1. Introduction to Economics1.1 What is Economics?0/01.1.1 Definition of Economics1.1.2 Scope of Economics1.1.3 Branches of Economics1.2 How do Economists Approach the World?0/01.2.1 Economic Models1.2.2 Economic Assumptions1.2.3 Economic Thinking1. Introduction to Economics1.1 What is Economics?0/01.1.1 Definition of Economics1.1.2 Scope of Economics1.1.3 Branches of Economics1.2 How do Economists Approach the World?0/01.2.1 Economic Models1.2.2 Economic Assumptions1.2.3 Economic Thinking2. MicroeconomicsPremium2.1 Demand0/02.1.1 Law of Demand2.1.2 Individual vs. Market Demand2.1.3 Non-Price Determinants of Demand2.2 Supply0/02.2.1 Law of Supply2.2.2 Individual vs. Market Supply2.2.3 Non-Price Determinants of Supply2.3 Competitive Market Equilibrium0/02.3.1 Equilibrium Price & Quantity2.3.2 Changes in Equilibrium2.3.3 Role of Speculation in Economics2.4 Critique of Maximising Behaviour0/02.4.1 Consumer Behaviour2.4.2 Producer Behaviour2.4.3 Bounded Rationality in Economics2.5 Elasticities of Demand0/02.5.1 Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)2.5.2 Income Elasticity of Demand (YED)2.5.3 Cross Elasticity of Demand (XED)2.6 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)0/02.6.1 Definition & Calculation of Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.6.2 Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.6.3 Applications of Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.7 The Role of Government0/02.7.1 Price Controls2.7.2 Taxation2.7.3 Subsidies2.7.4 Government and Market Failures2.7.5 Regulation in Economics2.7.6 Redistribution Policies2.8 Market Failure: Externalities & Resources0/02.8.1 Definition of Externalities2.8.2 Externalities and Welfare Loss2.8.3 Common Pool Resources2.8.4 Negative Externalities of Production2.8.5 Negative Externalities of Consumption2.8.6 Positive Externalities2.9 Market Failure: Public Goods0/02.9.1 Characteristics of Public Goods2.9.2 Provision Dilemma in Public Goods2.9.3 Quasi-Public Goods2.10 Asymmetric Information (HL)0/02.10.1 Adverse Selection2.10.2 Moral Hazard2.10.3 Signalling & Screening2.11 Market Power (HL)0/02.11.1 Monopoly2.11.2 Oligopoly2.11.3 Monopolistic Competition2.11.4 Price Discrimination2.11.5 Barriers to Entry & Exit2.11.6 Mergers and Acquisitions2.12 Market’s Inability to Achieve Equity (HL)0/02.12.1 Income Inequality2.12.2 Wealth Inequality2.12.3 Policies for Equity2. MicroeconomicsPremium2.1 Demand0/02.1.1 Law of Demand2.1.2 Individual vs. Market Demand2.1.3 Non-Price Determinants of Demand2.2 Supply0/02.2.1 Law of Supply2.2.2 Individual vs. Market Supply2.2.3 Non-Price Determinants of Supply2.3 Competitive Market Equilibrium0/02.3.1 Equilibrium Price & Quantity2.3.2 Changes in Equilibrium2.3.3 Role of Speculation in Economics2.4 Critique of Maximising Behaviour0/02.4.1 Consumer Behaviour2.4.2 Producer Behaviour2.4.3 Bounded Rationality in Economics2.5 Elasticities of Demand0/02.5.1 Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)2.5.2 Income Elasticity of Demand (YED)2.5.3 Cross Elasticity of Demand (XED)2.6 Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)0/02.6.1 Definition & Calculation of Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.6.2 Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.6.3 Applications of Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)2.7 The Role of Government0/02.7.1 Price Controls2.7.2 Taxation2.7.3 Subsidies2.7.4 Government and Market Failures2.7.5 Regulation in Economics2.7.6 Redistribution Policies2.8 Market Failure: Externalities & Resources0/02.8.1 Definition of Externalities2.8.2 Externalities and Welfare Loss2.8.3 Common Pool Resources2.8.4 Negative Externalities of Production2.8.5 Negative Externalities of Consumption2.8.6 Positive Externalities2.9 Market Failure: Public Goods0/02.9.1 Characteristics of Public Goods2.9.2 Provision Dilemma in Public Goods2.9.3 Quasi-Public Goods2.10 Asymmetric Information (HL)0/02.10.1 Adverse Selection2.10.2 Moral Hazard2.10.3 Signalling & Screening2.11 Market Power (HL)0/02.11.1 Monopoly2.11.2 Oligopoly2.11.3 Monopolistic Competition2.11.4 Price Discrimination2.11.5 Barriers to Entry & Exit2.11.6 Mergers and Acquisitions2.12 Market’s Inability to Achieve Equity (HL)0/02.12.1 Income Inequality2.12.2 Wealth Inequality2.12.3 Policies for Equity3. MacroeconomicsPremium3.1 Measuring Economic Activity0/03.1.1 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)3.1.2 GDP per Capita3.1.3 Alternative Measures3.1.4 Business Cycles3.2 Variations in Economic Activity (AD & AS)0/03.2.1 Aggregate Demand3.2.2 Aggregate Supply3.2.3 Equilibrium3.2.4 Multiplier Effect3.3 Macroeconomic Objectives0/03.3.1 Full Employment3.3.2 Price Stability3.3.3 Economic Growth3.3.4 Balance of Payments Stability3.4 Inequality & Poverty0/03.4.1 Measures of Inequality3.4.2 Causes of Inequality3.4.3 Poverty Types3.4.4 Policies to Address Inequality & Poverty3.5 Demand Management: Monetary Policy0/03.5.1 Types of Monetary Policy3.5.2 Central Banks3.5.3 Tools of Monetary Policy3.5.4 Limitations of Monetary Policy3.6 Demand Management: Fiscal Policy0/03.6.1 Types of Fiscal Policy3.6.2 Automatic vs Discretionary Fiscal Policy3.6.3 Budget Deficits & Surpluses3.6.4 Limitations of Fiscal Policy3.7 Supply-Side Policies0/03.7.1 Labour Market Reforms3.7.2 Incentives for Firms3.7.3 Human Capital Development3.7.4 Infrastructure Development3.7.5 Trade Policies3. MacroeconomicsPremium3.1 Measuring Economic Activity0/03.1.1 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)3.1.2 GDP per Capita3.1.3 Alternative Measures3.1.4 Business Cycles3.2 Variations in Economic Activity (AD & AS)0/03.2.1 Aggregate Demand3.2.2 Aggregate Supply3.2.3 Equilibrium3.2.4 Multiplier Effect3.3 Macroeconomic Objectives0/03.3.1 Full Employment3.3.2 Price Stability3.3.3 Economic Growth3.3.4 Balance of Payments Stability3.4 Inequality & Poverty0/03.4.1 Measures of Inequality3.4.2 Causes of Inequality3.4.3 Poverty Types3.4.4 Policies to Address Inequality & Poverty3.5 Demand Management: Monetary Policy0/03.5.1 Types of Monetary Policy3.5.2 Central Banks3.5.3 Tools of Monetary Policy3.5.4 Limitations of Monetary Policy3.6 Demand Management: Fiscal Policy0/03.6.1 Types of Fiscal Policy3.6.2 Automatic vs Discretionary Fiscal Policy3.6.3 Budget Deficits & Surpluses3.6.4 Limitations of Fiscal Policy3.7 Supply-Side Policies0/03.7.1 Labour Market Reforms3.7.2 Incentives for Firms3.7.3 Human Capital Development3.7.4 Infrastructure Development3.7.5 