of Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow to the formation of cell theory and its importance in biology. [4]

d) Evaluate the role and potential applications of adult stem cells in medicine, discussing the ethical considerations involved. [4]

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