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IB DP Biology Questions

4.2 Populations

Question 1

Which factor primarily contributes to a decrease in the carrying capacity of an environment for a specific population?

A. Increased birth rates

B. Decreased emigration

C. Decreased availability of resources

D. Increased immigration

Question 2

What is the primary difference between exponential and logistic population growth?

A. Exponential growth is rapid, while logistic growth is slow.

B. Exponential growth occurs in abundant resources, while logistic growth considers carrying capacity.

C. Exponential growth is seen in humans, while logistic growth is seen in animals.

D. Exponential growth is linear, while logistic growth is non-linear.

Question 3

Which of the following scenarios is most likely to result in a population experiencing logistic growth?

A. A population introduced to a new environment with no predators.

B. A population with unlimited food supply and space.

C. A population in a stable ecosystem with limited resources.

D. A population experiencing high immigration rates.

Question 4

How does emigration primarily affect population size?

A. It increases the population size.

B. It decreases the population size.

C. It stabilises the population size.

D. It has no effect on population size.

Question 5

What is the effect of a population reaching its carrying capacity on birth and death rates?

A. Birth rates increase, and death rates decrease.

B. Birth rates decrease, and death rates increase.

C. Birth rates and death rates become equal.

D. Birth rates and death rates both increase.

Question 6

a) Define the term "carrying capacity" in the context of population dynamics. [2]

b) Explain how carrying capacity can influence the growth of a population. [3]

Question 7

a) Describe the main differences between exponential and logistic population growth models. [3]

b) Discuss why real-world populations might follow a logistic growth model rather than an exponential one. [2]

Question 8

a) Identify and explain two factors that can influence the birth rates of a population. [3]

b) How can immigration and emigration affect the size of a population? [2]

Question 9

a) Define the term "population dynamics" and explain its significance in ecology. [3]

b) Discuss how death rates can impact population size and structure. [4]

c) How do environmental factors contribute to fluctuations in population size? Provide an example. [3]

Question 10

a) What is the role of immigration in population dynamics? [2]

b) Explain the concept of logistic growth and how it differs from exponential growth. [4]

c) Discuss the implications of exceeding carrying capacity for a population. [4]

Question 11

Which of the following factors is not a determinant of carrying capacity?

A. Availability of food

B. Predation

C. Immigration rate

D. Disease

Question 12

n a population experiencing exponential growth, what is expected to happen to the population size if resources remain unlimited?

A. The population size will stabilise.

B. The population size will decrease.

C. The population size will increase rapidly.

D. The population size will fluctuate.

Question 13

What role do death rates play in population dynamics?

A. They increase population size.

B. They decrease population size.

C. They have no effect on population size.

D. They increase carrying capacity.

Question 14

How does an increase in immigration affect the population size and carrying capacity of an environment?

A. Increases population size; No effect on carrying capacity

B. Decreases population size; Increases carrying capacity

C. Increases both population size and carrying capacity

D. No effect on population size; Increases carrying capacity

Question 15

Which of the following is a characteristic of a population experiencing logistic growth?

A. Unlimited resources

B. Constant population size

C. S-shaped growth curve

D. Absence of competition

Question 16

a) How do birth rates and death rates collectively determine population growth or decline? [3]

b) Describe the determinants of carrying capacity in an ecosystem. [4]

c) Why is understanding population dynamics important for conservation efforts? [3]

Question 17

a) Explain how emigration can affect the genetic diversity of a population. [3]

b) Discuss the characteristics of a population experiencing exponential growth. [3]

c) What are the potential consequences of a population consistently operating below its carrying capacity? [4]

Question 18

a) Define "immigration" and explain how it can influence the genetic diversity within a population. [3]

b) Discuss the concept of "exponential growth" in populations and identify the conditions that must be met for it to occur. [4]

c) How does "logistic growth" model account for environmental resistance? [3]

d) Explain the consequences for a population that grows beyond its carrying capacity. [4]

Question 19

a) How do birth rates contribute to changes in population size? [2]

b) Describe the factors that determine the carrying capacity of an environment for a specific population. [4]

c) Explain the differences between exponential and logistic population growth. [4]

d) Discuss the importance of studying population dynamics in ecology and conservation. [4]

Question 20

a) What is emigration and how does it affect population size? [2]

b) Discuss the role of environmental factors in influencing population growth. Provide an example. [4]

c) Explain the concept of carrying capacity and how it affects population structure and dynamics. [4]

d) Why is it important for conservation strategies to consider population dynamics and carrying capacity? [4]

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