Trade Policies4. The Global EconomyPremium4.1 Benefits of International Trade0/04.1.1 Comparative Advantage4.1.2 Gains from Trade4.1.3 Terms of Trade4.1.4 Trade and Economic Development4.2 Types of Trade Protection0/04.2.1 Tariffs4.2.2 Quotas4.2.3 Subsidies to Domestic Producers4.2.4 Non-Tariff Barriers4.3 Arguments for & Against Trade Protection0/04.3.1 Infant Industry Argument4.3.2 National Security in International Trade4.3.3 Diversification Argument4.3.4 Protection from Dumping4.4 Economic Integration0/04.4.1 Levels of Integration4.4.2 Benefits of Integration4.4.3 Costs of Integration4.4.4 Examples of Economic Blocs4.5 Exchange Rates0/04.5.1 Types of Exchange Rate Systems4.5.2 Factors Influencing Exchange Rates4.5.3 Impacts of Exchange Rate Changes4.5.4 Currency Crises4.6 Balance of Payments0/04.6.1 Components of the Balance of Payments4.6.2 Causes of BOP Imbalances4.6.3 Implications of BOP Surpluses/Deficits4.6.4 Policies to Correct Imbalances4.7 Sustainable Development0/04.7.1 Definitions and Goals4.7.2 Challenges to Sustainable Development4.7.3 Role of International Organisations in Economic Development4.7.4 Sustainable Business Practices4.8 Measuring Economic Development0/04.8.1 GDP vs. GNI4.8.2 Human Development Index (HDI)4.8.3 Other Development Indicators4.8.4 Poverty Measures4.9 Barriers to Economic Growth & Development0/04.9.1 Structural Barriers4.9.2 Social & Cultural Barriers4.9.3 Political Barriers4.9.4 Environmental Barriers4.10 Economic Growth & Development Strategies0/04.10.1 Export-led Growth4.10.2 Import Substitution4.10.3 Aid & Development4.10.4 Investment in Human Capital4. The Global EconomyPremium4.1 Benefits of International Trade0/04.1.1 Comparative Advantage4.1.2 Gains from Trade4.1.3 Terms of Trade4.1.4 Trade and Economic Development4.2 Types of Trade Protection0/04.2.1 Tariffs4.2.2 Quotas4.2.3 Subsidies to Domestic Producers4.2.4 Non-Tariff Barriers4.3 Arguments for & Against Trade Protection0/04.3.1 Infant Industry Argument4.3.2 National Security in International Trade4.3.3 Diversification Argument4.3.4 Protection from Dumping4.4 Economic Integration0/04.4.1 Levels of Integration4.4.2 Benefits of Integration4.4.3 Costs of Integration4.4.4 Examples of Economic Blocs4.5 Exchange Rates0/04.5.1 Types of Exchange Rate Systems4.5.2 Factors Influencing Exchange Rates4.5.3 Impacts of Exchange Rate Changes4.5.4 Currency Crises4.6 Balance of Payments0/04.6.1 Components of the Balance of Payments4.6.2 Causes of BOP Imbalances4.6.3 Implications of BOP Surpluses/Deficits4.6.4 Policies to Correct Imbalances4.7 Sustainable Development0/04.7.1 Definitions and Goals4.7.2 Challenges to Sustainable Development4.7.3 Role of International Organisations in Economic Development4.7.4 Sustainable Business Practices4.8 Measuring Economic Development0/04.8.1 GDP vs. GNI4.8.2 Human Development Index (HDI)4.8.3 Other Development Indicators4.8.4 Poverty Measures4.9 Barriers to Economic Growth & Development0/04.9.1 Structural Barriers4.9.2 Social & Cultural Barriers4.9.3 Political Barriers4.9.4 Environmental Barriers4.10 Economic Growth & Development Strategies0/04.10.1 Export-led Growth4.10.2 Import Substitution4.10.3 Aid & Development4.10.4 Investment in Human Capital